36. More arguing

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Friday went just the same as Thursday. I spent the entire day in my pj’s, on my laptop, on the sofa, watching tv and eating junk food. I was so bored that I ended up baking a load of cookies and I made a risotto for dinner for me and Kaley.

We sat down to eat and Kaley asked me how my day had been. I pointed to myself, my hair up in a bun, no make-up on, a t-shirt and pj shorts on. “Does this explain it?”

“So, you’ve been bored?” I nodded, sighing. “Al, what are you going to do when Dan goes away? I mean, the only time you leave the house is to see him so I’m just worried how you’re going to cope without him?”

I realised at that point I hadn’t told her about me going away with them, this was going to be a horrible conversation. “Errr, well for the first two weeks they’re only going to be in Britain.” I paused, looking across at her, nodding but looking too interested in her food. “So, I think I might go with them.” She looked up suddenly.

“Oh.” Was all she said.

“Yeah, only for the first two weeks though, and then I’m going to be back here and will get a job which will keep me busy.”

She still looked really shocked. “Oh it’s just, I didn’t realise you and Dan were that serious.”

“Sorry, what?” I said quickly.         

“No, well, I just thought that he’s always going to be away so realistically it probably won’t work and so I didn’t think you were that serious.” She said quietly.

“Yeah Kaley, of course we’re serious, he’s my fucking boyfriend! The other guys have made their relationships work so why can’t me and Dan?”


“Oh for god’s sakes! It was different with Kyle, it was his girlfriend who left him.”

“Yeah, what makes you think that you won’t start feeling lonely and want the attention of someone and so find someone else?”

I was so shocked, where the hell did this argument come from?! “Look, I like him a lot and want this to work. If you can’t be happy for me then can you keep your feelings to yourself please?”

“Not really Ally, no. You’re the one that’s in some dream world! Dan’s not going to stick around. He probably does this to a load of girls each time he’s back just to get a bit of action and then forgets about them the minute he leaves. The quicker you realise that, the less hurt you’re going to get.”

Why was she being so vile? I felt the tears streaming down my face. She’s not right, is she? What am I saying, of course she’s not. “Kaley, you’re wrong. Dan’s not like that. Adam wouldn’t let him near me if he was. I don’t know what your fucking problem is but just leave it.”

I stormed into my room and buried my head in my pillow and screamed, rage seething through my body. I hated arguing with Kaley but recently she hadn't exactly been helping herself, throwing out bitchy and unnecessary comments like what she had said tonight.


I woke up and texted Ally immediately.

-“HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL! Hope you have a lovely day and I can’t wait to see you later on to give you your present and a big kiss x”-

Brilliant, now I need to get her a present. I got out of bed and knocked on Adam’s door, going in and sitting on the bed. “Adam.. I have a problem I need you to help me with. So, as you know it’s Ally’s birthday today and-“

“You haven’t got her a present yet!” He laughed, cutting me off mid-sentence.

“Yeah, you got it. What the hell do I get her?” I buried my head in my hands, embarrassed to be asking him.

“Well, make it personal, all girls love that. But she loves jewellery too, you know she has that charm bracelet, I’ve bought her a charm for that.” Brilliant, he’s already thought of something personal and perfect for her, why couldn’t I do the same? He must have noticed my confused looking face. “Want me to come shopping with you, mate?”

“Would you please?” I sighed. I can’t even buy my own girlfriend a birthday present.

“Yeah course, let me get ready and have a shower but I will be ready in like half an hour.”

“Thanks, Adam. I’m rubbish with the whole girlfriend thing!” I said, standing up and making my way to my room to get ready.

Half an hour later we left and headed to the shopping centre. We went to about five jewellers trying to find something that Ally would like, with no luck in most places. I was about to give up with the jewellery idea when I saw a necklace with a thin silver chain and a small purple stone, which looked perfect for her. Adam agreed that she would love it and so I bought the necklace, relieved I had found something.

We kept walking around town and I decided to get a few more bits for Ally. I got her some perfume, a photo frame which I would put a photo of me and her in from the day we went on the London eye, theatre tickets for The Lion King, a new pair of converse, some little decorations for her room and then some silly funny bits, like animal socks. I was quite happy with how well I had done really.

By the time we had finished shopping, it was 4 o’clock so we decided to go back home so we could chill for a little bit before having to go out. I was really looking forward to tonight now.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now