BOOK 3 (Chapter 9) Now she tryna patch me up but .. PART 2

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"Your phones ringing" Harvey flashed my Iphone in my direction. I shrugged. Harvey shrugged too and let it ring out, then carried on doing whatever he was doing on my phone

I carried on driving but soon came to a stop. I kissed my teeth. Why where so many people on the motor way at this time? 8 am and people want to clog up the motorway like this ?

"Its ringing again?"

"Put it on loud speaker" Harvey answered the call and put it on loud speaker.

"Hello?" Chyna said into the phone.


"Hey, I was just wondering if you wanted to co cinema later on today?"

"Oh nah I can't."

"Oh. What's wrong?"

"Nothing babe, I'm just don't like being up early that's all."

"Yeah I saw your status changed at like 6 am and wondered why you were up early"

"I'm going chessington with the family"

"Aww, Omaris a family man yeah?"

"LOOOL, yeah course. Its fathers day"

"Aw, how's my baby Kamara?"

"She's sleeping in the back." I turned around to make sure. I had a beautiful baby, she was wearing a cute summer dress with tights and her little mini convereses. She rubbed her face and carried on snoozing.

"She sooo preety. I want a baby now"

"We can make that happen" I said chuckling. I licked the rim of my upper teeth. Chyna was so flipping sexy for a 17 year old man.

"Oh yeah?"

"We'll I'm sleeping over chessington today, so when I hit up london tomorrow we can talk more about this baby thing yeah."

"Alright babe, have fun"


"Don't hurt that pretty little face of yours"

"I won't"



"Your sucha flower pot" Harvey said a soon as I hanged up.

"What?!" I said laughing. I was tryna concentraate on driving but I wanted to see if this guy was ACTUALLY being serious.

"She's taking you for a prick blud. Saying don't hurt your face, and you reply yeah. I woulda told her if she wants the d*ck she shouldn't try to lie and say let's go cinema."

"I've been cinema with her before. Sh*t goes down dawwwwg" I said nudging him. He laughed and shook his head. Kara started mumbling, then slowly started crying. I loved her and sh*t, but when she was sleeping, the smallest noise would wake her up; she would cry then sleep again.

"Leave her." Kara was gonna cry for a couple of mintues then she would calm down and go back to bed. She did this every morning.

"She's gonna wake up junior. Are you gonna have 2 crying kids in the car?"

"The fact your pickney still cries at 3 years old is a big problem dawg." Kara was gonna stop crying when she could talk properly. There was no need for my baby to cry when I could give her anything she wanted. That's how I saw it anyway.

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