11. Decision time

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But then she shut my thoughts up and kissed me back, pushing me down, so we were lying on the sofa and I deepened the kiss. This was amazing and finally happening, what the hell. I let my hands explore her body and right at the worst moment in time my phone rang.

She quickly got off of me and cowered to the other side of the sofa, signalling me to answer my phone. It was Toby asking if we wanted to go for lunch. Perfect timing Tobes. I told him I would speak to Ally and ring him back in a second and hung up the phone.

“I’m sorry about that, his timing is pretty bad. Wanted to know if we wanted to go to lunch?”

“Ha yeah I don’t know what came over me there! Look, I took you away firom your mates last night, go and join them for lunch. I don’t think I can handle food right now. Think I want to try and sleep off this hangover in a bit.”

“Are you sure? I would rather stay here with you?” I leant over to her and kissed her softly on the lips. She laughed a bit and blushed.

“No seriously, it’s fine, don’t worry about me!” Just then my tummy rumbled. “And you are clearly hungry!”

“Very true! Look can we do something later? Or tomorrow if you aren’t up for it today? I feel bad leaving you.”

She smiled and nodded. “Yeah, sure. And I’ve said it’s fine! Not in that stupid girl way where really it’s not fine, it’s honestly fine! I’m just sorry I’m not coming with you.”

With that, I called Toby back and agreed to meet up in 15 minutes at McDonalds. I said goodbye to Ally, kissing her on the cheek and left the house walking towards the restaurant to meet the others.


All the others have left to go get food but I’m just lying in bed, wallowing in self-pity. Fuck it why am I doing this I need to get out of this house. I got up out of bed and got dressed and grabbed my keys on the way out. I started walking round and round the streets and looked up and realised where I had been walking to. To Ally and Kaley’s road.

I nervously stood outside the block of flats and looked up at them. I took a deep breath and went to go press the buzzer, when I realised I never even knew which flat the girls lived at. I scrolled through my phone and found Ally’s number.

“Hello?” She sounded confused. Why am I doing this?

“Hi, yeah so I’ve somehow found myself outside your flat. Fancy letting me in?”

“What the hell you’re outside? Um okay yeah sure, press number 22 and I’ll buzz you in.”

This was a big mistake she’s going to think I’m some sort of creep just showing up at her house. I pressed the number 22 and heard the buzzer going and door to the building unlock. I went inside and approached the lift, pressing the button to go up to the second floor and found myself to her flat. The door was open so I entered and shut the door behind me.

“In here” I heard Ally shout and followed the voice, finding myself in her living room. She was sat cross legged on the sofa, watching a Disney film. I looked at her for a second and then went to join her on the sofa. “You alright then?” She questioned.

“Hmm yeah, other than the hangover. The others went out for food but I don’t think I can handle that right now. I just fancied a walk. Yourself?”

“As you can probably tell by the state of me, I’m in a similar situation. Disney films is the way forward today.” She looked at me in the eye and grinned. “Kaley’s not in by the way, if that’s who you were looking for.”

I frowned a little. Why did she assume I came to see Kaley? “No, no it’s you I’m here to see. I want to apologise for last night. I don’t remember much or anything, so don’t know if I said anything bad and I know I did something bad and I didn’t mean to and now I’m rambling massively and I’m gunna shut up now and take a breath.”

She gave me a little confused look. “No you did nothing bad, you’re allowed to get with Kaley it’s not illegal! She’s not that much of an ugly one is she?! It is my best friend you’re talking about so watch out, Smith!” She nudged me jokily.

“Yeah I know but now I feel bad cause I don’t want to pursue anything with her at all. What I really wanted and was hoping for was something totally different. You see I like someone else but it’s complicated. And now I’m complicating it even more.” Why are you telling her all this Dan. You’re still drunk. Go home now and you’ve got away with it.

“Well why don’t you tell that person you like them then? Don’t want to go all yolo on you but it’s kind of true, life’s too short to have regrets.” She said looking back at the tv.

“Very philosophical! I guess you’re right.” I took a deep breath in, it’s now or never Dan, just go for it. Weird how alcohol gives you a bit of a boost of confidence, I am definitely still drunk. “It’s you Al. I like you. And I know this was a bad idea cause nothing could ever happen and you’re getting with Adam, but I thought you should know.” She looked so shocked. Maybe I made the wrong decision coming round here. “Look I’m going to go now, I’m sorry, never should have said anything, forget about it, stop fucking rambling Dan!” I stood up and walked towards the door.

“Wait Dan.. Stop walking away.. Jesus Christ sit back down! Give me a second to just process this all.. Why didn’t you tell me before?”

“I don’t know, I just assumed there was no point.” I turned around to face her and realised she had stood up and was right in front of me now. I just wanted to kiss her right there but I know that’s not what she wants.


OH MY ACTUAL GOD. Can we just take a second to realise what Dan has just told me. He likes me? He’s got to be playing some sort of a prank. Yeah that’s it, I’m just part of this massive joke.

Dan got with Kaley last night, it’s her that he likes. And I kissed Adam last night, and again this morning. It’s all worked out why did he have to confuse things?

I couldn’t deny it though, I was ridiculously attracted to Dan. I had only known him a week and I know this is really cheesy but it feels like I’ve known him for ages. We really clicked the other day, much more than me and Adam ever really have done.

I mean I’m attracted to Adam too, obviously, but there’s not as much chemistry going on. He’s totally different to me. You look at his ex’s and they’re all totally different to me. We would never work out and we would just ruin a perfectly good friendship. And earlier on today when he kissed me I felt so guilty about Kaley, I don't think I could deal with that.

Deep breath, decision time Ally.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now