"So far all my sons are omegas and they refuse to be tied down to society's expectations and honestly, I don't want them to. But if I just tell them that I want them to use their senses to figure it out, then it won't help them. They need to figure it out themselves." 

Mingi nodded. He understood what the King meant. He had done the same for Yunho after he presented but he wasn't that worried because the boy was strong. He just told Mingi to follow him to report how he'd found the item.

"But sir. A lucky charm? Really?" Mingi laughed a little, now comfortable in the presence of the King.

"I didn't know what else. Everybody got mad at me last time when I used the crown," he whispered loudly.
"But don't interfere...unless he's hurt. You can't interfere!" The King said sternly but also very worried.
"Yes sir. I understand," Mingi said calmly easing the King's nerves.
"Thank you."

San woke up squished and uncomfortable. He was confused because he was sure his bed was wide and had more than enough space. He opened his eyes and turned his head to find his whole family cuddling him.

What is going on? What happened?.... ah I fainted. He thought. He looked to his clock by the window and noticed it was already passed noon.
They must have been worried. I wonder what happened after? I can't believe I can see the future. This is awesome. Ugh I can't move.

"I'm hungry," he said out loud.
Jiwoo immediately woke up at that and looked to her son. She gasped.
"Oh baby you're awake!" She cried.
"How do you feel? Does your head hurt? Do you want some water? What do you want to eat?" She asked frantically.
Jongho woke up to the smell and Soojin to the sound.

"You're awake! Finally! I was worried," she said, touching her sons head for a fever. She sighed with relief when there was nothing.
Jongho opened a water bottle and handed it to his brother.
"I missed when it was the other way around," he pouted, making San laugh.
San sat up and drank the water, finishing all of it.
"I'm hungry," he said looking at his mother.
Jiwoo teared up and nodded.
"What do you want to eat?" She asked wiping her eyes before the tears could fall. She was happy her son was finally awake.

"Wooyoung?" San asked at the dining table.
"Yes. He was very worried about you. I'll let him know that you're awake," the Queen said to her son.
"I can just go see him," the beta said but Jiwoo gave him a stern look.
"No. Not until we figure out how your abilities work."
"So Hongjoong told you all? That I can see the future?" He asked timidly.
They all nodded quietly.

"Yeah. And he said something about you being at a di-"
"Do you remember anything else from your vision?!" Soojin quickly interrupted her son.
Jongho frowned at his mother. He felt like she was hiding something from him.
San looked between them weirdly but answered.

"Uhm... no not really. Why?"
"Well Hongjoong explained that he thinks you weren't supposed to see those visions and that the reason why you saw them was because you touched Jongho who was at the time not himself. So it may have been triggered," she answered.
San thought about it. It made sense. Also explains why this one occurred in less than a week.

"So you don't mind if I have abilities? You're not scared or anything?" He asked a little shyly.
Jiwoo looked to her mate.
"Of course not. Why would we be?"
"Because you don't believe these myths."
"Like Hongjoong said, unless they're opinionated, there's no reason not to believe the facts," Soojin answered confidently.
She returned to her meal, leaving the room in an awkward uncomfortable tension.

Yeosang walked around aimlessly in the forest. He's been thinking about it since he left, and it made no sense to him. Why would his dad let him go into the forest alone just to look for a lucky charm? He's never let him out of the castle before much less alone. He didn't even give him directions or tell him where he'd lost it, he just told him to find it.
He thought about it more but could only come to one conclusion.

He's trying to tell me something but if he could, he would so.... he must be trying to teach me a lesson. But what? The omega thought.
And how am I supposed to find it anyways? I have no idea where to look. Ugh!

He decided to take a break and eat the lunch he had packed. He smiled in anticipation alone, excited from just the smell. He opened it and squealed. The maid had prepared it just how he liked.

He picked up the chicken not even bothering the rice, and smelled it. He smiled before delving in, taking a generous bite.

Mingi who was watching him from afar in a tree, laughed to himself. He couldn't help but find the situation funny. He became serious when he saw the boy get up and leave his belongings to follow a butterfly. He shook his head wondering if the prince was ever going to find the item.

Hongjoong cursed himself for not being able to control his anger. The Queen had just called for him once again and he was sure he was in trouble. He took a deep breath before knocking and entering the throne room.

"Thank you for coming," Soojin said once he entered.
"No problem," he smiled awkwardly.
Just apologize before you get in any trouble.

"I would like to apologize to you for my actions. It was very disrespectful of me to ask for your advice and not heed it," Soojin said calmly. She stood up from her throne and bowed.

"I would like to apologize as well. I was actually unaware of how San might be feeling all this time. It never occurred to me and I'm very disappointed in myself. Thank you for helping me realize that and being a good friend to him," Jiwoo explained and bowed as well.

Hongjoong was in shock and immediately put his hands up.
"No please. You're the Queens! You don't need to bow to somebody like me," he spoke quickly.
The Queens smiled.
"It's simply being respectful. And everybody deserves respect," Soojin said confidently.
Hongjoong felt his heart become warm. He liked that. 

"Is San awake?" Hongjoong asked lightly.
"Yes! He awoke about 2 hours ago. He's feeling better," Jiwoo answered.
"So we wanted to ask you, seriously this time, what else you know? And what we can do?" Soojin asked.

"Well, there isn't really anything else. He said he saw a lot of people fighting in an empty land which most likely means war, but what I'm more worried about is the time. The visions usually take about a week to occur but this time it was only 2 days which is another reason I think he wasn't supposed to see all of those visions, but if we calculate it properly, I think we can be able to figure it out and if we can also figure out how his abilities work and what causes him to see things and teach him how to control it then we coul-" he continued to blabber.

"Just- What do you think we should start with?" Soojin interrupted the boys deep analyzations.
He chuckled nervously realizing he had been speaking too fast.
He looked sternly at the Queens and spoke seriously.
"We need to get ready for war!"

A/N: I wasn't feeling this chapter at first but I think it's ok.
Also I was going over the 'plot' and I think this book is going to have a part 2. But I'm not sure. Or should it maybe just be one long book? I don't know. Let me know what y'all think though.


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