Chapter Ninety-One

Começar do início

"My lady, I've brought some iced tea instead!"
Magnolia calls out.
I turn to see her approach with a tray, on top is a glass teapot of iced hibiscus tea.
"Oh, I didn't know you had a guest!" Magnolia exclaims.
"She just got here, please serve her some tea as well." I smile.
"Of course, my lady."
Magnolia pours the iced tea into glass teacups.
I stir honey into my glass as Ming smells the tea.
"Is it not to your liking?" I ask.
"Oh, I've never seen a red tea before, it's a bit like blood." Ming replies.

"Don't knock it, till you try it."
Cethin calls out, jumping off a tree above us.
He lands on the table, avoiding the cups and plates.
"Oh my goodness!" Ming exclaims, surprised.
I sigh, holding my teacup as the liquid sloshes around.
"Don't stand on tables, that's dirty!" I swat at Cethin's leg.
He jumps off the table, sitting down in a chair.
"I had to land somewhere." Cethin grins.
"Next time land on the ground." I scoff, taking a leaf out of his hair.
"That's so boring." Cethin laughs, pouring the hibiscus tea into a spare cup.
He stirs in sugar, sipping it.
I roll my eyes at his somewhat crude behaviour, but find it amusing.
"Ming, this is my friend Cethin. You met briefly but he's a captain for his highness." I laugh.
"It's nice to be acquainted with you." Ming smiles.
"Yeah, same." Cethin nods, sipping his tea.
I glimpse at his expression occasionally as he sits uninterested in our conversation.


Emperor Cabel sits in his office.
He lights a cigar, inhaling it. He blows the smoke out, sipping his whiskey.
"Your highness, are you in a good mood?" Lance asks.
"Of course. It's a celebration. Do you hear that?" Emperor Cabel closes his eyes.
"No, your highness. I hear nothing?"
Emperor Cabel grins.
"Exactly. For the first time in months those annoying dying old men have left me alone. Seems like they understand I'll do what I want if it's helpful to the empire."
"In their defence, you have been causing trouble without explanations. Now that you've let the pieces fall into place, they're probably just relieved you had a bigger picture in mind." Lance places an ash tray in front of Emperor Cabel.
Emperor Cabel taps the cigar over the crystal tray.
"How's the situation with Pietro going?" Emperor Cabel asks, taking another puff of the cigar.
"He's furious. He's disappointed that Lady Canella's intelligence will be used for you, but he can't be that upset when it's for the emperor. As expected the news of her lover is enraging him more than knowing she'll be Xiao's ruler."
"Well, it's out of his concern. She has people who'll support her regardless, it's not like we need his permission." Emperor Cabel scoffs, downing his whiskey, "The preparations for them are going well?"
Lance nods.
"We just need to set a date and inform them."
"Excellent." Emperor Cabel leans back, staring out the window exhaling smoke.

Lady Canella walks into Emperor Cabel's office.
"You called for me, your highness?" Canella curtsies.
Her expression exhausted.
"Sit." Emperor Cabel points to the sofa in front of him.
The sky darkened with only the sounds of crickets.
Lance pours two glasses of wine, setting them on the coffee table.
"How is your dear old father?" He asks.
"Angered, of course."
"I suppose he would be. Took you a while. Did he lock you up?"
"I guess you could call it that. He made sure I was locked in my room." Canella scoffs.
"Escaping went fine?" Emperor Cabel sips his wine.
"Of course. Y0u planned everything diligently. I'm not sure if I should be delighted or shocked that you know our so much details about our estate's blueprints." Canella sips her wine, savouring the bouquet.
"Why not both? It would be troublesome if the emperor didn't know a mere thing as that. Anyways, about your crowning."
"You both will be sent back within a few weeks, Xiao will begin to fall apart without rulers helping them. Being that she's the only heir, she'll crown you but you must be married before then."
"With all due respect, we had agreed we won't be married before Lady Luna and yourself."
"That doesn't matter. We aren't even engaged yet. We've planned your wedding instead, but it'll be held here. After, you can go on your honeymoon and then return to Xiao to be crowned."
"Will you not be attending the coronation?" Canella raises her eyebrows.
"I can't leave my dear fiancée alone. Since we won't be married by then, she won't be able to attend. It's enough that we'll be there for your wedding, but I have no desire to leave my empire for something senseless."
"Hm... Love really has changed you."
"I wouldn't say that."
"What would you call it then? It seems you're much more doting than you realize. You seem awfully afraid to leave her alone too."
"Because I'd burn this wretched world if I left her alone and she died. As long as I'm alive, I'll protect her."
"I'd say that's being changed due to love. Could you say the same before you met her?"
"... No."
"It's because you had nothing to care about before and now you do."
"How unpleasant."
"Loving someone?"
"The fear of losing her. One day she'll leave this world and I might leave it first, but knowing that there'll be a time where I'll have to live without her, or she'll live without me is unpleasant."
"Then you must cherish her as if it's your last and look forward to a future together. You might have children of your own and when one of you passes, the other will be left with an adorable bundle of joy made from your love for each other."
"Don't speak like that, it's repulsive." Emperor Cabel cringes, scowling.
"Is that not what you wish for?" Lady Canella tilts her head, smiling victoriously.
Emperor Cabel scoffs, sipping his wine, ignoring Canella's cheeky grin.
"It is..." Emperor Cabel mutters, his ears and cheeks turning red as he avoids Lady Canella's stare.

"Cabel!" Luna calls out, running up to Emperor Cabel amongst the flowers.
He hugs her, caressing her cheek.
"How beautiful, you always appear like an angel. What is it?" He kisses her forehead.
"Ming told me they're getting married in a few days, is this true?" Luna excitedly asks.
"Yes, we'll be attending. Are you this excited for someone else's wedding?"
"It's a wedding! It's always an exciting event!"
"Does this mean you'll be this excited for our wedding?" Emperor Cabel holds her up in his arms.
He tucks her hair behind her ear.
"Who knows, you'll have to propose first."
"Of course, you don't expect me to propose to the emperor, right?"
"How witty."
He kisses her lightly, grinning.
"It'll come in due time."
Emperor Cabel and Luna talk as he carries her through the gardens.

The Emperor's ConcubineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora