Jongho thought that was random and all he could smell from him was confusion and another thick scent he wasn't sure of.

"Oh.. alright. Ok. Then I'll get going," Jongho said a little upset and confused as well. He pecked his lips one last time to make sure nothing was wrong before standing up and leaving the room. 

On his way back to the palace Jongho couldn't help but think of what happened and what he may have possibly done wrong.

He smelled a little confused, worried and excited. He was enjoying it at first so why the sudden.. Stupid! You probably hurt him when you put your hand around his neck. I'm an idiot!

He moped all the way home until he heard a bit of commotion in front of the palace. He darted his head up and found a few omega's arguing. It was the messengers.

"What's going on?" He asked sternly, needing something to distract himself of his embarrassment.

"Your majesty!" They all said in unison and bowed.
A tall woman with dark blue hair spoke.
"The messenger you sent yesterday to deliver a message to the Kang kingdom has not returned. And today a shipment arrived from them and there was a small note on it."

She handed the prince the note and he read it.
'Help' was all it said, a few red spots on it. He smelled it and recognized it as blood.
The Kang kingdom was in danger.

Jasmine had been up all night searching wherever her nose took her. She thought to give up many times but the chains around her wrists constantly reminded her that she had to continue.

As she vanished from area to area, she began to realize that the beta did in fact have two different scents, but they were similar and it constantly confused her since her nose always followed the stronger one.

She vanished and arrived at another lively town and headed straight for the clothing shop. Just like last time, she found his scent again, but this time it was the stronger scent.

So if he has two scents or one that smells a little different from the other, doesn't it just mean the stronger one is him when he's using his ability? So the lighter one is probably when he's covering his scent glands and changing. Then why am I smelling the stronger one here? There's no reason to use strength to buy clothes..?

A clerk came up to her and smiled.
"Is there anything I can help you with?"

Jasmine sighed and shook her head.

What could you possibly help me wit-

"Wait! Yes actually. Has a young beta boy come by this area?" She asked a little frustrated that she couldn't give anymore details than that.

The clerk thought and smiled again.
"Yes there has, three of them. Two had black hair and one of them had blond," she answered.

"What were they wearing? What did they buy!"
"The blonde was wearing a white shirt and black pants and bought only a few items. One of them with black hair wore a blue gown and bought a scarf while the other had a face covering and wore all black. He didn't speak at all."

"Forgive me if I'm being rude but did any of them smell like this?" She offered the clerk the cloth.
The clerk smelled it a bit unsure.
"I'm not sure. It smells like the black haired with a face covering but it somehow reminds me of the blond one," she explained.
Jasmine nodded and thanked her for her help.

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