17. Another first date

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I was on the phone chatting to Ally when Adam and Rick walked in the door. For some reason instead of just carrying on talking normally to Ally and telling Adam who I was talking to I went all weird and started talking about meetings and interviews, pretending it was someone from our management team.

I was so excited for tomorrow, I had this whole day planned out and I don’t care but I was going to be really cheesy and it was going to be the funnest date ever.


As I approached Ally’s flat I suddenly got really nervous. What if she thinks this idea is totally lame and I make a tit out of myself? Oh well, it’s a bit too late now.

I got to the door and pressed the buzzer and made my way up to the flat. Ally opened the door and looked stunning. She was wearing a floral dress and a leather jacket and black boots with her hair down, framing her face beautifully.

“Hi stranger.” She smiled up at me and I couldn’t help myself, all I wanted to do was kiss her. Instead I gave her a hug and held her for a bit longer than I perhaps should have.

“You look amazing, as usual.” She turned a dark shade of crimson and I let out a small laugh. “Don’t blush, just accept the compliment!”

“Okay, okay! Thank you Dan, you look horrible though.. You could have made a bit of an effort!” She smirked, coming out of her flat and locking the door behind her.

We went down the lift and towards the tube station and chatted about what we had done last night, laughing at the fact that she had been watching my performances. I found them so embarrassing but it was actually quite cute that she had taken interest into it.


“Uhhhh. I’ve just realised I can’t even do the surname thing! I don’t even know what your surname is!”

“Haha it’s Lucas.”

“Ally Lucas ahh. Lucas doesn’t really work though cause it’s a first name too. It would just look like you’re a guy or something if I called you that.”

“Dan, are you calling me a bloke?!”

“No, no. Um no not at all.” I stuttered.

“You get so funny when you’re nervous Dan! I’m totally messing with you. I am aware that my surname is a guys name!”

“Oh haha. Maybe I will just stick with Ally? I think that’s best! Anyway, we need to get on the tube now.”

“Wait, Dan I never got to even ask the question! Where the hell are we going?!”

“For me to know and you to find out.” I said in a childish tone and laughed. “But seriously, right now we’re about to go on the tube.” I said, leading her into the station and following the crowd onto the train.

When we got to our stop I grabbed her hand and we made our way out of the station. I realised I was still holding her hand so quickly let go, apologising and blushing.

As we approached our destination Ally’s eyes widened. “No freaking way are we going to the zoo?!” I looked down at her and nodded, smiling. “Ah Dan this is amazing I love the zoo! I’ve never been to London zoo before and wanted to come since we’ve been here!” She gave me a huge hug, clearly the surprise was a good one!

We spent the next few hours walking around the zoo seeing all the animals. Ally was adorable getting mega excited and was acting like a small child, taking tons of photos.

We were at the lions and Ally was trying to get a photo with both of us and the lion in the background but failing massively, missing out one of us in each photo, when a woman approached us. “Do you want me to take a photo of you and your boyfriend together?” She asked looking at Ally.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now