Chapter 22-Let the games begin

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Chapter 22-Let the games Begin!
The dining hall was silent. The only sound that was made was Cecilia's groans. The world froze for a minute. I was bewildered, I had taken first aid classes but all that leaves your head when you see your friend wriggling like a worm on the floor.
''Why the fuck you all standing there help there help her'' Steven shouted running to her. She muttered out pump between short breaths. The world started revolving again, my brain kicked into action instead of panic. I went to Cecilia breast pocket where she keeps all her valuables. I rummaged through her boobs finding her phone, Vaseline, then her inhaler pump.
''You want some water?'' Steven had been waiting on Cecilia hand and toenail since her asthma attack. It was now 8pm and once again we had free time, but because Cecilia was really in no fit state to be walking or even leaving our room; which is where we were all hanging out.
''No Steven, I do not want water, I want to go to the beach or go take walk or play football, I don't know why you're all acting like I died, it was just an asthma attack'' She was starting to get pissed, ever since her asthma attack Steven was just so serious. He didn't laugh at any of her jokes or even smile.
''Nah Cecilia don't fuck about you could of died''
''and why would you of all people care?'' Steven just kissed his teeth and stormed out of his room.
''Imma go after him before he does something stupid'' I just nodded and Omari left running after Steven. Cecilia was cosy in Michelle's bed and me in mine. Cecilia turned around and gave me a smile, you know those long extended one when you know they want something? This was starting to freak me out. The room was just silent except for our faint breathing.
''What?'' I asked
''you know what''
''No I don't, what?'' I hate mind games; they actually piss me right off.
''You and Omari, since when?'' she said giggling, I remained silent. Avoiding eye contact, but a smile came across my face. ''If you don't answer me ill just keep on laughing until I have another asthma attack.'' She said jokingly but seemed serious.
''Fine fine; last night.''
''That you yeah'' She said laughing happily.
''Yeah, guess so, what about you and Steven?''
''Don't mention the twat to me.''
''looool I thought you two got along?''
''We do but he just too touchy feely and I'm not, anyway do you like him?''
''Yeah otherwise I wouldn't be dating him'' I felt like new kid. Explaining our relationship to someone else was so awkward, I liked how it was now, just casual and relaxed, no-one knowing about it.
''Awww, I never thought my eyes would see the day when someone had Omarion Jones sprung''
''Looool guess-'' before I could finish my sentence there was a knock on the door. I hoped out of the bed and opened it. Chloe, with Michelle behind her.
''What do want?'' I asked rudely
''I want you to stay the FUCK away from Omari''
''I'm nowhere near him'' I said about to close the door, but she stuck her foot out. 'If you don't move your foot I'm going to break it'' She took my warning and just screwed me. I really had no time for her; she wanted what she couldn't have. I walked over to the bed to resume my conversation with Cecilia when there was another knock on the door. ''Argh who now'' I shouted.
''It's Nathan'' My heart skipped a beat, Nathan; how did he know which room I was in?
''Go away'' I said shakily. Cecilia looked at me and mouthed ''is that the one that tried it earlier'' I just nodded; she looked angry and tried to make her way to the door. I know where this was leading and I couldn't risk her having another asthma attack. I gave her a look and she went to sit back down, but was in a position that she could easily come to my side in seconds. I opened the door walked into the hallway and slightly closed the door behind me.
''What'' I was scared for my life but I can't always run away from things.
''Look I'm sorry for what happened earlier; but someone said that you're a sket and likes it rough'' I froze. Who would say that; for the four and a half years I attended this school no roomer have ever gone around about me. The only time I had had a fight in school was today.
''Who told you that?''
''Argh I forgot her name; but she gives head, like your height light skin-'' Guess who?
''Yeah yeah that's it'' Argh she was begging me to slap her.
''What did she actually say?''
''She was like argh you see that chick there, she gives head and she likes you; but she only like it when boys demand for it, or suttin like that''
''Okay, your forgiven whatever'' Nathan was the last thing on my mind. I was furious, what if Omari hadn't of came and Nathan must have thought I liked it so he would have carried on.
''Michelle's a dead chick walking'' Crap! I turned around to see Omari and Steven, Omari was angry, and Steven was just on his blackberry like this was normal.
''Omari how much of that did you hear?''

''Enough to fuck up Michelle, and you'' He was now looking at Nathan ''she might of forgiven you, but know that this aint over'' He kissed his teeth and made his way to Chloe's room which was a couple of doors down.
''Omari leave it'' I said following him, Cecilia had now come out of our room and followed us, I heard her asking Steven what was going and her basically filled her in. Omari angrily knocked on Chloe's door angrily.
''What mayn'' She shouted without opening the door.
''Tell Michelle to come out'' Omari shouted. We heard rustling and Chloe and Michelle came out.
''Yes Omari' she said in her sluty voice. She was wearing short pj's shorts and a tight vest with no bra so you could just about make out her nipples, and guess what? Chloe was wearing the same thing.
''Don't talk to me like that; what did you say to Nathan?'' Omari was not messing.
''Nothing'' now her dumb voice was gone and she was scared.
''Argh Omari go away, we didn't say nothing, if your wifeys a sket; then she is'' Chloe said; she obviously did not recognize that 4 people where more than ready to beat her up. Omari stepped forward, I tried to move to him but Steven held me back. ''leave him''
''Kl-HOE-ee; say that again if your bad'' Omari fist where tighting up.
''I said'' there goes that ghetto turkey neck ''It's not my fault that Nathan thinks your BUTTERS wifey is a sket'' Omari raised his fist and was inches away from her face.

But stopped in this tracks and punched the wall instead. Chloe started breathing again and opened her eyes. Omari just screwed her. ''You're so fucking lucky I don't hit bludclart girls'' Omari's Jamaican accent came out; he kissed his teeth and walked back into our room, slamming the door. Steven then went up to Chloe and Michelle. ''Omari might not hit girls but don't think I would even hesitate to give you a backhand; fuck around with Omari wifey again, trust I will rip your nipples off' Normally I would of burst out laughing, but Steven was being dead serious. He spat on Chloe's clothes and walked away.
I wanted to slap Michelle so badly but Steven held my shoulder and with much hesitation; walked me back to my room with Cecilia. I walked over to the wardrobe and took out some Pj's; I went to the toilet and walked in to Omari washing his hands.
''Are you okay'' I asked trying not sound worried.
''Yeah; you?'' He asked smiling; once again like nothing happened
''Why are you smiling?''
''Cause I'm looking at my beautiful wife's face'' If I was white I would of blushed; I smiled like the neek I am.
''Looool thanks', I'm going to change now so...Bye'' I hinted for him to leave the bathroom.
''Looool its cool ill leave but we both know I've seen it; and I'm going to see it again'' he said cheekily, knowing he was right. I changed brushed my teeth washed my face then left the toilet. Omari and Steven were topless, Steven was talking to Cecilia but all she was looking at was his abs. He must have seen her and laughed. He pulled her in for a hug and she didn't even cuss; they walked into bed together, and lay there talking; his arm around her. I walked into my own bed where Omari already was comfortable. I couldn't' be bothered to walk around the bed to I just jumped over Omari; well tried; because I was halve way when he grabbed me and I was sitting on his lap and him lying down on the bed.
''What do want'' I said giggling cause he was tickling me.
''I want you to bounce'' I laughed; he was mad, if I bounce I would of basically been dry humping him.
''Looool no never'' I said trying to move but he held me in place while he sat up.
''Fine then let's play truth or dare'' I loved dares. We all sat down on the floor while Steven went to get a bottle. He brought back a couple of bottles of Bacardi Breezier; I had never had alcohol in my life; I personally never say the point; it's a way of slow suicide.
''Ite the rules'' Steven started'' I'll spin the bottle if it lands on you, you pick truth or dare; if you pick truth but don't answer the question you have to take of a piece of clothing of the opposite sex's choice, if you pick dare but don't do it you have to drink a bottle'' We all agreed to the rules.
Let the Games Begin!

*Did you guys really think I was going to let Omari be Evil and punch Kl-HOE-ee (her new nick-name?) looool if you did then you don't know Omari :)x

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