57. Getting back to normal

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I don’t know whose idea it was to keep a depressed drug addict in a hospital room with nothing to do for 3 days, but it was a fucking stupid idea. I was going crazy in the small plain room that reeked of disinfectant and was constantly filled with the noise of machines beeping and patients from other rooms coughing or calling for nurses or shouting or crying. It wasn’t a good place to be in right now.

I found myself staring at the clock, counting down the minutes until I would have company again. I had been told today that I would need to stay in until tomorrow as well which was totally shit. I couldn’t cope with another night in this damned place.

The two hours that Ally and the boys spent here went way too quickly for my liking and I found myself crying the moment that they left because I was on my own again.


I woke up early but felt surprisingly optimistic. I had thought about things a lot last night and, even though I knew it was selfish, I had decided that I was going to have to cancel the rest of the UK tour and go back to London for the next week and a bit. I needed my home and I desperately wanted to see my family. I just hoped everyone wouldn’t be too angry at me.

Everyone got to the hospital at 10am to pick me up and I told them that I had been thinking about going home and all of them were really supportive, Kyle and Ally seemed especially relieved.

As we walked out of the hospital I breathed in the fresh air and I noticed that I had the biggest grin on my face. Ally looked up at me and smiled too, tightening her grip on my hand. We got to the tour bus and all sat in the lounge area and shoved on a film as we left to go back home.

After 5 and a half hours of travelling we were finally in London and I couldn’t be happier to be at my flat. Ally had decided to come back to mine because she still didn’t feel ready to see Kaley, which was totally understandable, and I was thrilled to have her with me still. How she hasn’t given up on me yet is a mystery to me.

I had told none of my housemates that I was coming home so they were all surprised to see us walk through the door. They all asked about my health and I was as honest as possible with them, they all know what I’ve been through and so were totally understanding. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening chatting, laughing, watching tv and eating takeaway pizza, which I had massively missed since being in hospital.

The whole day had completely exhausted me and I could barely keep my eyes open, so me and Ally took ourselves off to bed at 10. I had never appreciated my own bed and having my girlfriend there with me more.

“I love you Dan.” Ally said as I got under the duvet and pulled her closer to me.

“I love you too.” I smiled. I looked at her and she had a mischievous smirk on her face. I leaned closer and crashed my lips into hers.

“I’ve missed you so much.” She said breathlessly between passionate kisses.

“I’ve missed you too.” I replied as I started to remove her t-shirt, craving her body. She quickly moved so that she was on top of me, pinning me down and now removing my clothes, barely removing her lips from mine the entire time.

Suddenly she pulled away and I found myself looking up at her in a confused daze. “Is this right? Like, is this okay for us to be doing this? You’ve just got out of hospital.” She said panicked. “I mean you’re ill and-“ I quickly cut off her thoughts with another kiss and I felt her laugh under my lips. “I take that as a yes.” She breathed heavily into my mouth, letting out a small moan as our bodies intertwined with one another.


I awoke to the sound of soft breathing next to me and as I rolled over I smiled as I saw Ally in a beautiful and peaceful sleep. Or at least I thought she was asleep. “Stop watching me, you creepy perv.” She said with her eyes closed.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now