12. A pretty good way to spend the afternoon

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I never normally had to make these sorts of decisions. I mean, sure there have been guys around in the past but never two guys at the same time. Never two ridiculously lovely guys that I liked.

I realised I had been silent for a while. I looked up at Dan and he was looking down, shuffling his feet a bit and playing with the bracelets on his wrist. I noticed his watch for the first time ever. It was some sort of watch you would have when you were about ten, it was so cute. I let out a little chuckle and he looked at me in the eye. God those eyes.

“Your watch. It’s cute.” He blushed a bit and nervously laughed.

“Really that’s all you can say? My watch?!” He beamed down at me.

“I.. I.. I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t need to say anything, don’t worry. I’ll see you around yeah?” He turned around and began to walk away again.

I couldn’t let him leave. I wanted him so badly. I grabbed his hand, spun him around and looked him in the eye. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him gently.

After a couple of seconds he started kissing me more passionately, running his hands through my hair. I held his face in my hands and began to do the same. God his hair was so lush.

He grabbed my waist and I pushed him backwards, onto the sofa so I was on top of him. Bloody hell Ally, you’re such a slut. Half an hour ago I was doing the exact same thing to another guy. I leant up a little bit, breaking off the kiss, leaving Dan confused.

No, this was what I wanted, definitely. Last night it was the alcohol that led me to kissing Adam but now I could see more clearly. Dan was amazing. I leant back in and kissed him again.

He sat up a bit, with me straddling his lap. He swung his legs round and stood up, me with my legs wrapped around him and he carried me down the hall towards the bedrooms. Bloody hell he was strong!

He stopped the kiss and looked at me. “I’ve just realised I have no idea which rooms yours, where the hell are we going?” I laughed and pointed towards my door, placing kisses on his neck.

He pushed my door open and threw me onto my bed, lifting me up and pushing me more onto the bed as he got on the bed. He lay on top of me, planting kisses on my lips and I reached to the bottom of his t-shirt, pulling it over his head and starting to undo his trousers.

I then realised I was still in my pj’s, hardly the most sexy outfit ever. Meh, he didn’t seem to mind. He took off my t-shirt and shorts and started kissing all over my body. He was ridiculously good at this. I let out a little moan and he laughed at me but continued with the kissing. And you don't really need details of what happened next I'm guessing.


After we lay in bed in each other’s arms, panting slightly. He looked over to me and gave me one extra, long, deep kiss and I couldn’t stop smiling. “You’re amazing Ally.”

“Right back at ya Smith.” He grinned, playing with his hair.

“Cringe moment coming up and I’m not even sorry… I want to lie here all day with you.”

I laughed out loud at that. “Thanks for the cringe warning! But I totally agree.” I leant over and placed another kiss on his lips.

Then something had to spoil this perfect moment didn’t it. The door slammed and I heard Kaley come into the flat. Shit, shit, shit. Dan looked at me, panic written all over his face. I ushered him to hide down the side of the bed so Kaley wouldn’t be able to see him and threw his clothes at him, grabbing my own t-shirt and tossing it on.

“Ally babe, you sleeping?” I heard Kaley from outside.

“I’m just getting changed, be out in a moment.” I grabbed my shorts and put them on quickly, signalling Dan to start getting dressed too. I ran to the door and closed it on my way out.

By this time she had made herself into the kitchen and put the kettle on, holding up a mug for me in a questioning way.

“Yeah, that would be lush ta.”

“Thought you were getting changed? You’re still in your pj’s..”

Oh balls. How do I get out of this one? “Uh yeah, I was wearing another t-shirt and just changed into a fresh one, doubt I’m going to get out of them all day.” Nicely saved Ally.

She nodded, not asking any more questions and made us two teas. “Talking about pj’s I’m going to get mine on, be back in a minute babe.”

As soon as Kaley’s bedroom door shut I ran to my own room to find Dan now fully dressed and giggling. “I feel like a naughty teenager, what the hell?!”

“It’s easier like this, trust me!” I grabbed his hand and led him to the front door, quickly. “I’ll speak to you later on!” I said pushing him out of the front door.

“Wait.” He said, grabbing me by the waist and kissing my lips deeply. The kiss lasted a few more moments than it should have done and all I wanted to do was grab him and pull him back into my bedroom for the rest of the day but then I remembered the situation we were in. I started giggling, pushing him out of the door properly this time and he grinned back at me. “Speak to you later, Al.”

I laughed back at him. “Get outta here, Smith!” And I watched him walk down towards the lifts. Him turning around and doing a little wave as he walked off.

I gently closed the front door and turned around and ran back to the living room, putting the tv on, acting like nothing had just happened. As soon as I sat down Kaley entered the room, joining me on the sofa. That was way too close for my liking.


Well, that was amazing. Pretty good way to spend the afternoon. I walked along the street with the biggest smile on my face ever.

I totally understood why Ally got me out of the flat as quickly as possible when Kaley got home, it would just get totally awkward if she saw me and we all know how I love to make an awkward situation worse.

I got back to our house and saw the others all watching tv in the living room. “You alright guys?”

“Yeah, so full of food now! Where did you go off to?” Toby looked over at me.

“Oh just for a walk, I needed some fresh air to make me feel better.”

“And did it?”

“Huh? Did it what?”

“Make you feel better?”

I smiled to myself, if only he knew just what I had been doing to make me feel better. “Yeah, yeah it did.”

“Good, come chill with us, just about to put a film on so you can help us decide.”

I walked up to the collection of DVD’s and held up one at random. Everyone nodded and so I placed it in the DVD player and the film started. I didn’t care what film it was really anyway, I was going to be too focused on thinking about what had just happened between me and Ally.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя