34. Invitations and surprises

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I was in bed and heard a banging, it sounded like someone was trying to break in. I panicked and grabbed the first thing I could find, my cricket bat, and slowly walked out towards the front door. I was watching the door and just then Ally stumbled through it, Dan in her arms. I quickly put the bat down, obviously won’t be needing that. I don’t think she saw it, that was good, I knew she would take the piss out of me for being scared.

I helped Ally put Dan to bed and then followed her into the kitchen where she was looking for a bucket. I stood there watching her for a second, I had really missed her. I was so used to her and Kaley coming over all the time and I loved seeing her. But now her and Dan were an item, it was just awkward between us, which I hated.

I made some awful joke about the night that I helped her a couple of weeks ago when she was being sick and then just made the awkwardness in the room even more prominent. She quickly left and I was stood there, thinking about her. She obviously had no feelings for me but I was utterly in love with her. Why did this have to happen to me?


I opened my eyes and realised I was on the floor, a bucket in my arms. I groaned and tried to lift my head up, but I think if I move I will be sick.

“Morning precious.” Ally chimed, leaning over the bed and flashing a grin at me.

“Wha… What happened last night?” I muttered.

“You got smashed, I had to help you home, Adam put you to bed, you fell onto the floor in the middle of the night and started hugging the bucket, calling it Ally. Glad to know I was in your mind whilst you’re off spooning a bucket.” She laughed loudly.

“Volume.. Down… Please.”

“Oh sorry, head sore?” She chuckled.

“Mm hmm.” I mumbled, getting up from the floor and laying in the bed. “So I made a tit out of myself, as usual?”

“No, not really. Just in front of me. Anyway, Jen’s lovely isn’t she.”

This was definitely a trap, I knew it. Was I meant to agree and say she was lovely or say she wasn’t? I bet Ally found out about me and Jen last night. Argh God I wish I could remember! “Yeah she’s alright.” I finally replied.

She snorted. “You obviously think she’s more than alright if you’ve had a thing with her in the past.”

Boom. There it was! “Ahh I thought this was where it was going.”

“Well, it’s not that I’m jealous. No wait, I am jealous. She’s beautiful and talented and cool and funny-“

I had to cut her off, I couldn’t listen to her. “And I’m with you.” I gave her a kiss on her forehead. “That was nothing serious, honestly. You have nothing to worry about.”

“Okay, good. The song you were recording yesterday was awesome, by the way.”

“Thanks, I think it’s gunna sound wicked live. I can’t wait to show people on the tour, I hope it goes down well.”

“Oh is Jen going with you? I didn’t realise that.”

“Yeah, she’s going to be our support act. Mental that we have support acts! I feel like we’re the support act!”

“Ah cool, you will have fun.”

“You will have fun too.” I said and she gave me this little puzzled look. “I want you to come on the UK leg of the tour with us. I mean, only if you want to?”

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now