22. Argument

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“Did you have a good night last night then Ally?”

“Yeah me and Hannah went out for a meal and had one too many glasses of wine an-“ I cut her off. I couldn’t be bothered with listening to her any more.

“Ally where were you last night?” I was close to exploding, I could feel it.

“At Hannah’s I told y-“

“Don’t bullshit me, I spoke to Hannah last night and know you weren’t there. Why are you lying to me? I don’t care where you were just why leave me panicked and then lie? It’s just not like you Ally.” Surprisingly, I was remaining relatively calm.

She looked totally shocked, and caught out. “Sorry, I just didn’t want to say the truth..” She paused for a second and that was the moment I exploded.

“So you lie to me! Ally we never lie to each other, NEVER!” I don’t know why I was so hurt, I don’t even know what the lie is yet!

“I was, urgh.. I was with a guy okay.” I looked at her, waiting for her to explain a bit more. I needed more than that. “I met up with Dan.” She finished.

Dan? She was with Dan? What the hell I did not see that one coming. My face obviously showed how hurt I was and she began to speak again when I cut her off again.

“Riiiight, so I thought you were seeing my brother.”

“See this is why I didn’t tell you! I didn’t want to hurt anyone!”

“And you knew I bloody liked him. I told you! And I was the one kissing him the other night! Do you just go behind and get with all the men I’ve kissed before?”

“Kaley, this is one time! I was confused and I kissed Adam when I was drunk but with Dan it meant something more to me!”

“Are you telling me you’ve slept with him?!” I shrieked at her.

She stopped, realising she had to tell me the truth. “Yes.” She simply said.

“Right then.. When? When I was calling you last night panicked out of my fucking mind?! Or the same night I was kissing him and you were kissing my brother you little slut!” I shouted with venom.

She was quiet for a second. “The first time was Saturday morning and then the next time was Monday.”

“SATURDAY?! BUT YOU WENT ON A DATE WITH MY BROTHER ON SUNDAY. YOU’RE MESSING AROUND MY FUCKING BROTHER ALLY!” I was fuming now. “Are you shagging him too? Bet you’ve got them both wrapped round your little finger!” I spat at her.

“No! Of course not, you know me I’m not like that!”

“Well then you started lying about where you were and I’m not so sure I know you anymore Ally.. And wait, I was here on Saturday! We spent the whole fucking day together on Saturday!”

“I know, I’m sorry, it was when you went to lunch with the boys. He came round here and it just happened.”

“What he tripped and you fell?! That sort of thing was it?!” She had tears in her eyes now but I wasn’t letting her get away with it that easily. I thought back to Saturday morning, Dan had basically said I was a drunken mistake and then come over here to get with Ally, what a knobhead.

“Kaley please! I like him alright! I know I didn’t handle it the best of ways but it was only cause I didn’t want to hurt you because I knew you liked him too. I’ve handled it badly I know but I was confused!” She pleaded.

“You didn’t tell me the truth and I’ve just made a tit out of myself asking him out. Yeah, that’s how much I like him too. I asked him out! And I’ve been honest about it the whole time! I even kissed him and then told you I liked him after that! How much more did I need to say to keep you away from him!” It was true, she had totally gone behind my back to get with the guy I liked and that upset me more than anything.

“I know, but I’m telling you now! I’m sorry to keep it from you, I should have just told you when you were both here the other day but I panicked and so got him out as quickly as I could and-”

“WHAT?!” I screamed at her “He was here when I was here the other day?! Surely that’s that fucking time to say something!”

“I know and I-“

“Get out.” I stopped her mid speech.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean get the fuck out. I don’t need to hear any of this anymore. After all that I’ve done for you, the least you can do is tell me from the start what was going on. I would have understood and then you wouldn’t have been going behind my back or two timing my brother. But now you’ve thrown it back in my face and lied to us both. I bet he doesn’t know about it!”

“No Kaley, don’t do this. He doesn’t but I was planning on telling him tomorrow.”

“Well it’s too late for that now. He deserves to bloody know. Go and tell him. And get out of this flat.” I said simply.

She did. She wiped the tears from her eyes and left. That was brutal I know but I couldn’t handle my temper and was so close to slapping her it’s ridiculous.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now