32. A familiar face

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Dan left early so me and Kaley could spend the day together. We ended up going out for lunch and had a little walk around the shops and buying so many clothes plus a load of cute decorations for the flat.

We got back and Kaley helped me get ready, straightening my hair as I did my make up in front of the mirror. She picked out a black dress for me to wear with my denim jacket and by that time it was 6 and Dan was calling saying he was outside.

We got to the pub and it was so good, I got to meet all of his mates before the gig. I was talking to one of the girls and then I was suddenly pulled into a massive embrace. I pulled away slightly to see who this person was, it definitely wasn’t Dan.

“OH MY GOD JOHNNY!” I pulled him back into the hug and he squeezed me tightly. “Oh my god, oh my god!”

“It’s so amazing to see you!”

“Oh my god, same! You look so good, how the hell are you?!” I’ve just realised how many times I’m saying oh my god, but I don’t care, I haven’t seen Johnny for ages.

See, he was my first proper boyfriend. We dated for like 3 years when we were younger, only breaking up because I went off to uni and we couldn’t handle being that far apart. We had stayed close whilst I was at uni, you know, still talking most days and seeing each other when I was home during holidays, we were basically a couple. Then when I moved back to Bournemouth after uni we were together for a bit before he suddenly disappeared and I hadn’t seen him for years.

“Thanks, not too bad yourself! Yeah I’m alright, I’ve been living here for about 2 years now. I work at an accounting company, it’s pretty boring but it’s money! And that’s like the only thing I’m good at. I’m doing a degree alongside it now! Anyway, how’s life treating you?”

“Ah that’s so good, it’s clearly a lot of money judging by your outfit!” I looked him up and down and he was wearing designer head to toe, he looked good i must admit. “But I’m not bad, moved up about a month ago now with Kaley and still trying to find a job, I didn’t think it would be this hard! Even a shop job I would be over the moon about, but no one seems to be hiring!”

“Well, you’re looking really happy.” He smiled down at me.

“Yeah, I really am.” I looked over at Dan who was giving me a bit of a weird look. I grabbed his arm and pulled him over to me and Johnny. “This is my boyfriend, Dan.”

“Hi, you alright mate?” Johnny said, holding out his hand.

“Yeah fine, Al I’ll be back in a minute.” He said, ignoring the hand shake and walking off.

“Bloody hell, that was rude! I’m so sorry Johnny he’s not normally like that.” I was so embarrassed. How dare Dan treat one of my friends like that and make me feel embarrassed because of him.

“Don’t worry it’s fine. Uh me and Dan have had some.. Uh previous encounters I guess you could say.”

“Continue…” I told him, folding my arms and waiting for the answer.

“Oh nothing major, just fighting over a girl. It was ages ago now, I thought he would have got over it! I’m friends with Josh, who’s in To Kill A King too, so that’s how we met.”

“Ah I see, well I’m gunna go check up on him, I think he went outside.”

“Okay cool, look here’s my number.” He said, pulling out a card from his wallet. “Give me a call sometime and we can have a proper catch up.” He pulled me in for another hug and I smiled, walking off to find Dan.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now