"Have you seen Hongjoong?"
"No. Thanks to you."
Seonghwa didn't understand what he meant.
"Why? Wait, he's not with you?"
The beta shook his head.
"That's weird...But I'm not surprised. Hongjoong just randomly leaves sometimes but he'll be back. Don't worry," Jongho told him.

Why does everybody keep saying that? Hongjoong wouldn't leave me. He promised.

Noon had come and Seonghwa had checked as most of the forest he could. He decided to go back with hopes of finding Hongjoong at the castle. Instead, he was face to face with Tae Oh, a worried expression on the older's face. He pulled out his notebook and began to write shabbily with his left hand.

"Are you looking for that short alpha?" Seonghwa read slowly. He nodded when he understood. Tae Oh wrote again.

'I saw him yesterday night. He went to the forest garden.'
"But he was with me yesterday night," the beta whined.
'You should still check.'
Seonghwa thanked him and made his way towards the forest garden. Wooyoung saw him and followed him.

"Are you checking the garden? It's really pretty."
"No I'm looking for Hongjoong."
"He hasn't come back yet?"
The beta shook his head and continued walking.  After a while, Wooyoung began to smell a familiar scent.

"Over here," he pointed towards the direction of it. He followed his nose, starting to become a little worried himself. Hongjoong was strong so he shouldn't be hurt. And if he wasn't hurt, then what was he doing in the forest garden?

Wooyoung began to run, Seonghwa quickly catching up and soon enough, they found him. The alpha was laying on the floor, his face completely pale.

"Joong!" Seonghwa ran towards him, Wooyoung following right behind him. Seonghwa could see that he was hurt but he wasn't sure how. There was no blood anywhere.
"Look!" Wooyoung gasped. He pointed at a small bite mark at his now swollen ankle. He noticed Hongjoong's ragged breathing and realized.

"Shit! He got bit by a snake. Poisonous one," Wooyoung said. He stood up and picked up the alpha.
"Wait. I-"
"We don't have time Seonghwa. Heavens know how long he's been here. His pulse is weak. We have to hurry."
Wooyoung began speed walking, trying his hardest not to move too quickly in fear of making it worse for the alpha.
They reached the medical center a few minutes later and the doctors immediately went to help him. San and Jongho came a while later looking very concerned.

"Is he ok? How did he get hurt?" They asked.
"He got bit by a poisonous snake?" Wooyoung answered.

The doctors came out a few hours later only to ask for his blood type and quickly went back in before any questions could be asked.

Seonghwa was worried. He wanted to go inside and do something, but he knew they wouldn't let him. He started to tear up hoping and praying nothing bad would happen to him.

Around two hours later, the doctors came back to inform them.

"We tried as hard as we could. We just have to wait for him to wake up," she said.

"Can we see him?" San asked.
"Not yet. We have to make sure he's stable first."

Seonghwa let his tears fall and Wooyoung hugged him. Jongho could smell his fear and worry and tried to comfort him as well.

Kyro found a letter in the crows nest he assumed to be from Hongjoong. He decided to read it after breakfast.

"So are we done with this mission?" Julian asked at the breakfast table. They all looked to the captain.

"Uuhhmm... I'm not sure. I don't think there's much we can do so if y'all want to start on a new one we can," he answered.

"No we can't. Not until I get these off," Jasmine put up her chained hands.
"We've literally tried everything. Those aren't coming off," Julian shrugged.
"What did the last smith say?" Kei asked.
"They said to ask the person with the key and that even the strongest fire alpha couldn't break it," she rolled her eyes as she's heard it a million times.
"Well you were being honest about finding the beta. You should ask him one more time. Maybe they found him," Fati offered.
Jasmine considered it. Now with her powers working again, she wouldn't be caught so easily.

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