38. Birthday kisses

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Johnny pushed through the exit, not loosening his grip on my waist. I gave a worried look to the bouncers, signalling that I needed their help but they barely looked at us, too engrossed in their own conversation.

I kept turning around to see if anyone had noticed but with no luck. Johnny was leading me further and further down the street. He pushed me into an alleyway and up against the wall. My head hit the brickwork and tears slid down my cheeks. I had lost hope of anyone helping me.

Johnny’s hands began exploring my body and he starting kissing me again as I squirmed away. I started to plead with him. “Johnny please don’t do this. If you stop now I will forget anything’s happened here, just please you’re hurting me.” He replied to me by forcing another kiss on my lips and pulling the hem of my dress up, clenching onto my thighs.

“What the hell is going on here?” Johnny pulled away and I looked to the entrance of the alleyway to see Kyle and Dan. Kyle ran towards us and tore Johnny off of me, throwing a punch at him and then pinning him to the wall. “The girl said stop, so stop you fucking moron.” He spat out at him as he held his collar to his neck.

I turned around to look at Dan, stood there with tears in his eyes and disgust on his face. I ran towards him, expecting to be engulfed in a hug but instead being pushed away.

 “I thought you said nothing was going on between you and him?” Dan shouted at me.

“Dan are you serious?! Did you not just see that?!” I was so confused. How did he think that I wanted to be in this situation?

“No Ally, are YOU serious?! I saw you kissing him for fucks sake. You were about to shag him in the middle of the street you dirty slut.” Now I was angry, how has he got this so wrong?

“Well Dan, did you see me trying to push him away? Him grabbing hold of me? The tears streaming down my face as he attacked me?” I shouted back at him. “Kyle even saw it, heard me say that he was hurting me and that I wanted him to get off of me! Open your fucking eyes Dan, I’m not like that!” The tears were flowing down my face.

“Enough of the excuses, don’t turn this around on you. You’re pathetic.” Dan turned his back on me and walked off, back towards the club and went inside.

I let out a loud whimper as more tears escaped my eyes. Dan was gone. How could he leave me? I was wrapped into a tight hug from behind and as I turned around Kyle’s face was just as shocked as mine. “It’s okay, you’re alright now.” He held me as I cried into his chest.

I pulled my face away from him and noticed that Johnny had made a run for it. Good. I never wanted to see his face again.

“You saw what happened, didn’t you?” I let out in between sobs.

“Of course. I saw you struggling. That guy is mental. I’m just happy I got here in time.” He wrapped me in his arms once again and sighed. “Dan just got the wrong end of the stick. I will find him and explain it to him. He will realise how wrong he got it and will feel like an idiot. Do you want me to get anyone?”

I pulled away from him and wiped under my eyes and took a deep breath. “I think I just need to go home. I don’t want anyone to see me like this though so just say I’m alright but I’ve gone home because I’m too drunk or something like that.” I let go of Kyle and went towards the taxi rank.

“Woah woah woah, where do you think you’re going?” He said, grabbing my hand. “There’s no way I’m letting you go home on your own. Let me take you.”

I let out another whimper and tried to smile a thank you at Kyle. We got into a taxi and he told the driver the address. When we got to mine he made sure I got in safe and was okay. “Are you sure you’re alright on your own?” He asked for the tenth time.

“I’m sure, Kyle. I’m just going to bed. You go back and enjoy the night, it’s still early.”

“Well I don’t know about enjoying it anymore. But I’m gunna go and find Dan and make him realise what an idiot he’s been.”

“Thank you Kyle.” I grabbed him and buried my face into his chest as he kissed my head.

“I’ll speak to you tomorrow, Ally.” He gave me one last squeeze and headed towards the door. “And don’t worry about anything, alright?”

“Alright.” I agreed and smiled at him, walking to my room and getting into bed.


I was fuming, absolutely fuming.

It was happening all over again.

Johnny was going to get with my girlfriend. Steal another one of my girlfriends.

I don’t know what I was doing, my head was spinning but I was so angry. I don’t know if I’ve made a mistake but they were definitely kissing. If me and Kyle didn’t get there when we did they would have been having sex. Ally denied it all and I don’t know what to believe.

I re-entered the club and pushed past the sea of people to find the others. I was in the middle of the dance floor trying to find a face that I recognised and I started to feel claustrophobic so I made my way outside the back of the club to the smoking area. I found a bench and sat down with my head in my hands. If only my vision would stay straight. At least it was quieter out here.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Kaley, who sat down next to me. “Ally’s an idiot.”

“Huh?” So she saw Ally with Johnny too, it wasn’t just me.

“I saw her leave with Johnny. He can always get her, she’s always been in love with him for years and will never say no to him. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

I let out a deep breath, annoyed that I had let myself get involved with this. I knew what was coming as soon as I saw Johnny again last week in the pub.

I couldn’t even say anything I was so upset. I looked over at Kaley, who gave me a sympathetic smile. She leaned in and gave me a hug and I wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She leant away from the hug and looked me in the eye, our faces close, noses nearly touching. I could feel her warm breath on my face. And then she leant in closer and our lips met each other’s.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now