73. The end

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“Ally! Ally wait up!” Seth shouted, running after me. “Jeeze, that was amazing! Well done girl!”

“Thanks, I guess.” I chuckled. I don’t really think punching a person deserved a congratulations, but I would accept it nonetheless.

We got to the coffee shop 5 minutes late due to my spontaneous fit of rage, but no one seemed to care or notice. Me and Seth spent a while laughing over what had just happened, both unable to believe that I had actually hit Louise.

An hour or so into the shift a delivery man came in with a huge box, asking for a Miss Lucas. I accepted the parcel and signed for it, even though I was unsure of what it was. I opened the top of the large box to find a massive bouquet of red roses inside. Really, Dan thought that flowers would make this better? I found the card and opened it, reading the message inside.

‘My Darling Ally,

I love you with all my heart and I hope you are able to forgive me for my ridiculous mistake. I’m so sorry for hurting you and I never want to do that to you again. Please trust me. Please meet me so that we can talk this through properly.

I will be at Marcio’s at 7pm, waiting for you.

Forever yours, Dan x’

A thousand thoughts ran through my mind. Should I meet him or not? Did he deserve a second chance? Should I even listen to his excuses?

The day dragged and I finally decided that I would meet him. I grabbed my phone and wrote out a text to him.

-“I got the flowers. I will meet you at 7 at yours, I don’t really feel like going out for dinner.”-

I knew that if he got me to Marcio’s it would remind me of the good times that we’ve had and I would just crumble and be his again. Also, it was true that I didn’t feel like eating. My usually healthy appetite had completely diminished since yesterday morning, meaning that it was pointless going to an expensive restaurant if I wasn’t going to eat anything.

I got a response from Dan within seconds.

-“Thank you so much Al. I love you x”-

‘Yeah obviously you do, that’s why you cheated, you prick’ I said to myself but restrained myself from typing it, instead deciding not to reply. I knew that I had to go there and meet him, I had to at least hear him out properly. Maybe this relationship could be salvaged.


The buzzer for the door went and I nervously approached the door. I opened the door to see Ally stood there. She had come. She had actually come.

“Hi.” I mumbled to her, unsure of what else to say.

“Hi.” She coldly replied.

“Do you want to come in?”

“No, Dan I want to stay out here all bloody night. What do you think?” She snapped. Ah, using her famous sarcasm as usual.

“Come in then..” I held the door open further, allowing her to enter the flat. She walked through to the lounge and sat on the sofa.

“Is anyone else in?”

“Nope.” I shook my head.


I stood there awkwardly, unsure whether I should sit down, stand up, run a mile, offer her a drink? Yes, offer her a drink Dan. “Do you want something to drink?”

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now