Get Hurt For Of Me

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He said with a dark emotion taking all over him, I am glad he cares about me and wants me to be okay but this state of him..... this state of him is so frightening even to me. He seems that he can go down to any level just to ruin her, no kook don't do that. Considering the fact that he was her close friend and the betrayal by someone close to you hurts the most than anything, I know the pain but... its not right for him to do so because of me.

Yoongi : " No Kook- "

Jungkook : " Hyung please..... I promise to do whatever you will say. At least let me stay with you. "

He cut off me and pleaded, the look in his eyes were so soft and begging that its hard to say no to him. With a sigh I started

Yoongi : " Ok Kook.... but remember to not do anything stupid that can get you in risk. No matter what you do tell it to me first okay? "

His smile grew the widest it can and he nodded his head swiftly.

He made his way to the near by chair and grabbed it, then he dragged it towards me and sat comfortably. With a encouraging smile he asked,

Jungkook : " So? how do you plan to ruin her? any ideas? "

That's the thing eating me up, do I really want to do this?...

With one vigorous shaking of my head I came back to my senses. What am I even thinking? Of course I want to ruin her, after all the things she made me do, after all the pain she gave me, after turning all my beloved people think I am scary and after turning her back on me perfectly knowing how much I am hurting. She deserves this, SHE DESERVES TO BE RUINED!!

Suga : " No idea Kook.... its the first time something like this happened and I don't know what to do and how to act... "

I confessed and laid my head down, then I felt Jungkook's hand crawling up to mine and then he said,

Jungkook : " Its okay Hyung, I understand. In fact that's why I am here for. I will help you out. "

He said with a smile which I returned but a bit smaller in size, its no time to smile now.

Jungkook : " Wait Hyung! I actually got an idea. "

He said suddenly with much excitement that I had never seen, he was beaming with happiness. What? what is it that he got as a idea?

Jungkook : " Hyung how about we spread news in the industry that She is a player and that she is playing with men, lets not reveal your name or anything but lets just spread news that she was first dating another idol but then she abandoned him to some other idol and that she was using them both just for money? I am sure this news will spread like wildfire to all the idols after all the whole industry in filled with gossip queens. "

He suggested as if he had found the most easiest way to ruin her. Its.... its not good. Spreading false rumors and that to especially in the industry is no less than a crime, it can damage her career and her character impression, and.... and my Jihyo takes people's words into too much consideration. I can guarantee that many will look down on her and taunt her with various insults either directly or indirectly and she will take them all to heart. She can even cry like how she used to do before. No, no matter how much pain she has given me its still inhuman to damage someone's career with false news especially when she has literally sacrificed her everything for this career.

Yoongi : " No kook, we are not doing that! "

I said sternly to which he was taken aback and then he seemed sad and asked,

Jungkook : " Why Hyung? why leave up such a great opportunity? just imagine. I am sure just one word is enough for this false rumor to spread all around. All the other idols will automatically do their work in spreading it from mouth to mouth and then everyone will think she has a bad personality. They will definitely taunt her and make her feel worse, this will be the best feeling ever. and also the best revenge we can get. Why don't we- "

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