25. Making up

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I went back to mine and chilled on the sofa most of the day. I got a text from Kaley at about 4 which I was ridiculously happy about.

-“Okay, maybe it wasn’t best idea to shout at you so much last night and tell you to get out. I have no right to do that, it’s your flat as much as it is mine. I was just really hurt and angry, which I’m sure you will understand why. I think it’s best you come back home and we talk about this tonight?”-

I replied immediately, I knew how proud she got and so that was a massive step for her to take.

-“Thank you so much for replying, I know you didn’t have to. Yeah I’m home now, will see you later x”-

I jumped off the sofa and went down to the shop to grab something for us for dinner tonight. I got some chicken and fajita mix, I know that was another one of Kaley’s favourite meals. I started cooking a bit later on, when I heard the door slam shut. Deep breath, it will be alright.

“It smells lush in here, Ally.” She came through to the kitchen with a smile on her face, that was a good start!

“Thanks, thought I would do fajita’s tonight!”

“You know me too well, Ally Lucas.” And she walked off, presumably to get changed.

I set the table with all of the extras.. The dips, the tortillas and the crisps mmmm. And I poured drinks for the two of us and put plates and cutlery out.

Kaley came back in her pj’s and we both sat at the table and started to eat.

“Suppose we better talk then?” She started

“Yeah, you know how sorry I am, don’t you? I can’t say it enough. I didn’t think properly but I want you to know, I’m serious about Dan.”

She took a deep breath in, I could tell this was hard for her. “Yeah, I know. I just wish you would have thought a bit more about what other’s would feel like when they found out you had been lying to them. Did you speak to Adam?”

“Yeah I did, and he was alright about it. Then I spoke to Dan properly and I guess me and him are an item now. I wanted you to know.”

“Alright, well you can’t help the way you feel I suppose. Just don’t sneak behind my back alright. I would have preferred to know from the start.”

“Thank you Kay, you’re amazing.”

“I know I am.” She smirked at me and took a bite of her food. That went so much better than expected. “I’m not being funny, you’re just gunna have to deal with the fact that I think your boyfriends fit!”

I laughed. “I guess I can deal with that! I won’t bring him round here or anything unless you’re comfortable with it though, obviously.”

“No it’s fine, it might be a bit weird, but only cause I’m so used to it being just me and you! Neither of us have been in a relationship for years.”

“Aha I know, not since uni! Even then they were no one overly serious. But I’m serious about this one Kay.”

“I know, I can tell.” We finished off our food and she took the plates and cleaned up after dinner.

My phone rang and I smiled and the name, seeing it was Dan. I answered the phone with a smile on my face and walked towards my bedroom. “I’ll be in my room Kay, let me know when you’re done and I will come out.” I shouted “Sorry, hi Dan!”

“Things are good then I take it?!”

“Really good actually, it went better than I thought it would go!”

“Ah good I’m really glad! What are you doing tomorrow night, I want to see you.”

“Might have to be do more grovelling with Kaley I expect, I want to make sure she knows I’m sorry. I could do the day though? Or Friday?”

“I have band practice tomorrow. Looks like it’s going to have to be Friday then. Ah I don’t think I can wait that long!”

“I know, it already feels like ages since I last saw you but it was like 6 hours ago!”

“Ergh I wish I could just cancel band practice but I can’t, we have new songs we need to focus on rehearsing before the tour starts up again.”

“Hmmm. I guess we will have to be used to not seeing each other anyway pretty soon.”

I heard Dan sigh on the other end of the phone. “I know, it’s gunna be weird but we will make it work. We don’t need to worry about that now anyway, we still have over 2 weeks before I go back on tour properly, and even then it’s just our British tour so I will still be in the country at least.”

“Yeah we don’t need to have this soppy conversation yet! You’re stuck with me for a few more weeks! Anyway, Kaley’s just called saying she’s finished the washing up so I will talk to you later yeah?”

“Speak to you later beautiful.”

That made me smile so much. Dan Smith thinks I’m beautiful.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now