27. A busy day being tourists

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I woke up at 11 and got straight in the shower and started getting ready. I left my hair to dry in its natural wave and started putting on my make-up. I had no idea what we were doing or what to wear, so decided to just go for jeans and nice top. 'Yeah I look alright today' I thought as I looked at myself in the mirror.

Dan turned up shortly after and I practically ran to the door to let him in. He came in and I jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his body. I hugged him tightly and then leant in and gave him a kiss. “Well if being away from you for a day gives me this as a hello, I can’t wait for the hello after I’ve been away longer!” He joked at me.

“Alright, you ain’t nothing special.” I said sarcastically, unwrapping my legs and jumping away from his grasp. As I turned to walk away, he held onto my hand and spun me round so I was back in his arms, this time stood on my feet though. He gave me another kiss, smiling throughout.

He wove his hands around my waist and held me for a few moments. “So, what shall we do today?” I began.

“I thought we could be tourists for the day? I mean I know you got excited at the zoo, and you mentioned that you liked all that sort of stuff? So I was thinking, the London eye? Aquarium? Madame Tussauds? We could do any of them.. Or try and fit them all into one day?”

“You’re too cute!” I said, planting another kiss on his lips. “That sounds perfect, but first, I’m thinking of my stomach as always.”

“I thought you would be, which is why I booked a table at the Hard Rock café.”

“You’re awesome.” I said, planting yet another kiss on his lips.

“Stop Al! We need to go, I have a busy day planned!” Dan said, breaking away from the embrace.

“Okay, It’s your fault anyway.”

“My fault?”

“Yeah, for being too kissable.”

He cracked up. “You’re such a loser.” And grabbed my hand and led me out of the door, me grabbing my bag on the way out.

We got in a taxi to the restaurant and had something to eat. I had the best burger ever it was lush.

Then we got another taxi to Southbank and Dan had already got tickets for the London Eye, and we somehow managed to skip the queue and get in to one of the pods straight away. Even though it’s been here for like 14 years, this is still only the first time I’ve been on it. The view from the top was incredible, you could see all of London it was amazing!

Me and Dan decided to take the tourist thing to the next level, posing for photos with each other and taking cheesy selfies. There was one photo he took where I was looking out at the view and he was kissing my cheek and I’m not gunna lie, we looked flipping cute together.

We got off and strolled along the river, with Dan’s arm slinked around my shoulder and me gripping around his body, onto his waist. We walked over to the Aquarium and went inside. We laughed, making different faces at all of the fish and Dan took the piss out of me when I freaked out at the sharks, just a weird phobia of mine.

By this time it was half 4, and we were going to do something else but then I thought I better get home so that I’m back for when Kaley gets back. We took another taxi back to mine and I invited Dan upstairs. Might as well end another perfect date in a perfect way again!

As soon as we got through the door, I pushed him to the wall, kissing him intensely. He grabbed me and carried me to my room, throwing me on my bed. He lay on top of me, unbuttoning my jeans and pulling off my shirt, me doing the same to him.

I was so focused on Dan and what was happening that I didn’t hear the front door shut, or Kaley shout that she was home. She didn’t even knock on my door I’m sure, she just came in, right when me and Dan were.. Ummm busy.

“SHIT! I’m so sorry I shouted!” She said shutting the door and laughing.

Dan got off me straight away and got under the duvet, covering himself up. “Oh my god that was bad.” He said in a hushed tone to me.

“No point whispering now, Smith.. I think she knows you’re here!” I said, grabbing my dressing gown and running out the room to do damage control.

I found Kaley in the kitchen, searching through the fridge for food. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t hear you come in or knock or anything otherwise I would have stopped you coming in, obviously! Plus you aren’t meant to be home for an hour!”

She turned round laughing at me. “Babe, you have nothing to be sorry about, you were having sex with your boyfriend, hardly a crime! I didn’t actually knock either, I need to learn to do that I think. I closed my eyes straight away though, I didn’t wanna see any of that.” She said, waving her hand in my direction. “And I finished work early! Anyway, you go.. Uh finish off? I’m going in the shower! Still going out tonight?”

“Uhh, thanks. I think you spoiled the mood a bit though! And yeah, I will do dinner in a bit.” I said, turning round and heading back to my room.

Dan was still under the duvet, and still blushing madly. “Your best friend just saw me naked.”

I laughed, sitting on the bed. “Technically she just saw your bum. It’s fine.”

“Right, well still! You need a lock on that door for sure, or at least some kind of code with her, like if the doors shut, knock!”

I nodded, smiling at his panicked look about him. I leant over and kissed him gently and realised that Kaley clearly didn’t ruin his mood! He laughed through the kiss and held me close to him. “Really Al, after what’s just happened?!”

“Uh huh Smith, you better believe it.” And I ripped my robe off and joined him, this time under the covers.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon