Letting You Hate Me

Start from the beginning

Yoongi : " Jihyo. "

He said in the most coldest voice trying to sound as distant as possible and cover his pained heart. On hearing his voice Jihyo almost broke down but she had promised herself to greet Yoongi with the smile of hers which he loves the most. She turned back and was expecting him to hug her like he always does but this time she just froze in her spot on seeing a whole different Yoongi.

Jihyo : " Oppa I- "

She started off thinking that its not good to drag the truth for too long but she was cut off when Yoongi moved from his spot and brushed past her, now she was facing the back of a Yoongi who was sitting near the river's bank. She is finding this attitude of him very odd. He never cuts her off no matter what nonsense she is speaking.... he never stopped her. She hesitantly went and sat beside him, it was very confusing and awkward for her but Yoongi didn't seem to care.

Both of them fell into silence, Yoongi was busy trying to supress his hurt and anger feelings and Jihyo was not knowing if its a good time to tell him the truth, she wanted to know if it was a good timing or if he would take the truth in the opposite ways, she gulped first on seeing a hint of anger in Yoongi's eyes and was getting scared. She is feeling very frightened of seeing such state of Yoongi.

Yoongi : " So... how's your boyfriend doing Jihyo. "

He asked all of a sudden causing her to flinch a bit. The way he said the word boyfriend depicts how much he hates it. This was not the start of conversation Jihyo was expecting. His voice is so cold and icy that she is now getting to realize that he really has started believing that whatever is in the news is real.

Jihyo you better speak up now and tell him the truth or else you will loose your chance to let him know about everything.

She warned herself and started to speak,

Jihyo : " Oppa its- "

Yoongi : " Uh huh, don't mind explaining. I was just curious, the way you were smiling when I was still not here explains that you guys are doing good together. Oh and by the way just so you know your boyfriend was also my friend. "

He said in the most distant tone Jihyo had ever heard from him, this solidified Jihyo's assumption that he really is believing the rumors she felt helpless again but instead tried to speak up and tell him the real deal.

Jihyo : " Its not what you think- "

Yoongi : " Yeah I know right, its not at all like I think it is. I thought you didn't even know him but here you have been dating him from.. what 8 months? wow Jihyo you really are something. You made me realise how much I don't know things about you. Didn't you say I am the closest person to you? then how come you didn't tell me any of this? "

Jihyo : " Oppa- "

Yoongi : " No Jihyo, I don't want to listen to anything. I have had enough already. I thought that you shared your every secret with me, you always look for me during hard times and you would wait for me but no, you were with someone else happily. What should I do now Jihyo? "

Yoongi was just jumping into conclusions and expressing how much he is hurt right now and one by one he was blaming everything on Jihyo, he is too heart broken to pause and think for a while. His heart hurts so much that he just wants to put it all out instead of suffering on his own. Jihyo is trying too hard to find a space to squeeze in and tell him to stop and listen to her first but he is not giving her even a single chance. And on top pf that every word of his is adding more wounds on her.

Yoongi : " Didn't you tell you would wait for me Jihyo? how come you didn't keep your promise? this... everything seems like a mockery to me you know that? do you even have an idea of how much I have been hurt Jihyo? didn't you ever realize how much head over heals I was for you? did you never see my sinciarity Jihyo? I thought that you liked me- well forget that even if you didn't then did you never see how much I cared for you and how much I wanted to be with you? every time, every minute, every second I miss you like crazy but you just.... you were just going on dates with someone else!? Did you never see how much I was in love with you? did you never feel it? I thought whenever you were in pain you would think of me first, whenever you were happy you would share it with me first but.... did you just use me? "

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