Chapter 43- Be Careful what you wich for!

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Look, Babes you know who I am, But as crooked as I am, I'll be as good as I can. I can try and try, but we'll settle that. My angel face is disguise for the devil inside. You're good to me, I aint good to girls, Me I'm a bad boy. Something every good girl needs. Honestly can avoid all your tantrums but I'm a naughty boy I always have been. What; and I aint changing anytime soon, I can't have you with me whenever I move, Whatever I do, I come back to you, See the good attracts me and the crook attracts you. What; we all got our ways. Remember us talking; of course it was game. But it's all gonna change, now she got me cutting off links like I'm trying to shorten my chain. What would you rather me be like, I aint ever gonna change are you ever gonna realise? - Professor Green.

''Errm well'' I rubbed the edge of my eye. No words seemed to form or leave my mouth. I had been ignoring Omari constantly and cursing him off in my head; hoping for his demise, and now I in some twisted way basically had that.
''You look a mess; you need to get cleaned up. Errm you can borrow some of my clothes there's fresh towels in the cupboard, I'm just gonna clean up down here.'' I said busying myself. I tied my hair in a very messy bun and changed into a plain tracksuit bottom and an oversized jumper. Even though stupid thoughts were running through my head, I tried to block them. Class A drugs carried at least 2 years for supplying. That's 2 years of Omari's life cut short for whatever reason he had decided to even think about carrying that kind of stuff around. But I still didn't know the full story. I mean how the police could be so sure what drug it was, and there was trails and evidence. Omari is 16. What is he even doing thinking about having CLASS A DRUGS. When I see him; I'm going to conk his brain back into working. Cecilia just nodded and went upstairs, whilst I got cleaning. Cleaned the living room, put the bottles in the recycle bin; whilst getting some screws from some neighbours. Well that was understandable, I mean I was holding 10 bottles of alcohol and I was just in year 11. I moved the furniture back into the living room whilst doing some damage to my back, and decided to get working on breakfast; well brunch seeing as it was 2 now. I hadn't seen anyone from the party; especially Sam or Zac, lord know where they were. I sat down as the eggs where boiling. Last night; okay, Zac and Omari were talking about doing something and Zac was telling Omari not to do it. Maybe that had something to do with it? Omari had no reason to sell drugs, his Mum was a surgeon; the last thing he needed was money. I sat there puzzling for what reason Omari would be so idiotic.
''What you thinking about?'' Cecilia said as she asked into the Kitchen in one of Sam's jumper and my leggings. Her hair was all back and even now she looked beautiful.
''Why Omari would be so stupid.''
''Aalliyah he must of had his reason; Omari wouldn't sell Cannabis for-'' Wait
''Wait what; it was Cannabis?'' She nodded as she sat on one of the stools and started spinning slowly on it.
''Yeah'' Cecilia said shaking her head slowly. She looked kind of baffled.
''Cecilia cannabis is Class B drugs, not A'' I wanted to hit here. For an hour I was hitting myself thinking what I would seriously do if Omari went prison for even a week.
''But I swear they moved it up like a year ago'' Praise the lord for my good Law knowledge.
''Yeah to Class B.'' Just then the door bell went. I walked over to open it. I opened the door and it was like the black mafia had just stepped into my house. Sam first entered on his BB then one after another a Hench black person walked in, nodding their heads at me. I recognized most of them because they were always here. And last to come in was Zac and Omari and Steven. I immediately hugged Omari. It was a short but tight embrace. Then I remembered what he did. My hand played the drums of his cheek. All the boys turned around and raised their eyebrows; then started laughing and trudged into the living room.
''How could you be so stupid?!'' Omari smiled at me. Was he actually high? In fact why was he not in prison?
''Aalliyah my Mum already gave me this speech and that slap, so please leave it. And fuck you hands must be oily man that shit hurt.'' Omari said rubbing his check as he walked into the living room. I smiled a huge grin at Zac; he always made me smile just by looking at him.
''See how I'm second best'' Zac said jokingly. I hugged him, a much longer embrace. We started the whispering thing again. I laughed aswell awkwardly.
''You okay?'' Zac said to me.
''Yeah, you?'' He chuckled.
''Well seeing as two of my boys were in pen last night I'm doing good; after seeing my sexy wifey.'' I smiled like a lil kid when they first get there blackberry's.
''Ayy; Zac come in here'' Zac held me by the hand as we walked into living room, Cecilia was already there and by the looks of it still wasn't talking to Steven; he was on one end of the sofa on his BB and she was on the other on her I-phone. The batty-man crew all raised their eyebrows to see me and Zac hand in hand and Sam to still be sitting down calmly. They didn't say anything but there facial expression said it all. We - correction- they started talking about girls they beat whilst me and Cecilia stayed quiet; as far as I was aware we was both still virgins. I smelt a burning smell. Oh crap; I left my eggs of the pot. I ran into the kitchen to see my eggs looking like they had been bombed. I rolled my eyes and put them in the sink. Plan B- toast. I put my toast in as I hummed any random tune.
''Looool- I swear you Nigerian kids are mean to be great cooks?'' I chuckled lightly; it was a fake laugh to it would fill up the silence in the kitchen Omari smiled briefly. I had questions on my mind; but it would be rude to ask him questions when lard knows what happened.
''Ask me then.'' He could always read my mind.
''Why did they let you out?'' That did not come out the way I thought it. I tried back tracking but he put his hands forward indicating me to stop.
''Looool calm down. Cause it was only Cannabis init. And they obviously clocked I had no reason to supply it; so they gave me a slap on the wrist, have to go centre and I'm on tag'' He said it so calmly like it was no biggy.
''Omari; your life is fucked. What university is going to accept you with a criminal record?''
''Greenwich?'' He said laughing. His laugh really was contagious.
''Omari seriously you fucked up big time. Why did you even have the drugs on you?''
''Just doing someone a favour'' He said shrugging his shoulders and taking a seat.
''Who is this someone?''
''Don't watch that.'' I sighed. Hardboiled egg. Best way to describe Omari.
''Looool don't stress yourself over lil' things; it aint worth it.'' He said clocking my mood change.
''It is; why can't you just tell me?'' he always did this; he would start telling me something then when it got to the actual information he would just close up.
''Cause some things are best kept secret.''
''No, secrets ruin things. If it was a mistake tells the person.'' Truth. Even though I don't stand by this, Secret really do ruin things, they always seem to pop up at random times.
''Tell Zac then.''
''It doesn't always work like that-''
''Tell Zac what?'' Me and Omari both turned to Zac on the door way, looking baffled. Omari looked back at me and sighed almost saying-'sorry-'
''Errm, seeing as I'm now on lock imma bounce .Aalliyah ill holler you later.'' Omari said as he nudged Zac and whispered something in his ear. We soon heard the living room door open and close. So much for 'bouncing'
''Tell Zac what?'' He reapted again.

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