Chapter Ninety-Three

Start from the beginning

My anxiousness taking over me as I prepare myself.
I enter a building, inside are multiple people wearing cream and gold robes with different coloured sashes.
The room filled with multiple floors occupying full bookcases on each floor.
I approach a woman who sits at a front desk.
"Hello." I call out.
She looks up at me wearing large round glasses.
Her ginger hair tied into a side ponytail.
"Oh greetings, how can I help you?" She exclaims, smiling sweetly.
"I'm Luna Avri, I believe today's my first day." I hand her the documents.
She reviews them and smiles.
"Of course! I'm Meredith, please follow me Lady Luna!"
I follow her as we walk up large steps.
I admire building, bustling with workers.
"This is so exciting!" She exclaims.
"Another female! Females work here, but I see for your position you want to try to get in on the 'boys' club."
"Boys club?"
"Yes! You wish to be a palace consultant, correct?"
"That would be preferred yes."
"Well, it's difficult for females to work in that position." Merideth glances around and whispers, "Those old men don't like the idea of a woman intruding the palace."
"This should be fun then." I giggle.
"I sincerely hope you're able to make it, it might be difficult but I'll be rooting for you!"
I smile as she reminds me of Cethin.
"Merideth was it?" I ask.
"What position do you occupy?"
"For now I'm the receptionist of some sorts. I sort through files sent and make sure they're sent to the correct departments within the building." She sighs, shrugging.
"You seem as though you don't enjoy the job."
"I do like it in a way... It's just so boring, this was meant to be temporary. I was supposed to go into the medical research facility, but that too is a 'boys club'. I don't mind being a receptionist, but it's tiring to keep my hopes up of switching."
I nod and smile slightly.
"I see, hopefully you'll make it into the research facility."
"Thank you!"

We approach two large doors with a gold plated sign on the door frame that reads 'Palace Affairs'.
"We're here, I hope your day goes well." Meredith bows her head, waving as she turns to leave.
I wave back, taking a deep breath.

I knock on the door, fixing my gown.
The door opens and a tall man with a white beard appears.
He smiles kindly.
"Aren't you Lady Luna?" He asks.
"Yes, It's nice to meet you. I've been accepted to become a palace consultant. I believe it's my first day?"
"I see, I'm Sir Quintan, it's lovely meeting you. Please, come in."
He bows his head, opening the door for me.
I take a deep breath and walk in.
The bustling room filled with desks and consultants speaking to one another.
"Allow me to introduce you." Sir Quintan smiles.
I nod following him.
"Gentlemen, we have an apprentice." Sir Quintan announces.
The men stop and grow quiet as they stare at me.
"Hello, I'm Princess Luna of Avris, I promise to work hard to prove my worth." I curtsy and smile.
The men begin murmuring with one another as they watch.
"Now, she'll be on a trial term so we need to train her with how we work. Would anyone like to take the position?" Sir Quintan asks.

Everyone grows quiet, before turning to continue with their work.
I stare at the men and back at Sir Quintan.

"Oh dear, it looks as though no one wishes to teach the emperor's concubine."
A consultant snickers.

The other men begin snickering too, pretending to not notice me.
"This won't do... Don't be like this, the girl is to wed his highness. She wishes to work before the marriage, to help the empire once she's crowned." Sir Quintan sighs.
"Why should we? She got this position thanks to his highness." Another consultant speaks up, rolling his eyes.
"Excuse me, but I wrote the exam myself, and was able to receive a 289 which should be enough evidence that I'm qualified to be here." I speak up, glaring at the man who spoke.
"A 289 was only possible since his highness-"
"Shut up!" The man is interrupted by another man who elbows him.
"What do you mean his highness? I wrote that test by myself." I raise a brow, growing confused.
"Lady Luna, why don't I just give you a uniform for now, and we'll find someone acceptable to teach you." Sir Quintan interjects.
I take a deep breath and nod, following him out of the room.

We walk into a parlour with wardrobes lining the walls, and coffee tables and sofas around the room.
"I apologize for their behaviour." Sir Quintan sighs.
He opens a wardrobe grabbing a cream robe set and a black and gold sash.
He hands me the uniform.
"I would teach you myself but my schedule is fully booked for a while."
"Sir Quintan, what did they mean that I only passed because of his highness?" I stare up at Sir Quintan as he sighs.
"You see... There are rumours that his highness wished to change the test. Being that you wrote the test he changed, the rumours are that you passed because his highness..." Sir Quintan whispers.
"What?" I stare, stunned by his words.
"Regardless of the rumours, I know that you're intelligent, but those rumours have reached multiple departments and you'll be viewed poorly thanks to it..." He sighs looking away, "Please use that powder room to change, I'll wait outside for you."
Sir Quintan leaves the parlour as I stand confused.
I stare at the uniform in my hands and at the room around me.
"Cabel did what?..." I whisper, infuriated.

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