10. Girly screams

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So Dan just came in the kitchen and we had a little awkward chat about last night. I suggested we totally forget about it and move on from it and he agreed. That kind of stung. I was hoping he would be all like ‘no I don’t want to forget about it, let me take you out’, but obviously he wasn’t that bothered. He made me a cup of tea and then politely excused himself, leaving me alone in the room again.

I sighed and picked up my tea, heading to Toby’s room and he was still asleep. Perfect opportunity. I sneaked up to his bed and got my face close to his and screamed as loud as possible. Toby opened his eyes, screaming back and fell off the bed. I lay down on the bed in fits of laughter, that was the best response I could of got.

Just then Rick ran into the room, looking flustered. “What the fuck is going on? Kaley are you alright I heard you screaming?” That just set me off even more, the fact he thought Toby’s scream was a girl’s.

Toby popped his head up from behind the bed. “Na mate that would have been me. This dick head decided to wake me up and is gunna pay for it now.” He jumped onto the bed, tickling me. Rick started laughing and joined in and then it was my turn to scream.

“Guys… GUYS.. SERIOUSLY GUYS, I’M WARNING YOU.. I’VE BEEN THROWING UP ALL MORNING. I WILL BE SICK ON YOU.” I shouted at the two of them and with that they jumped to the other side of the room.

“Gross, Kay, just gross.” Toby squirmed. I smirked and got myself comfy in the bed. “I guess you need food then. I need a big greasy burger or something. Let’s go to McDonalds.”

That was literally exactly what I needed right now. Carb central hello. And a McFlurry, that was definitely in order, make my sugar levels go through the roof!

I got out of bed and walked back into Adam’s room, grabbing a hoodie to go along with the trackies and t-shirt I had already helped myself to. I grabbed my bag and headed back to Toby’s room to see if he was ready for the biggest McDonalds of his life.

When I got to his room he was on the phone to Adam, who agreed to meet us there in 15 minutes. I went to Dan’s room to see if him and Kyle wanted to come too. “Ah shit is it 12 already? I was meant to meet my Mum for lunch at half past. I gotta get home quick mate, sorry” Kyle got out of bed and grabbed his stuff and waved bye to me and Dan, leaving us in the room together. Awkward.

“Think I’m just gunna die in bed for a bit longer but have fun” He gave a weak smile and I could tell he was suffering from the previous night. I gave a little laugh and went back into Toby’s room where he was doing his hair.

“Seriously, boy. We’re going to McDonalds not a fashion show come onnnn!” I said pulling him out of the door and grabbing Rick on the way out.

We walked to McDonalds which is only ten minutes away. I swear you can’t go anywhere in London without seeing a McDonalds, Starbucks or Pret, it was crazy. At home we had to drive 20 minutes to town just to get to the nearest Maccies, disgraceful! We got there to see Adam already sat at a booth, on his own. That’s weird I thought he was with Ally. Where the hell is Ally then?


After helping Ally out in the bathroom and giving her some water I found my way to Kaley’s room and looked around a bit. I laughed at the picture on her dresser, taken about ten years ago, just after Ally had moved in with our family. Me, Ally, Kaley and Rick were all on the beach, with a massive sandcastle that we had just made, proud smiles on all of our faces. I loved Ally even then. It was weird back then though. She was only 15 and I was 17, I was just about to head off to uni. Back when you’re that young, 2 years seemed like a massive age gap and so nothing ever happened between us, not that it will now after last night.

I got into Kaley’s bed and pulled the duvet over me, closing my eyes and drifting into sleep.


When I woke, it was light outside and I could hear the tv dimly playing in the living room. I rubbed my eyes and got up, leaving the room and joining Ally on the sofa. “Feeling better?” I asked.

“Mmmm, hardly. I want to apologise again for last night. I was a state and I’m sorry that it was you that ended up with the awful job of looking after me.”

I looked at her and shook my head. “You don’t have to apologise for anything, Al. Everyone was a state anyway and I would rather you be safe then me have a good time for a few more hours.” I paused for a bit and looked over to see her smiling. “Did you enjoy your night anyway, before the vomiting?” Jesus Adam, that was cheesy and obviously hinting towards what happened with us.

“Yeah it was good. I blame Toby entirely for the sickness, what even was it that he was making me drink?!”

I shook my head again “I don’t even know. They were some strong and weird coloured liquors he brought back yesterday. You were pretty brave for having them to be fair. I had one shot and I swear it was so strong it made my eyes water!” We both laughed. Now for the bit you’re dreading Adam. “So… Do you remember everything?”

“If you’re referring to me and you, yes I do. I’m sorry for practically pouncing on you and I know you probably didn’t want me to and if I made a dick out of myself I really apologise and we can just forget about it.” I didn’t want to listen to her ramble any more and shut her up straight away by kissing her.

She did not expect that, clearly. She was confused, like I was last night, so didn’t kiss me back for a moment. In that moment a million thoughts went through my head. What if she was that drunk that she just kissed anyone and didn’t realise it was me and doesn't actually want this to happen?

Okay that was my first 10 chapters!! Please vote and comment if you want me to continue with the story :) x

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