6. Hanging with Bastille

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I had such a good day with Ally at the coffee shop. We just sat there talking the whole day and before I knew it, it was 6 and the place was getting ready to close down. “Can you believe we’ve been here for like 5 hours! I’m pretty sure we’re also getting kicked out of the café.” We looked over to the waiters who were clearly eager to go home. I finished my fourth coffee and put my jacket on and walked outside with Ally.

“This has been fun” I looked down at Ally and realised I was smiling widely. “So me and the guys were talking and I reckon we’re gunna go out or do something at ours on Friday night. Come? Bring Kaley along too?” I think I played it cool? She will probably want to come if I mention Adam. “Yeah it will be me, Adam, Toby and Rick as usual and others might be up for it, could get my band mates involved too if you want to meet them. But you probably have plans.” Now I’m rambling. Stop Dan, just stop.

“Yeah sure” Ally looked up at me. There. I knew mentioning Adam would make her accept the invite. She just nodded and then said she had to get back as Kaley would be wondering where she was, so we said our goodbyes and agreed to speak later in the week.

I walked back home, again noticing that I was leaving the coffee shop with a smile on my face, which quickly turned into a bit of a frown when I remembered Ally was way out of my league and I had no chance with her.

I got through the door and the guys were all watching tv in the living room so I slumped onto the sofa next to Rick and joined them, where we stayed for the whole evening.


I woke up in the morning to see a text from Kyle, my band mate.

-“Babes, I miss you. Fancy pizza this evening? Woody and Will are in too. Love you xxxxxxxx”-

This made me laugh out loud. Kyle is possibly the most camp straight guy ever, loved getting texts from him saying babes and giving me a million kisses at the end. It was funny, we spend all our time together touring and then we’re home and apart for less than a week and already we all want to see each other again.

-“Alright mate, you’re on. At yours? What time shall I come over?”-

-“Yeah at mine, come at like 6? Oh and bring pizza :) xxxxxxxx”-

-“Ah I know you too well Simmons, knew there would be a catch! I will stop by Dominoes on the way”-


-“Hahaha you’re such a weirdo. See you at 6 dude x”-

-“That’s better. See you then sweet cheeks xxxxxxxx”-

I spent the rest of the day on my keyboard and scribbling down lyrics. That’s the problem with touring so much, we haven’t been able to work on that much new material as we’re so busy. Not that I minded, I loved touring. It’s so exciting to see different places and it’s so wicked that people actually turn up and want to listen to our music. I still don’t feel like this is real and I’m just some sort of competition winner and it will all be over soon. But touring was knackering and I did get ridiculously nervous every night. Now we’ve got a month at home I’m going to take this opportunity to get some of the new album written.

The day passed quickly and at half 5 I got changed and left the house walking towards the tube station. Four stops later I was near Kyle’s so got off and headed towards Dominoes and grabbed us some pizzas. I got to Kyle’s door and heard a massive smash before the door opened and he stood there grinning.

“What happened then? Sounded loud? And painful?” I questioned, looking at Kyle rubbing his arm.

“Yeah I tripped over the cat and onto the table” he laughed opening the door fully to reveal everything from the side table on the floor and the cat sat there looking sorry for himself. “Oh I’m sorry kitty” Kyle picked the cat up and cradled it in his arms like a baby and started cooing at it. Why was that man so obsessed with cats? I left him to play with the cat and pick up everything he had knocked over and walked to the living room where the other guys were sat and I handed them a pizza box each.

“Ah Dan you beautiful man I’m starving!” Woody said opening the box and shovelling a slice into his mouth. How he’s got a fiancée I have no idea, such an unattractive eater. We sat there catching up on the past few days and somehow we all had loads to say. They were telling me all the romantic rubbish that they had been doing with their girlfriends and so when I told them about hanging out with Ally they all immediately wolf whistled and howled.

“Alright, alright calm down! It’s not like that at all.”

“Yeah but you want it to be..” Kyle winked at me. Dammit he knew me too well. Was it that obvious?

“Maybe.. But I think she likes Adam anyway. Plus she’s gorgeous so there’s no chance she would be interested.”

“Ah I wouldn’t be too sure young Daniel.” Will said stroking his beard. “I think we need to meet this girl to decide ourselves.”

“Alright, you’re on. What you all up to tomorrow night? Fancy some beers?”

“I’m meant to be doing something with Chrissy but we can come after?” Woody suggested and Kyle and Will both agreed, saying they had no plans. “Ah excited to meet this girl, been a while since you’ve had someone on the scene Dan.”

“Cheers mate, make me look like the lonely singleton!” We spent the rest of the night watching tv and chatting and laughing about everything and anything. I loved the time we had to chill without all the stress of touring and couldn’t wait to have them round tomorrow night and have some drinks.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now