40. Idiot

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I woke up to the sound of the front door slamming shut. I turned over in my bed to look at the time. 7.23am. Who would be leaving the flat at this time? Maybe Kaley brought some guy back. Maybe it was Kyle.

I slowly sat up, letting my legs hang off the edge of the bed. Annoyingly I had a banging headache. It wasn't even a good night and I had a hangover. Typical.

I searched my room for my bag and finally found it in a pile of clothes. I pulled my phone out and saw a string of missed calls and texts from Dan, Will, Woody, Kyle, Adam, Toby and Kaley. Woah I was popular in the night! I scrolled through them all.

All of the boys were looking for Dan who had gone off somewhere and Kaley was asking me where I had disappeared to. Kyle was checking I was okay, bless him. He had been so sweet to me last night whilst Dan was being an utter twat.

Talking about Dan, his texts indicated that he was extremely drunk. Telling me he's sorry, I think. The texts actually said "I sporruy" and "I'm am isdioyt". There were another 6 but they were pretty much the same thing. I was still angry at him, I didn't even want to reply. There was a text from Woody saying they had found Dan and he went back with him so I wasn't too worried about his whereabouts.

I made my way down the hall towards the bathroom and noticed Kaley's bedroom door open. Her dress and heels from last night were on the floor so she obviously did come home last night. It must have been her that just left the flat because she was nowhere around.

I grabbed some painkillers from the bathroom and put the pills in my mouth, leaning down and getting water in my mouth from the tap. I looked in the mirror and sighed. I felt disgusting. I needed to shower and get the horrible feeling of Johnny off of my skin.

I stripped and got in the shower, covering myself in body wash and scrubbing my skin until it was red. I stood letting the water run down my body and started to sob. Why me? I turned the shower off and wrapped myself in a towel and walked down to my room. I sat on the bed and put my head in my hands. My eyes felt heavy and so I let them close, curling up into a ball on the bed and let myself fall back asleep.


I awoke a few hours later to the door again. This time it was someone knocking on it. I sat up in a daze, noticing I was still wrapped in my towel. I quickly threw on a t-shirt and shorts and opened the front door.

Dan was stood outside, looking down and scuffing his shoe on the ground. He looked like he was suffering. Good. He still looked beautiful though, obviously. He looked me in the eye and I couldn't help but feel butterflies looking at those blue eyes. "You better come in then." I turned my back on Dan and walked on through to the living room, allowing him to follow me.

I sat down on one of the sofas and glanced over at Dan who sat awkwardly on the opposite sofa playing with his shoelaces. "You gunna start speaking or just make the atmosphere even more awkward Dan?"

"Oh, um. I want to apologise for last night. I'm sorry. I saw Johnny kissing you and I got angry. I know you didn't do anything." He stopped and caught my eye again.

"Is that it Dan?"

"I don't know what to say to make it any better. You know how people say stupid stuff when they're drunk."

Just at that moment the front door slammed and Kaley walked into the room. "Hey Al." She came into the room further. "Oh hi Dan. Sorry, I'll leave you two alone." She seemed panicked about something. I don't know what was up with her, she pretty much ran out of the room as soon as she saw Dan was here.

"That was weird." I shrugged and focused my attention back to the conversation that me and Dan were having. "You shouted at me Dan. You called me a slut. That fucking hurt, you know." Dan's mouth dropped in shock as I spoke.

"I... I didn't realise I was that nasty. I'm sorry. Of course I know you didn't do anything. I'm just sorry for being an idiot. And I can't be more sorry for hurting you. I never want to hurt you again. I'm sorry he hurt you and I wasn't there for you."

"Dan you obviously have trust issues because of what happened in the past with Louise and Johnny."

"I know I do. I know that, okay. I always think it's going to happen again to me which is why I haven't wanted to be serious with anyone else since Louise. But it's different with you. I trust you. I know you aren't like that and I-" He stopped himself mid-sentence and thought for a second. "I'm sorry."

"You still thought I kissed Johnny last night though."

"No I was confused. I saw him kiss you and got angry, the boys made me see sense. I'm sorry, I'm an idiot. You have to understand what that guy's done to me."

"I'm confused too. Why would you think I would kiss him if you actually trust me? You were really angry and it scared me. Johnny means nothing to me anymore, he hasn't for years. I'm not the type to get with someone else when I'm in a relationship. That's not me, okay?"

"I know. I'm so sorry, I fucked up. I'm sorry I got angry as well, it was at him I never meant to aim it at you. Forgive me?" He looked genuinely sorry and upset.

We sat in silence for a few moments. I knew that he was sorry but it didn't excuse him for accusing me in the first place. "I don't know what to say, Dan."

He got up and sat back down on the same sofa as me and held my hand. I looked him in the eyes and tears were making his eyes glisten. "Say you forgive me."

I just started laughing at that moment. I don't quite know why but I had the nervous giggles. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I said in between laughter. Dan looked at me with a questioning face. "I forgive you, alright. I just want you to promise to never leave me like you did last night."

"I promise, okay. I promise." He smiled at me.

"And I want you to explain what happened to you last night."

His smile suddenly dropped. "I just left without telling anyone, which is stupid I know. But Woody, Will and Kyle found me at a 24 hour café trying to sober up and then Woody took me back to his and I realised how badly I handled the situation. I was just drunk, not that that's an excuse. Kyle told me I was an idiot but I didn't think I was that bad. Sorry."

"You were an idiot."

"I know I was."

"You are still an idiot."

"I know I am."

I could never stay mad at Dan, I cared about him too much. "Give me a hug you idiot, I'm hungover and want a cuddle from my boyfriend." He smiled, opening his arms and letting me lay down on his chest, wrapping his arms around me tightly and kissing my head.

"If it's any consolation, I'm majorly hungover as well." He laughed.

"Good! You deserve to suffer! Are you still coming today though?" I know we had just had a big fall out but I still wanted him to come with us today to meet the family.

"If you'll still have me?"

"Of course I will." I looked up into his bright blue eyes and kissed him softly.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now