Last Chapters:::(BOOK 3) Chapter 33 - One boy, a thousand feelings - 7

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Part 7: 'Hold Back the River'

I'm jealous of the rain
That falls upon your skin
It's closer than my hands have been
I'm jealous of the rain
I'm jealous of the wind
That ripples through your clothes
It's closer than your shadow
Oh, I'm jealous of the wind, 'cause

I wished you the best of
All this world could give
And I told you when you left me
There's nothing to forgive

But I always thought you'd come back,
tell me all you found was
Heartbreak and misery
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way
You're happy without me

:::Jealous, Labrinth

"The Wedding" – these where the two most spoken words by everyone within our friendships group, family and beyond the past week. The altercation that had happened at the hospital had spread like wild fire. No one knew what was happening or what would happen, let alone the bride and groom.

Ask Sam, you'd receive a grumpy "what will happen will happen". If you dared ask him anything past this point you would be subject to either his death glare or him hurling abuse at you.

Ask Katy, and you'd receive the same phrase in a more sincere tone, "what will happen, will happen." But like Sam, if you asked her anything after this point it would results in death glares and swear words telling you where you and your questions could go.

By the fifth day of them behaving like this, we had to call a crisis meeting. The wedding was in seven days and counting. As it currently stood, Sam had moved out of their shared flat and was crashing at Melvin's. I spent my spare time going between the two (who were currently living in completely different zones in London, my Oyster card was being abused) trying to console them without it being obvious.

Melvin, myself and Katy's younger sister sat around her small kitchen table trying to find a way to reconcile them. Every idea we had so far wouldn't work. Ranging from just leave them to it, to torture them to apologise to each other. I knew that they'd regret this if they didn't get married. Not only would they lose each other but they would lose thousands of pounds that had been poured into this wedding. We literally had seven day to fix this mess.

The doorbell rung and Katy's sister went to answer it.

"Look, maybe we shouldn't meddle." I resigned sighing, leaning back on the wooden chair. With only me and Melvin at the table, we could be honest. Sam was stubborn as hell, if he himself didn't want to do it nothing could make him. "If Sam wants Katy then he should fight for her himself."

"Is that what you'd want?" I looked over my shoulder. Omari had just walked in with reinforcements in the form of the rest of Sam's groomsmen and two more of Katy's bride's maids.

"Yeah." I cleared my suddenly dry throat. I turned back to the main table. I should have been a good host and offered them tea or coffee or water, but I hadn't seen Omari since that night at the hospital. I didn't work in Neonatal so I had to pass Kara's case onto a proper doctor. That and my guilt that was eating away at me for being part of Chloe's scheme.

Omari leaned over the table to touch hands with Melvin. I stifled my breath and looked down at my wooden table. Everyone made rounds greeting one another.

Maybe I should have let them be. Who was I to demand a place in Omari's life at the expense of a girl that he had told me repeatedly thought was good for him. Why was I allowing myself to be so selfish and acting like a teenager. Acting like Chloe. I needed to unload on C. I knew she was going to tell me, 'I told you so' – but maybe that was exactly what I needed right now.

"And if Katy wants Sam then she can fight for him too." Melvin replied.

"They both have massive egos." Daniel, one of Sam's close friends said. We all nodded acknowledging that this was the truth. Getting them to apologise to the other was going to be impossible.

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