41. Friends

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Ally accepted my apology after a lot of grovelling. I was stupid for thinking she had wanted to get with Johnny, the boys made me realise that. He attacked her and I wasn't there for her, instead I accused her and I felt horrible about that.

I decided not to tell her about Kaley, it was best we kept that a secret. I didn't want her to think that I had done anything to provoke her, because I hadn't. And I didn't want Ally and Kaley to fall out, especially not over a useless idiot like me. Idiot. I think that should be my new nickname I've acted that way so much over the past few days.

I walked back to my flat and got showered and stood in front of my wardrobe wondering what to wear. I'm meeting her family. All of Adam and Kaley's family, which is basically Ally's family too. I was starting to panic. Why was I being such a girl at deciding what to wear? I would usually just put on my black jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie, easy. But I think I needed to be a bit smarter.

I settled on a denim shirt, I thought it looked a bit nicer than a grey hoodie which I wear every day. I did my hair and then went down the hall to Adam's room. "Alright mate?"

"Yeah, I'm nearly ready and then I'm good to go." He said dashing around his room. "Where the hell is my flipping shirt?!" He yelled in frustration, looking under piles of clothes and in drawers. "There you are, you bastard!" He grabbed a shirt and put it on in front of the mirror. "So mate, what happened to you last night?"

"Ah I'm sorry, I just got angry and wandered off. I should've told someone I left."

"So you saw Johnny then? I never even thought about bringing up the fact that he was Ally's ex, I didn't think he would show his face around here anymore."

He obviously had no idea what had gone on last night and I decided to keep it brief. "Yeah, I saw him. He tried something with Ally, which is why I got angry. But it's fine, we sorted it out."

"He's a knob, just forget about him she would never go there. Anyway, we've got to leave." Adam said, pushing me out of the door.

We left the house and went to Adam's car, heading over to the girl's house to pick them up. As usual, they weren't ready yet. Ally came and sat with us whilst Kaley was finishing off her hair. Ally looked gorgeous as always in a floral dress. She looked so girly and pretty, it was cute. When Kaley walked out she had massive sunglasses covering her face.

"Hanging sis?" Adam chuckled and she gave him the middle finger.

"Can we just go please? I want to get this epic car journey over with." She muttered as she walked through the front door and we all shrugged and followed her.

She was right, the car journey was epic and long. We got stuck in traffic getting out of London so it took us 2 and a half hours. It didn't help that we had to stop at the services because Adam needed petrol.

"I'm gunna go and grab a drink, anyone want anything?" Ally said, climbing out of the car.

Both me and Kaley shook our heads and she walked away, leaving us both alone in the car. The moment the door shut Kaley turned around and started speaking to me. "Look, I don't know if you're planning on telling Ally about what happened last night but please don't." She pleaded.

I thought for a second before replying to Kaley. "I decided not to tell her, there's no point in hurting her. Just what the hell were you thinking Kaley?" This was for the best.

"I don't know, I was drunk. I'm sorry."

"Yeah well you've put me in a fucking awkward position."

"Yeah and I said I'm sorry!" She raised her voice a bit. "But you know what they say, your true feelings come out when you're drunk." She muttered in a hushed tone after.

"Huh?" I questioned, even though I heard fully well what she had just said. Her true feelings? She couldn't have feelings for me, could she?


The car was filled with an awkward silence before I finally spoke up. "Kaley, we're friends alright? I'm sorry but that's it."

"Yeah, of course." She looked upset and turned back around in her seat and I'm sure I saw her wiping her eyes. I couldn't have just made her cry could I?


I could feel the tears about to attack as soon as Dan said the word friends. I turned back around to face forward so that he didn't see. Friends. That's all we were ever going to be. Why am I in this situation?

He was making me act completely irrationally. Heck, I was being a backstabbing bitch to my best friend. He had some weird hold over me and he didn't even know it. Pain crippled me each time I saw him and Ally together, each time they kissed in front of me, when I walked in on them together. It felt like he was sticking daggers in my chest without a second thought.

I don't think I've ever felt like this about someone before. It's so hard wanting someone that there's no way you could have.

But me and Dan had kissed before, and that gave me hope. He had seen something in me that night and that was something I was clinging on to. I will get him. I know I will.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now