20. Not just angry but fuming

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I was at my desk on my third cup of strong coffee with a million sugars in it when my phone buzzed. I grabbed it straight away and saw a text from Ally, and let out a deep breath. Thank god she’s alright.

-“Hey babe, I’m so sorry I totally forgot to tell you where I went last night. Ended up bumping into Hannah funnily enough and she invited me out for dinner so I thought why not! I got smashed and didn’t even look at my phone all night and stayed here. Sorry that I worried you, I’m a div x”-

That lying fucking bitch. Does she think I wouldn’t have tried calling Hannah? Hannah was a girl on Ally’s course at uni and they got quite close over the three years. We ended up living with her for two of our years up there and I knew she had moved to London recently as we had all been saying we should meet up soon.

I had called Hannah last night at about 10 and she was at home, just about to go to bed. Completely sober. She hadn’t heard from Ally all night but had promised to let me know if she did.

So Ally was lying to me for some reason. I never thought she would. I sat there with tears forming in my eyes then realised I was being stupid. I had stayed up the whole night worrying about this girl and she gives me some shitty excuse which was total bull. I grabbed my phone and typed in an angry text.

-“Bullshit. Where were you really? I spoke to Hannah last night you idiot and she said she hadn’t heard from you. Now you’re lying to me Ally and don’t try and back out of it. Why are you hiding something?”-

No, I had to do this face to face. I deleted the whole text and started again.

-“Okay, will you be home later?”-

I waited for a few minutes before she responded.

-“Yeah I will be back and cook you a lush dinner don’t you worry! Please don’t be angry at me x”-

Angry. Ally Darling, I was flipping fuming.


I sat wrapped up in Dan’s arms for a few more moments and I knew I had to leave before the boys got back, which would be pretty soon. I looked up at Dan and I knew he was thinking the same. Neither of us wanted to leave but we had to.

I walked back to Dan’s room and put my jacket and boots on, grabbing my bag, just as Dan walked in the room. I went to the bathroom, rinsing my mouth out with mouthwash and sorting out my hair and face a bit.

I went back to Dan’s room and he was sat on the bed, facing the mirror, carefully doing his hair. He was dressed in black jeans and a blue jumper with ‘world’s greatest grandpa’ written on it. Another adorable outfit Dan, well done.

I sat on the bed next to him and he stopped doing his hair and wrapped his arms around me, embracing me in a tight hug. I leant away and kissed him with passion.

“Argh Ally don’t do this to me, we need to go.” He said, kissing me back.

“Yeah well done, you’re really stopping it Dan.” I backed away laughing at him, placing one last quick peck on his lips.

We got up and I headed towards the door, Dan grabbing his phone, wallet and keys on the way out. “I have a text and missed call from Kaley, she’s wondering where you were last night.”

“Jesus she even texted you! She’s gunna be angry at me I bet.”

“Why, you’re 24 years old.. Do you really need someone checking up on you every minute of the day?”

I sighed, kind of agreeing with Dan. But then also, Kaley knew how much I had been through and I know she just wanted to protect me, as if we were actually sisters.

We walked out the door and outside, it was such a lovely sunny day and it instantly brought my mood up. “Fancy some breakfast?” Dan asked.

“Yeah, I’m starving.” I replied, smiling at him.

“I know just the place.” Dan smirked, leading me down roads I had never been down before. We ended up at this American diner and went inside.

A girl came over to take our order and began massively flirting with Dan, clearly knowing who he is. He looked so awkward it was hilarious, and he politely thanked her for the compliments and she went off, looking a bit pissed off that he had basically turned her down.

Our food came and it was amazing. I had a massive stack pancakes with bacon and poured a load of syrup over them. So fattening but that good that I just didn’t care. Dan had a load of waffles piled up with chocolate sauce and we both scoffed the whole thing down within minutes.

“Oh my god that was so good. I can’t move now though, definitely eaten too much.” I held my tummy.

“Saaaaame.” Dan moaned. “I don’t regret it though that was good!”

“I totally agree.” I laughed in agreement. Then I noticed the waitress hold her phone up and take a photo of me and Dan. I felt immediately uncomfortable. “Ergh Dan… That waitress just took a picture of us.” I was fuming, how dare she take a picture of me just because I was with Dan. Ask him for a photo, sure, but don't creepily take pictures from a distance like some sort of stalker.

“I’m so sorry Ally. I can ask her to delete it or something? I hate the fact people just take photos of me, I think it’s so weird. I would be happy to pose for one but to sneakily take a photo is just mental.. Like, bad mental!”

“No, no, just leave it now. Can we get out of here though? She’s annoying me..”

“Yeah of course.” He said, standing up and putting the money on the table. I tried to pay half but he looked at me with a stupid face and shoved my money back in my bag, grabbing my hand and leading me outside.

I gave an evil glare to the waitress on the way out behind Dan's back. Childish, I know, but again I really don't care.

Me and Dan walked towards my flat and then came that horrible moment where I had to say bye to him. I really didn’t want to but he actually had band stuff to do this afternoon so he had to go. We stood at the entrance to my building with my head on Dan’s chest and his arms around me.

“I really have to go now or I’ll be late. I’ll speak to you later, yeah?” He said.

“Yeah, I will speak to Kaley tonight and let you know how it goes. I’m not going to tell her about yesterday, just that I think I like you and might go on a date with you or something like that. Is that alright?”

“Yeah, I think that’s best. No point in telling her about yesterday. Even though it has been awesome.”

I grinned and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Awesome indeed. Now go Smith! You’ll be late!”

He groaned, kissing me again. “Bye Al.” He walked off down the street, turning and smiling and waving frequently. When I couldn’t see him any longer I got my keys out and entered the building. This has been such a good day already and it’s only 12. Shame I have to ruin it later on by telling Kaley the truth.. Well, the edited version.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant