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Ryder liked new dare.

"Pups!" he called:" We have a dare from bsassan0378 who dared everyone to go to Foggy Bottom and prank Mayor Humdinger but we each must do it in our own way and not copy anyone else. But we can do teams if we want but team limit is 4." "I think that they meant four pups in one team," Chase said.

"Let's go to Foggy Bottom!" Ryder said. Rocky went towards Ryder. "I think that we can put on one show there what he doesn't like," Rocky said. "Good idea!" Ryder said:" We both can do it, but we need someone to keep him away. "I have an idea!" Rubble said.

In Rocky's team was himself, Ryder, Rubble and Zuma. Zuma called from the entrance of Humminger's base:"We have a delivery!" Humminger ran outside and said:"I didn't expected anything." But then Rubble moved the builder right front of the entrance. Humminger turned around and saw Rubble's vehicle there. "What are you doing?" the man asked suprised. "My bulldozer broke!" said Rubble with fake suprise.

Rocky and Ryder did their job and Ryder said:"We did our part!" Rubble tried to move but then he almost ran over by Zuma. "Why StupitPizza always puts us in near-death experience?" Zuma asked as he ran away. Rubble removed the builder and Humminger walked inside. Only to hear some kind of theme song. "Not My Little Pony!!" he shouted.

Rocky, Ryder, Rubble and Zuma all heard that and laughed.

Soon Humminger was outside and saw two...dragons in the sky! He screamed and ran inside. He didn't know that Marshall and Crash has dressed Skye's and Falcon's helicopters to look like dragons.

Chase and Justice sneaked inside of Humminger's base and Chase turned on his flashlight. Humminger screamed when he thought he saw a large bat. It was just the rocks what Justice had put together. She and Chase did highfive to each other.

Shana, Blaze and Bella were together and they put the water pucket into the ceiling. Humminger snored on his chair and he didn't notice when Blaze pulled the rope and water splashed all over Humminger. Humminger woke up suddenly and saw Blaze under his desk. "Besky pups!" Humminger shouted and tried to grab lavendel Mixbreed. Blaze started to run and laughed. Bella ran beside him and said:"It was fun! We should get here more often!" Blaze agreed and they both ran into their vehicles.

Ryder laughed as he saw wet Humminger. He said to team that they should go. When he drove then he turned to readers:" How was the chapter? I know that we are, maybe, chased by angry Humminger but it was worth it, right? Anyway...keep on sending truths or dares! And like always, stay safe everyone!
I now should watch where i'm going!"

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