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Ryder saw that new truth and dare was from Rescue Wolf.

"They had the truth for Zuma," he said:" And dare for Justice. "Truth for Zuma when did you tell Mariam that you loved her? I dare Justice to say what she loves about Blaze.""

Zuma said:" Before Shana was born, duh. Actually it was way back. I fell in love with her at the first sight. But this time i needed to be faster so i wouldn't lose this change. Few days i get to know her better and then i realized that she was right for me. We started dating and started to live together. And before we did this i confenced my feelings for her."

"Now," Ryder said:"It's Justice's turn." "So, what i love about Blaze?" Justice asked and explained:"His personality. And soft fur. And his fur is my favorite color, purpleish. He is very kind and he tries to make everybody happy. And he is brave too."

"I think that we can end this chapter now, when you don't have anything more to say," Ryder said and turned to readers:" Stay safe everyone!"

And he waved at the camera.

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