13. Painful conversations

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I left the boys at their house as I decided it was about time to go and check up on the state Ally was in. I know how she gets with hangovers, she can’t eat or move most of the time.

I got in the flat to see she wasn’t there, that was weird. Then I heard a banging coming from her room so went over and knocked on her door. “Ally babe, you sleeping?” Stupid question Kaley, she obviously wasn’t judging from the banging.

“I’m just getting changed, be out in a moment.”

I shrugged and went to the kitchen and put the kettle on. I needed another 5 sugar tea, even after the mammoth of food I had just consumed.

Ally came in the kitchen and I was making a tea for her too when I noticed she hadn’t got changed and was still in her pj’s. That was weird but I kind of shrugged it off and went to my room and put my own pj’s on.

When I came out of my room I grabbed a blanket and joined Ally on the sofa. Time to have the painful conversation about last night then. “Soooo. You and my bro then Ally?”

“Soooo. You and Dan then Kaley?” Wow! Didn’t realise she had seen that or would have cared about it.

“Uhh yeah, just a drunken kiss apparently. I asked him about it today and we agreed to just forget about it. Kind of sucks cause you know, I do actually like him I’ve decided. Anyway, I asked first. You and my brother?!”

“Erghh are you angry?”

“Naaa! Of course not, I’ve known you two will get together for ages. Although please no PDA in front of me.” Gross, gross, gross was all I was thinking. We usually told each other details about all the guys we were seeing but I didn’t want to hear the ins and outs of this relationship!

“Okay, think you’ve got the wrong end of the stick. Nothing properly happened. Just a few kisses and then I was sick! So he brought me back here and helped me. Oh and by the way he slept in your bed for a bit, seeing as you were in his.”

“Haaaa you were sick me too!” And I leant my hand over to Ally and high fived her. “Well did you want anything more to happen? What happened today?”

“Urrm I kind of did, but then I felt guilty about you so I would have stopped it anyway.. I think. And nothing too exciting.”

“Did he ask you out?”

Ally paused for a moment and thought. “I guess he kind of did. He said we should do something this week but not sure if he meant in that way or not.”

“Hmmm interesting…”


I felt really bad after speaking to Kaley. She had admitted to liking Dan and I had thought about how much of a bitch I had been to Adam. I had to keep the Dan thing a secret from her, I didn’t like keeping secrets but it was best she didn’t know for now.

We chilled all day with the Disney film channel on and ordered Chinese for dinner. Lots of duck pancakes mmmmm, my stomach could definitely handle this! I then remembered about mine and Dan’s meeting last week when we talked about our favourite foods. I really needed to try chicken and chocolate.

I was in a bit of a food coma and we were both knackered from last night so we decided to go to sleep at the grand old time of 8pm.

I checked my phone before I went to bed and had a text from Adam. Argh cheers Adam, add to the guilt!

-“How’s the hangover treating you? Fancy doing lunch tomorrow? X”-

What do I do? If I go to this lunch then Dan might get all pissy with me. But then I did say I would see Adam and it wasn’t like me and Dan were together in any way. Urgh this was going to be painful either way.

-“It’s been a long and painful day! Yeah sure, normal coffee shop? X”-

-“Naaa I wanna take you out somewhere a bit nicer. Pick you up at 2?”-

-“Ah interesting and very secretive. You have a deal, see you then :) x”-

-“Looking forward to seeing you :) x”-

I smiled at the last bit and put my phone on the side when I saw it flash again. A text from Dan.

-“Evening beautiful :) close call earlier on! Been thinking about it all day. God why am I being so cheesy hahaha. What are you doing tomorrow? x”-

Well this is awkward. I had a date with the other guy now booked in! Just tell him the truth, no pointing in making up a rubbish excuse.

-“I know, if she was five minutes earlier just imagine what she would have seen! Don’t worry I like the cheese! Ah I’ve just agreed to meet Adam for lunch :s sorry x”-

-“Haha she would have certainly got an eyeful ;) hmm Monday then? X”-

-“She would have indeed! Monday sounds perfect! Shall we sort it out tomorrow? I neeeeeed sleep right now! X”-

-“Yeah course, looking forward to seeing you :) night x”-

Oh my god Dan just said the same thing that Adam said a minute ago! How cringe!

-“You too! Speak to you tomorrow, night x”-

I put my phone down again and sighed. How did I manage to get in this situation?

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now