He laid back down in an attempt to sleep but his mind only filled with the same set of visions.
Hongjoong was right. He wasn't supposed to see those visions.

Jasmine spent the whole morning looking for the boy. After walking further, she found his scent again only for a few short miles before it came to a halt. She was curious as to how the beta managed to hide his scent completely. When noon came around and she had lost his scent again, she knew this was going to take more than 5 days.

She vanished back to the Baek kingdom to report to the King. As she headed to the King's quarters, she realized that the place seemed to be a lot more quiet. It was noon however, so maybe they were just taking a break.

The King was in his seat when Jasmine entered. He perked up a little surprised to see her.
"Did you find him?" He anticipated.
"No sir. I just wanted to update you. It seems he's not only running away but he's also hiding. He doesn't want to be found," she explained. The King became angry.

"Of course he doesn't want to be found. That's why he's hiding you idiot. I didn't ask for a stupid report. I asked you to find him!"

Jasmine hid a scowl behind a fake smile and bowed before vanishing.
Ugh. Men.

Yeosang decided to practice closer to where he was yesterday in hopes to see the boy again, and thankfully, he was in luck. Because when he arrived at the area, he found the boy struggling to reach an apple from the tree. The omega ran to where he was standing and offered his help.

"You have to hit the tree."

Seong was startled and immediately moved back when he saw Yeosang. Yeosang cracked a smile and kicked the tree as hard as he could and sure enough, a generous amount of red apples hit the floor. Seong picked up a few of them and began making his way back to his cave.

"Wait! What's your name?" Yeosang asked confused as to why the boy was heading deeper into the forest.

Seong observed him curiously trying to decide if he should trust him or not. He reminded himself that all humans are the same and that there was nobody he could trust.

"Don't have one," he quickly replied before running the opposite direction, deeper into the woods.

Yunho and Wooyoung sat in the resting area of the courtyard watching Mingi train the soldiers. They completed their practice with Wooyoung, and a few of them who were interested in learning how to use a sword, began training under him. Only a few others wanted to learn how to use a bow and arrow so Mingi and Yeosang would have to alternate.

Yunho stared in complete awe as the alpha swung his sword, his crimson hair swaying with him. He was always at the end of the boys sword, too concentrated on winning to ever notice how Mingi looked while fighting. It made him a little regretful and sad as he started to realize there wasn't that much he knew about the younger. He needed to change that.

"Just jump on him why don't you?" Wooyoung rolled his eyes.
"What..what are you talking about?" The oldest blushed.
"Oh so you heard that," he deadpanned.

"I've been talking to you for the past 10 minutes and you weren't even listening," Wooyoung whined a little hurt.
"I'm sorry. What were you saying?"
"Just forget it. I'll ask Hongjoong Hyung." He stood up and walked away.


He looked up to find Mingi walking towards him and his heart tremored. The alpha had sweat trickling down his face and his shirt was soaked, revealing his broad chest and lithe figure.

Mingi moved his face right in front of the prince's and smiled. Yunho's breath hitched as he stared at him, his fiery scent smelling even stronger than usual. The alpha grabbed the water bottle that was by the prince and stood up to drink it. Yunho watched as his Adam apple bobbed in his throat, another line of sweat dripping down the side of his face.

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