5. Curiosity Killed The Cat?

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-Curiosity Killed the Cat?

''Wagwarn''- that's all he had to say; he looked at me with his famous blank face, as if yesterday never happened.
''oh, am I smart enough to talk in your presence?' I asked sarcastically.
''You neeks and you're attitude mayn'' he said laughing at his own dumb catchphrase.
''You bad-breeds and your anger'' He just stared at me like I slapped him silly; ''Ay shut up, don't take mans for a prick like you even know what happened'' and with that he walked off; WANKER
Michelle finished and we left McDonalds only to find Omari and his batty man crew ''jamming'' near the school (you know those green chain walks)
''Oi boomting?'' I tried to slightly turn only to see who was talking like they mother didn't teach them English.
''nar not you, you butterz neek; you're friend'' the whole little bunch of hyena's started laughing and shouting 'peak'
I opened my mouth to speak against that remark, but imagine; one neek- 15 +boys; green chain walk; do the math. I opened then closed my mouth like a fish, instead I took safe route and pretended I didn't hear; only for that idiot to feel the need to play big prince charming
''ay you man allow her'' they all shut up; well at least I now who wears the pant's in that relationship. Michelle happily stuck out her chest and bum-bum and TRIED to walk over to them sexily, he asked to talk to her in private and she obviously agreed. Why was she acting like this? Only 3 weeks ago she would have walked straight past them or just laughed in their face. Now I was standing there like an idiot, in the green chain walk with a batch of black teenagers; some that didn't even attended my school; some that looked old enough to have children and be married. I kept my eyes down only ever looking up to see in Michelle was quite finished whatever she was doing in the bush.
''you're friends nice'' argh had to be him to comment; with his dumb sarcastic voice.
''thanks' so are yours'' I replied in the same sarcastic mono tone; trying to end this conversation as soon as possible.
''what's up with you?'' was he really this dumb
''well I'm in a green chain walk with complete strangers, talking to one of them who is obviously emotionally unstable AND my so called ''best friend'' is playing tongue tennis with someone she just meet; oh my life is just perky'' I tried to keep my voice to minimum, but anger just couldn't help but seethe out.
''ay ay; you neeks and you att-'' he saw my face and just shut up, but just chuckled lightly.
''don't take notice of them lot; they just think beauty is a dagge-rable backoff and big ding a lings, don't take what they say to heart.''
''I wasn't going to '' I said looking away; only to see the headteacher coming over angrily, I just froze n o words out of my mouth. My perfect record was dropping, one mistake after the other.
''AND JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?'' Mr Rose boomed, most of the other boys that did not attended the school nudged the boys and proceeded further into the green chain walk.
''Bunning weed, you?'' OhMyGod; what the hell was Omari doing, all of his boy's started laughing, most probably because high; then I realized, the boy that was talking to Michelle disappeared, and Michelle was out of site too. She left me. Anything could have happened. She- left-me.
My thoughts were interrupted with Mr Rose instructing everyone into his office and 20 mins later we were expelled for 2 weeks. I swear I was near tears. These things don't happen to me. Ever. I was shocked, he showed no remorse; at all. I just stood up and left when he dismissed us and went straight home. As I got changed what Michelle had done was now actually registering into my brain, that's why I didn't hear her for a long period of time, I pushed it to the back of my head as I got changed into shots and vest; thinking what I was going to do for 2 weeks. As I was walking into the direction of the kitchen, I heard loud voices, and then laughter and that dull smell hit me again. Weed, of course, my cousin was here. My day is just getting better and better, with him here automatically tagged was his ''friends''. I ignored then and went to cook my food as they started at me as if saying why is SHE here. I made chicken and rise sat on the table then my phone went off upstairs. I ran upstairs leaving my food on the table. Dumb move, I know. I looked at the caller ID; Michelle; she mad if she thinks I'm answering that or talking to without her doing some serious grovelling. I heard moaning coming from the guest room, I know curiosity killed the cat; but hey- I'm not catwoman. I called Samuel out loud. No answer. So who was rude enough to be having sex in my house?

Of course it was her. With him.

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