Kang Cheol seemed to be in a meeting with a few soldiers, illustrating the plan to them on a map.

"We're going to attack from behind this time. No need to hurt civilians unless they're giving you a hard time. Remember, the serums don't make you stronger, they just help you heal faster, and not completely. Don't go thinking you're invincible," he warned.

He then pointed on the map again and began explaining their strategy. Ian made sure his steps were completely quiet as he walked closer to take a look.

"It won't be long and once we take Kang over, we'll already have an upper hand. We just need her emblem. Once we have that, we've won."

Ian stared at the map. He understood a little from when Kyro would explain things to them before they docked. What he didn't understand though, was why there were so many X markings when he was sure X meant treasure.

"I want you to take a few of your alphas and infiltrate the Choi kingdom. Don't do anything, but just lurk around and try to control the town."
He pointed to another place on the map that had a lot of X's.

"We don't need to worry about the Jung kingdom because boss is going to handle it. But when we're done with the other two, we need to get rid of their King."

"But the Jung kingdom is big. How is boss going to be able to handle it if we're taking most of the army?" One of them asked.
Ian waited patiently, anticipating an answer as well.

"Don't worry about the boss. He'll handle himself," Cheol simply stated.

Ian started to feel a little bored with the explanations, but he couldn't leave as the door was closed. He stood amongst them undetected and started picking his nails, paying attention every once in a while whenever he felt it was important.

"I feel like we're being watched," Cheol stated all of a sudden. Ian tensed at that and covered his mouth. He slowly moved a few steps back.

"Hmm there is a vague scent I've been smelling for a while," another alpha said.
They all looked around in the room, but soon gave up when they found nothing. 

"Alright. Each of you take a bag and be ready by dawn," Cheol ordered.
They did as they were told and finally the door opened for them to exit, Ian quickly following behind them. He ran to his hiding spot to take a break and breathe properly without feeling suffocated.

So they're planning their full attack. I'm pretty sure the serums were in those bags but they're pretty big. And they look heavy. I don't think I'll be able to turn it invisible. I have to wait. Until everybody falls asleep.

After completing his duties for the day, Mingi was tired. He was still a little sore from the night before and all he wanted to do was lay down.

He saw Hongjoong resting over the rail on the bridge, his mind elsewhere. For the past couple days he was here, Hongjoong seemed to be in his own world. Though he always seemed that way, this time was different. He didn't bother talking much like he did before, and when he did, it was short. Mingi felt like he was looking for something, like he had a purpose and the only reason he was still here was to find it.

"How's it going?" He asked the older.

Hongjoong looked at him and shrugged. He wasn't sure why, but Hongjoong liked Mingi's presence. Maybe it was because the alpha was always talking to him and checking up on him, but he liked it. It was comfortable.

"You look upset. Is something wrong?" The red head asked. Hongjoong shook his head and heaved a loud sigh.

"Just a long day," he stated.
"What do you even do all day?" Mingi asked with a hint of laughter. Whenever he saw the alpha, he was either just standing around doing nothing or reading a book. 

"I have things I do," he remarked with a scowl.
"Really? Like..." Mingi chuckled at the alpha's expression.
"Read books all day?" He teased.
"It's not simple reading. It's research," Hongjoong shot back.
"Hmm, what about?"
"Zodiac presentation," he blurted without thinking. He quickly covered his mouth realizing he had said that out loud but Mingi only looked more interested.

"That's amazing Hyung!"

Hongjoong blushed at the term of affection, immediately putting his walls up.
"I'm not your Hyung!" He furrowed his brows at the younger.
"Are you researching water betas?" Mingi asked completely ignoring his statement.
"..not only water betas but all presentations," he answered quietly.

He didn't know why but it was always so easy to talk to the younger. No matter how much he tried to ignore him like he did with everybody else, it never seemed to work. Mingi just had a calming natural aura that pulled people towards him.

"Oohh! How does it work? What did you find?" The red head asked interested.
"I used to read these when I was little. I'm a fire alpha. Leo."
"Oh trust me. I know. I can tell," Hongjoong muttered.
"Really?! That's so cool! What do you know?" He asked jumping in excitement.

"You fire alphas are always like this. Loud, overbearing, and bright colored hair." He looked to the red head knowingly.
"Well maybe not overbearing for you, but usually."

Mingi's eyes glowed with admiration for the older and he squealed jumping up and down pulling him in for a hug. Hongjoong was surprised and immediately tried to push the younger away but it was no use. The alpha was strong.

"Hyung, you're so cool!"

Hongjoong turned red again ultimately deciding there was no harm in a simple hug. He regretted the thought as soon as he processed it.

"HUUH! Is it hug Hongjoong hour?" Wooyoung yelled from afar running towards them.

The smaller alpha tried to quickly remove himself from Mingi's embrace but the taller wouldn't budge. He suddenly felt another huge weight hugging him from behind and he groaned, surrendering to their affection.

Yeosang woke up to a congenial and homely scent. He opened his eyes and found himself face to face with Jongho. He was taken aback at first, but soon got immersed in his soft features. The alpha had light honey skin that glowed in the evening sunset. His eyelashes were full and spread out and there was a tiny birth mark to the side. Yeosang wanted to kiss it.

Jongho stirred awake and opened his eyes to a beautiful pair of hazel brown ones staring at him. He immediately blushed, always feeling so undraped under the omega's intense gaze. He hid his red face into a pillow while Yeosang giggled.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" His face was still in the pillow so his voice was muffled but Yeosang understood nevertheless.

"I was too busy staring at you I didn't realize," he answered honestly.
"You're so cute when you're sleeping."

Yeosang had no idea where this burst of confidence was coming from but he didn't mind it. Maybe it's because they've gotten a lot closer, or because they've both openly admitted their feelings for each other, but either way it didn't matter.

Jongho sat up still holding the pillow to his face. He wondered why Yeosang was being so bold. He felt a tug on the pillow and a small whine when he held it tighter.

"I want to see your face."

The alpha only blushed more but eventually gave up, letting the pillow fall. He could never deny the omega anything. Yeosang giggled again when he saw Jongho's flushed face and the alpha's stomach chimed. He loved the sound of it. The older pulled his cheek and placed a soft peck on it causing his heart to race. They stared helplessly at one another, Yeosang moving in to offer a soft sweet kiss to the alpha's lips.

Jongho kissed back, trying to keep it chaste but it was proving to be hard, so he broke it. He noticed the sun had already disappeared into the night and knew it was time to go home. Yeosang gave him a knowing look and stood up first so he wouldn't feel bad for leaving. He walked him out and when he was alone again in his room, he smiled.

"I could get used to this."

A/N: It's all going so slow yet so fast at the same time I don't know what to do. This was all fluff I know. I'm trying to get better and this wasn't too bad. ..I hope🥴


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