8. Payback and guilt

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I won’t lie. That really hurt. She had sort of mentioned that she wasn’t overly bothered about Dan so I wasn’t really expecting that. I went back into the kitchen and tripped over the step on the way in and Adam caught me. I looked up at him, shocked.

Then I grabbed his neck and kissed him. He was clearly a bit confused but then started kissing me back. I don’t know how alcohol had the power to make you this confident. I was well aware that I was in a room full of people but was just stood there kissing Adam.

Fuck it. If Kaley’s enjoying her night I might as well enjoy mine. In my drunken state I thought I had to get payback, even though Kaley had done nothing wrong. I grabbed Adam's hand and led him to his bedroom, noticing Rick gawping at us on the way there. We got in the bedroom and he closed the door. He walked up to me and pushed me against the door, kissing me passionately. He lifted me up slightly and I let my legs wrap around his body, and he placed kisses on my neck and chest. He turned around and placed me on the bed, hovering over me, kissing me deeply.

Then I felt it. No not IT, you perverts. I felt the guilt rising. This is Kaley’s brother what are you doing? But she’s out there with Dan anyway. Well not in Dan’s room with him. We all knew what was about to happen here and I don't know if she's going to go that far.

Then I felt something else. Again, no not that. I felt the sick rising from inside. Uh oh. I pushed Adam out of the way and ran to the end of the corridor, banging on the door for the person who was inside to get out. Perfect timing, Dan came out of the bathroom and I pushed him out of the way and slouched with my head over the toilet, throwing up. I looked up at Dan staring at me. “Don’t just fucking stare at me you creep, close the door and leave me” I snapped.

A minute later and there was a knock at the door and I heard Kaley’s voice from the outside. She was slurring her words but I think she wanted to come in. I just leant against the door in tears and told her to go away. Why was I being such a bitch to everyone? Just going to blame the alcohol.

After I had stopped being sick I went back to Adam’s room where he was sat on the bed. He looked up at me and smiled when I entered the room and closed the door behind me to keep the noise of the party out of the room.

“I’m sorry about that. Had a bit too much to drink obviously. I need to go home I think.” I could feel the room spinning and needed to sit down, so sat next to him on the bed and kicked my heels off.

“Okay I’ll come with you. Do you want me to call a taxi?”

“Yeah please. But don’t worry about coming with me I don’t want to ruin your night.” I sobbed. Woah Ally you are such a mess.

“It can’t be ruined, don’t worry.” I could feel him looking at me. “I wouldn’t let you go home on your own, let me at least take you home and then I will walk back here?” I looked at him and smiled thanking him. To be fair I knew I was still really drunk and probably couldn’t make my way home safely anyway. Plus, getting in a taxi on my own really freaked me out. I mean, that taxi driver could be some sort of psycho and has a drunk girl in the back of his car, anything could happen you never know.

Adam called a taxi which came within minutes and we got back to my house and he helped me get into bed and left my room. I never heard the front door go again but I fell asleep immediately so probably wouldn’t have known either way.


I woke up and it was still dark. My mouth felt disgusting so I went into the bathroom and cleaned my teeth. As I stood there I felt a rush of nausea come across me and barely made it to the toilet in time before I was sick again. I didn’t think I had that much to drink, must have been all those dodgy shots and the mixing.

I heard a knock at the door and it opened and I saw Adam stood there with a glass of water. “I’m sorry I didn’t leave last night, I was worried about you, especially as I knew Kaley wasn’t going to come back.” I gave him a weak smile and took the water from him.

“Sorry to ruin the night.”

“I told you last night, you didn’t ruin it.” He said, sitting on the floor with me. “Do you want me to go home?”

“No, no it’s fine. But I may be here a while and it may not be pretty. So if you want to try and get some more sleep. Feel free to sleep in Kale’s room if she isn’t coming back.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to leave you if you’re feeling rubbish.” He looked at me and I gave him a look that I guess he recognised as ‘please leave, I don’t want you to see me vomming right now.’ “Okay I’m gunna go sleep in Kaley’s room if you think she’ll be fine with it. Your sofa isn’t exactly the comfiest place to sleep.” He laughed and stood up and left to go to Kaley’s room. I sat on the floor and sighed. If she wasn’t coming back here she obviously spent the night at Adam’s with Dan.

After ten minutes I decided to make my way to my room again, checking the time. 5am. I got back into bed and closed my eyes, trying to sleep but all I could think about was the mess that I had made of the previous night. I just hope Kaley wasn’t angry at me.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now