48. Leaving party

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I finally got to the club that we had hired out after hobbling down the road. I’ve had the day from hell, stuck in the hospital all day whilst I’ve been in agony! My fault for being a clumsy idiot who falls down the stairs, I guess.

I was greeted by an already tipsy Dan and Ally, who wrapped me into a massive hug and dragged me to the bar straight away. I was told that I shouldn’t drink because of all of the painkillers I had been given today but there was no way I was staying sober for our leaving party!

We did a few shots and then I looked at the time. Kaley should be here soon. I had invited her the other day and I hope she remembered. I got out my phone and began to text her. Should I be doing this? I don’t want to look too keen, do I? I’ve actually started to like Kaley quite a bit even though I know that it’s only a casual thing. But when you talk to someone most days and have great sex with them then it’s only natural that feelings are going to come out.

Less than an hour later and we were all hammered. There were loads of people there, housemates, friends, family, colleagues, everyone was there to support us and I felt ridiculously happy for it. But still in the back of my drunken mind was Kaley. One text can’t hurt can it? I pulled my phone out and began to compose a text when I heard a familiar voice in my ear.

“Hello, stranger.” The female voice said. I spun around and was face to face with Kaley. I quickly locked my phone so that she didn’t see that I was texting her.

“Kaley!” I shouted enthusiastically, throwing my arms around her. “You came!”

“Yeah, of course I came, why wouldn’t I? Look, have you seen Dan?”

“Nooo not for a while.”  I hiccupped. “Come here!” I said, grabbing her hands and leading her out the back of the club where we were on our own. I leant forward to kiss her and she pushed me straight away.

“Jesus, Kyle! Back off!”

I was totally shocked. We did this sort of thing all the time. “Sorry, I just thought. I don’t know, I assumed..”

“Well, I’m putting a stop to all of that. I’m with Dan now, sorry.” She said, strutting off back into the club.

Wait, did she just say she’s with Dan? Dan Smith? Ally’s Dan? What the hell have I missed.


I put on my shortest, tightest dress. Dan was going to go crazy when he sees me looking this good, I can’t wait.

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door towards the club that Kyle told me they had hired out. My name was on the guest list and I was let in, clearly Dan put it on there. I searched the place looking for Dan but I couldn’t see him anywhere, instead all I could find was Kyle.

I started talking to him and he dragged me outside and shoved his face towards mine, trying to kiss me. I pushed him away straight off and shouted at him. I know we had that thing but really I never liked him. He’s served his purpose. He was there to make Dan jealous. For my pleasure as well, obviously, there’s no denying we had some good times, but mainly to make Dan realise he didn’t want another man around me.

The club was hot and crowded when I got in and all I wanted to do was find Dan. I hadn’t seen him in a few days now, he hadn’t been round. Before that he was around all the time, pretending he was there for Ally but we all know he was there to see me.

Then I saw Dan at the bar and immediately felt relieved. He was talking to some guy I didn’t recognise and I didn’t want to be rude and interrupt their conversation but I just couldn’t wait any longer to talk to him.

“Hey, babe!” I said as I approached him and went in for a hug and kissed him on the cheek. He froze, not hugging me back, but instead kind of stepping away. He must still want to keep us a secret, shit.

“Hi, I’m Kaley!” I held my hand out to the man that Dan was talking to.

“Uh, hi, I’m Sam. Look, Dan, I’ll see you in a bit.” He said, walking away.

“Kaley, why are you here?” Dan turned to me.

“Don’t say that! I know you want me here. Have you told Ally about us then? Is that why she’s not here?” I scanned the room again looking for her.

“No, Kaley. She’s in the loo’s.” He was acting really strange.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” I grabbed hold of his arm and he jerked away.

“Stop calling me babe!” He shouted at me. Oh no I hated seeing Dan angry. “Kaley, nothing’s going on between us! I want you to leave!”

I was shocked, hurt, angry. But then I realised why he was saying that. Ally was walking over to us. I see, he wanted to act like he hated me in front of her, he must not have told her yet.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Ally yelled as she approached us.

“I was invited.”

“Not by me you weren’t!” Dan was really starting to lose his temper now. Bloody hell Ally, why are you getting Dan angry? "Al, she's being mental, trying to push herself up on me again."

“I think you’ve done enough damage over the past few days, Kaley. I don’t want you ruining tonight for Dan, this is his last day with his family and friends for months. Just go.” Ally barked her orders at me.

“You know what, one day you two will realise that you aren’t a real couple and it’s me and you that should be together properly.” I was looking at Dan. “Call me when you’ve stopped lying to yourself Dan.” I turned around and left the club. I think I handled that really maturely and I was proud of myself.


“Al, are you okay? I heard Dan knocking on the toilet door whilst I sat there in tears. I felt so stupid for crying. I stood up and opened the door for him to come in and he squished into the small cubicle with me. He didn’t even need to say anything, all he did was hold me and that was enough to set me off crying more. “I think there’s something seriously wrong with Kaley. It’s like she’s made this whole story out in her head and forced herself to believe it. Kyle just told me that she had said to him that me and her were together. I promise I’ve done nothing to lead her to think that.”

“I know.” I couldn’t say much else. It was true though. I knew that there was something wrong with Kaley, she was acting insane. I also knew that Dan wasn’t the one to blame here. I knew he wasn’t lying to me. Kaley had got obsessed with guys before but I never knew if she had lied about anything before, obviously because I never saw the guy she was obsessing over. But now it was my boyfriend that she was focusing her attention on, I could see how much she had probably lied about in the past. Guys had approached me saying she was crazy. I had shaken it off, defending my best friend but she didn't deserve that anymore.

“Do you want to go?” Dan pulled away from me slightly and looked me in the eye.

“Honestly, yes. But is it alright if I go back to yours on my own?”

He smiled slightly but looked concerned. “Whatever you want.”

Dan walked me outside and put me in a taxi, telling the driver the address and giving him some money. “Stay out as long as you want.” I said to him as he went too shut the door.

“I won’t be long, just want to catch up with a few more people.” He handed over his key and gave me a quick kiss and shut the car door.

As the taxi pulled away I could see Dan stood there watching us drive off. I hated the fact that he had got so caught up in all of this. It was unfair what Kaley was doing. I don’t even think she realised the strain that she had put on mine and Dan’s relationship. I obviously trusted him completely, but choosing him was meaning that I was losing my best friend without even listening to her explanation. I needed to go and speak to Kaley. But now wasn’t the time. I was still slightly intoxicated by the alcohol and if I went round now it would only cause an argument. I will go over tomorrow.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now