Why was he so mad? That was very unlike him. And why can't I have both? I'm still a prince after all.

He waited in the courtyard for the alpha to show up, but he was late. The soldiers came in and began practicing while they waited for him, but he never came.

While Yunho practiced with a few of them, he heard gasping and small cheers. He looked to see if Mingi had come but it wasn't. It was Wooyoung.

His shabby blond hair covered his eyes and he wore a pair of baggy pants and a simple sweatshirt. He looked like he was forced to be here.

He mustered a smile and slightly raised his voice.
"I want you all in your positions practicing your form," he commanded.
"Yes sir!" They shouted fiercely, excited that their teacher was back.

Yunho ran up to his brother with a worried look.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"I'll be fine," the boy answered.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"No thank you, but thanks for asking," he said, before going around to check on his trainees.

Yunho sighed. He didn't know how to help his brother but he also felt like Wooyoung would've told him if he could, so there really was nothing he could do.

Why am I even worried about other people's relationships when there's clearly a problem in mine, he thought.
Where is Mingi anyway?

As he was about to leave the courtyard, he heard a little bit of commotion.

"Why aren't you in position?" Wooyoung asked one of the alpha soldiers. He was much taller and buffer than the prince. 

"Why do I have to listen to someone who can't even take our training seriously?" he asked arrogantly.

Wooyoung was angry. He didn't want to be here and he definitely didn't want to have to deal with this.

"You don't. If you would like to resign from training, you can leave," he answered honestly.
"How can we be sure you won't just disappear again and leave us with the prince's servant?" he asked.

That made Yunho angry. He was about to go and reprimand the soldier, but Wooyoung quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him over himself, slamming him on the ground. The alpha groaned in pain.

Everybody stared in shock as the youngest held the alpha's hand up.

"I don't know how you do things back in the Jeon kingdom, but I am a prince and you will not disrespect me or my best friend!" He said enraged.
He let go of the alpha's hand and turned around to walk away but decided to say one last thing.

"And you would be wise to at least respect me as a teacher who you still clearly have a lot to learn from."
He walked back to the front with a mean look on his face.
"Positions!" He shouted and everybody immediately returned to their spots.

When Yunho heard his brother say 'best friend,' he understood a little at why Mingi was upset. Like the alpha said, he was more than that. He left the courtyard in search of him and found the alpha exiting the King's quarters.

"There you are! Why is it so hard to find you these days?" The prince said in between breaths. 
Mingi bowed and smiled.

"Good morning your highness! Is there something you need?" He asked lively.
Yunho furrowed his brows at his behaviour. Being addressed that way by Mingi felt weird.

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