28. Embarrassment and tears

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CRIIIIIINGE! I just walked into Ally and Dan at it! I couldn’t stop laughing through embarrassment. I apologised for walking in, but we seriously needed to get some locks fitted!

I went into the kitchen, searching for a snack and Ally came in and apologised. We laughed it off a bit but seriously, I'm never not knocking again! I grabbed an apple and went into my room and took off all my make-up and clothes. I wrapped my towel around me and headed to the bathroom. I stood in the shower and let the water fall down my body. This really had been the week from hell. And it had ended with me walking in on Ally and her boyfriend… Who I still fancied!

I got out of the shower and patted myself dry and wrapped myself back up in my towel. I opened the door and headed to my room when all of a sudden, Ally’s door opened and Dan came out, wearing nothing but his boxers. I jumped in shock, my towel slipping slightly and I panicked and grabbed it.

“Uh uhm shit sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. I just uh didn’t realise you were here and-“ Dan nervously rambled on. I waved my hands towards the bathroom, shooing Dan out of the hallway. Seriously?! Did he actually just have to see me like this?! He did look fit in just his boxers though, Ally’s a lucky girl. Hey, I’m a lucky girl if he’s gunna be walking round the flat like that!

I got in my room and dried off, putting on clean pj’s. I dried my hair and straightened it and started reapplying my make-up, this time adding a lot of dark eye shadow and eyeliner. I was listening to music and actually really in the mood for tonight, it should be a good one.


After our little interruption, me and Ally finished off and then I went to go for a quick shower. I walked out of her bedroom and nearly ran straight into Kaley in the hallway. She very nearly dropped her towel in shock. Bloody hell could this be any more of a fail? I panicked and then ran off to the bathroom to have my shower.

I came back and told Ally about the hallway incident with Kaley and she couldn’t stop laughing at me. She was so funny when she laughed, cackling away loudly, it just made me laugh at her. She went off and had a shower as I started getting dressed.

Ally came back in the room and started getting ready when my phone rang and I saw it was Kyle.

“Hey dude, you alright?”

“Nooooo.” He sobbed. “She broke up with me. She fucked someone else and then broke up with me. I can’t even say her fucking name the slapper.”

Oh god, I was rubbish at giving advice. “You want me to come round mate?”

“No, I left the house when she told me.. Can I come to yours?” I heard him crying even more. Men crying is just wrong.

“Yeah I will be there in 20, I will get vodka too.”

“Thank you, Dan.” He said and hung up.

Ally looked up with me questioningly. “Kyle and Hattie broke up.. I think he needs some alcohol.”

“Ah no, I could hear him from over here, sounded like he was crying?”

“Yeah, a lot! I need to call the guys and get them over as soon as possible! I will speak to you later though.” I said and leant down and kissed her, pulling my jacket on and leaving the flat.

I walked to tesco and grabbed a bottle of vodka and then thought for a minute… Better make it two. I paid and left the shop, getting Will and Woody’s numbers up on my phone as I walked back to mine and telling them both to get round to mine quickly, we needed to comfort Kyle.

I got to mine and Kyle was already waiting for me, sat at my doorstep with his head in his hands. I pulled him up and into a hug and we stayed there for a few minutes before he pulled away.

I opened the door and led him up to the flat and poured him a drink and handed it to him. Straight away he downed it and so I poured another drink for him. “Wanna talk about it?” I said slowly, not sure how he would react.

“The classic.. I came home early from my Mum’s to surprise her cause I was going to cook a romantic meal for her tonight. I heard noises from upstairs and she was in bed with this guy she works with that I’ve met like 100 times. I obviously left the bedroom and she came running out and told me it had been going on for months, that she wasn’t happy with me being away all the time and that she ended up liking this guy. And oh fuck why am I such a mug?” He sobbed, wiping his eyes with his jacket sleeve.

I took a deep breath, that was possibly one of my worst nightmares. Walking in on your partner with someone else, just horrible. It’s bad enough knowing that someone has cheated on you, I know how that feels. But walking in on them, urgh.

Luckily I didn’t need to worry about giving Kyle any advice or something, because Woody and Will turned up just then. Plus, it seemed Kyle didn’t want to say much but just get drunk instead.

Like any good mates would, me Will and Woody got drunk along with Kyle and when we ran out of vodka we thought it would be a good idea to go out.

We stumbled out the door and towards the road of bars near to the flat. As soon as we got to the first one we went inside it, ordering 4 tequila’s and downing them immediately. Kyle sat at the bar, doing shot after shot. If this is making him feel better, then I’m just going to let him.

I was stood watching Kyle when suddenly someone spun me around and placed a massive kiss on my lips. What the fuck?! Ally’s going to kill me.

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