"Well, you don't have to worry because he's not sick. I think he's just exhausted because of the overwhelming déjà vu. This happened to my friend I told you about as well. Because the ability is new, his body can't handle it and needs time to adjust so this might actually happen a few times," Hongjoong said calmly.

Jiwoo only grew more worried and Soojin rubbed her wrists.

"I've been thinking about it, and I think he wasn't supposed to see all those visions he saw," Hongjoong said.

"What do you mean?" Soojin asked.

"Well, usually, or at least according to Wooyoung, his eyes only flashed green the first time. And he even said that this time it was longer and felt more suffocating," Hongjoong began.

"But since he's seeing the future, and he touched Jongho when he was answering to the mating call, an intimate moment that goes through all their past lives, I think it was triggered, causing him to see a lot of visions at once."
Jongho sat in disbelief. He didn't know what to think. The Queens were the same.

"He said he saw a lot of different people and places but he couldn't recognize them because he would've mentioned them if he could as he seemed to recognize me. I'm thinking he could have either seen far into the future or maybe even farther into a past life, particularly Jongho's."

Hongjoong was excited. Everything was so interesting and he was eager to find out more.

"Me? Why?... because of the mating call?" Jongho asked, feeling a little bad.
"Yes!" Hongjoong replied enthusiastically.

"Why do you seem so happy? This is not a jovial matter?" Jiwoo arraigned.

Hongjoong scoffed.

"Well forgive me for being discourteous that my dear friend who's been at a disadvantage his whole life is finally able to come to a level ground with everybody else and I'm simply happy for him. It may be churlish of me to say this, but the only reason you're so accepting of Jongho and Yeosang as soulmates is because it's deemed a good thing and the reason you refuse to believe all of this is because you're afraid. You're afraid and unwilling to accept change and I hope it doesn't affect the way you act towards him and push him away. Because the reason I'm so knowledgeable about all this is because my friends that had abilities were all outcasts as well!" He snapped, before bowing and taking his leave, leaving the Queens in complete shock.

Jongho was bewildered. Why is he so mad? Why would San be at a disadvantage? And what did he mean by level ground? He thought.

Soojin sighed extremely distressed. She knew Hongjoong was right. She had called for him and asked for his advice and expertise only to dismiss him and accuse him of being deceitful. She understood exactly what Hongjoong meant and was quite surprised. She thought she was the only one who noticed. She smiled a little happy that Hongjoong was her son's friend.

Jongho could feel his mothers distress and scooted closer offering a hug. Jiwoo joined the hug tear faced, while San's head rested on her lap.

The King laughed when he was alone in his quarters. Though he was very sure, he was still surprised that his plan had worked. He didn't know what he would have done if it didn't.

Yeosang entered his quarters with a frown on his face causing the King to laugh even harder.
"I can't believe you didn't tell me anything!" He shouted.
"It was a surprise! Did you like it?" The King asked smiling.
"I liked the surprise but not the process," Yeosang sat down and huffed.

Wooyoung joined them, awfully quiet causing them to worry.

"What's wrong baby Woo?" The King asked letting the nickname slip.

"It's San. He passed out. They said he would be fine and I shouldn't worry but I can't help it," Wooyoung said tearing up.

"Yes I heard about it too. I'm pretty sure he's fine though," Yeosang rubbed his back comforting and reassuring him.

"Is that why they left early? I couldn't find them. Do you know what happened?" The King asked his son.
Wooyoung sighed and explained the situation to them. Yeosang gasped in amazement and the King only grew more impressed.

"Splendid!" The King exclaimed.
"No! Not splendid father. He's hurt!" Wooyoung retorted.

The King chuckled amused by his son's careworn behavior. It seemed his youngest was finally maturing.

"It's new. He has to get used to it. His body is probably just tired," the King told his son.
Wooyoung eyed his father.

"How do you know? Huah! Do you know a water beta with abilities?" He asked amazed, his worry slowly dissipating.
"A few....it was a long time ago," the King smiled reminiscing a little.
"What type of abilities? Who were they? How did you meet? Tell me!" Wooyoung yelled excitedly, all his worry quelled.
The King smiled at his sons eagerness.

"It's going to take all night," he said.
"Well it's a good thing I have time," Wooyoung moved close to his father, sitting comfortably. The King chortled.

"Care to join us Yeo?" Woohyung asked his second.
"I would love to but as a newly presented omega, it's indecent for me to be in a room with an alpha in the wee hours of the night," Yeosang raised his head tucking his hair behind his ears. Wooyoung and the King laughed.

When Yunho and Mingi left the heat room the next morning, the castle was strangely quiet. Though it was a early, a few people would have been up by now, but there was nobody. The place was a mess and not a single soul in sight.

Yunho became extremely worried thinking there may have been an attack. He ran to Yeosang's room and saw the messy state it was in and became stricken with fear. Mingi tensed up behind him.

They ran to Wooyoung's room and found it empty as well. Yunho started to panic running to the King's quarters and Mingi could only run after him. He barged in the King's chambers in tears, thinking he wouldn't find anybody but there they were.
Yeosang and Wooyoung on either side of the King fast asleep.

A/N: I like this chapter!
I don't think y'all understand how hard it is trying to write sassy WooSang in olden day form. Anyways, I've got more ideas and I'm excited!!


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