45. Saviour

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I was holding on to the sofa still and trying to compose myself when Dan walked through from the kitchen. “Ally?!” He seemed shocked. Caught out more like.

“Something to tell me, Dan?” Kaley entered the room at this point too. “You too, Kaley? Have a dirty little secret that you don’t want anyone to know about?” I turned to leave.

“Ally!” Dan grabbed me.

“Don’t touch me! You make me fucking sick.” I couldn’t even look at him. I pushed him away and ran straight for the front door. I ran down the stairs of the block of flats and onto the street. I must have looked like a crazy person, running around London in the hectic rush hour in nothing but a massive t-shirt and a pair of men’s boxers. But I just didn’t care.

I ran straight to the coffee shop on the corner a few roads down to hide inside. The guy behind the counter gave me a weird look as I ran in and practically jumped into one of the booths. He followed me over and sat opposite me. “You know, if you’re looking for a hide-out, I don’t think that an empty coffee shop is going to keep you hidden for long.”

I lifted my head up and looked at him, giving him a weak smile. He looked about the same age as me, he was slim and had light brown hair tucked into a beanie, stretchers in his ear and tattoos all up his arms. “I guess I just came to a place that’s familiar.” I finally answered after eyeing him up and down.

“I guess you just don’t want to stay hidden! And I knew I recognised you.” I guess I had become a bit of a regular here. “I’m Seth.” He flashed a grin at me.

“Ally.” I tried to force a smile out but it didn’t really work.

“Well Ally, let me get you a latte and a blueberry muffin because I know that’s your order.. I also know that’s a bit creepy but meh.” He shrugged and stood up. He was taller than I thought he was going to be.

“No.” I quickly said. “No muffin, thank you.” That’s Dan’s favourite. I don’t want that right now.

“As you wish!” Seth left to make the coffee and returned a few minutes later. I went to find my bag to give him some money for the coffee when I realised I didn’t bring anything with me. Not my purse, not my phone, not my key. Hell, I didn’t even have a pair of shoes on, just a pair of socks.

“Uhhh I’m really sorry but I can’t accept this. I don’t have any money on me.” I awkwardly said.

“On the house.” He replied quickly.

“Are you sure?”

“Of course! It’s made now isn’t it!” He joked.

“Thank you."

He sat back down, clearly oblivious to the fact that I wanted to be alone. “So…. Wanna talk about it?”

Somehow telling my problems to an absolute stranger didn’t really appeal to me. “Boyfriend drama.” I simply said.

“The tall one with the messy hair? Cappucino?”

I nodded, taking a sip of my latte and giggling. “Do you actually know everyone’s order or are you just stalking me?!”

“Yeah I’m your stalker!” He said sarcastically. “No, no, totally kidding, sorry. I know most peoples orders. This jobs pretty boring and hardly anyone comes in so it’s easy to recognise faces and orders.”

“Fun job then!”

“Oh, it’s just thrilling. Want a job here?” He laughed.

“Yes actually!” I joked, but at the same time totally serious. I needed a job badly.

“Are you serious?!” I nodded at him. “Well they actually need someone here pretty soon. Someone just handed in their notice.”

“Are you serious now?!”

He looked puzzled. “Uhhh.. It wouldn’t be that much of a funny joke! Right, now we’ve cleared up that we’re both serious! Yeah, one of the girls is leaving in a few weeks, the owners Liz and Martin are looking for someone to replace her and I think they said they were holding interviews next week.”

I thought for a second. Next week. Next week I was meant to be on tour with Dan. I guess that’s not happening any more. Kaley can go with him for all I care. What am I saying, of course I care.

“Okay, cool. What shall I bring in a CV or something?”

“Uh yeah, I guess! Bring it in whenever and I will pass it on. I can tell you haven’t exactly got one on you!”

“Thank you, that’s amazing, I’ve been looking for a job for ages and you’ve made this place seem a lovely place to work!”

“No problem, it can be fun trust me. When there are other people on shift it’s a laugh!” He seemed enthusiastic about it, making me feel positive. “Although, the reason why it's so quiet now is.. Um we're actually not even open for another 20 minutes! I only got here about a minute before you did to open up!"

I suddenly got really embarassed. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise! Shall I go?"

"No don't. I've liked having someone here to chat to!" He smiled over at me.

"And you've possibly helped me get a job!"

"All you’ve got to do now is get the boyfriend drama sorted out and then you’re on to a winner!”

“Yeah… That.” I sighed, thinking about Dan.

“Do you want some advice?” Seth questioned me. “Has he actually done anything wrong or is it some stupid little fall out that’s not worth throwing your relationship away for?”

I thought for a second. “I… I don’t know. I think he cheated.” Why was I opening up to him? Ten minutes ago I was thinking about how I didn’t feel comfortable talking to this stranger. But Seth had something about him and he was easy to talk to.

“You think he cheated?” He emphasised the think.

“Yeah, I think.”

“I don’t mean to be insensitive, I mean it’s shit when cheating’s involved. But if you only think, shouldn’t you hear him out? Innocent until proven guilty and all that."

I took a deep breath in. “Why are you so right?” I finally said.

“I know, all the time, it's annoying! Just call me your saviour! Go and sort it out. I wish someone was there to tell me this when I acted like an idiot with my ex.”

“Well thank you, for about the millionth time today. You really are my saviour!” I finished the rest of my coffee and stood up.

“Any time, Ally, any time. See you around, yeah?”

“See you around.” I gave Seth a little wave and turned to leave the coffee shop, making my way back to the flat, hoping someone would be in so that I could actually get in the flat. But that means I will be faced with either Dan or Kaley. No, Seth was right, hear them out. I need to face the truth sooner or later.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now