53. Waking up

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I was stood at the side of the stage, watching a band play. I didn’t know who they were but I really enjoyed their music. I listened to their lyrics, they seemed familiar. I watched the lead singer bounce about on stage, full of energy. But then he looked in my direction, his eyes full of fear.

I looked at him closer and realised I recognised him. I decided to walk closer to him and I was suddenly out on the stage where thousands of people were staring up at the band. No one paid any attention to me though, and I liked it that way.

I walked closer to each member of the band, studying them. I recognised them all. I just didn’t know where from. I stood next to the jumping singer and eyed him closer. It was weird that none of them were telling me to leave the stage. Could they even see me? I reached out and touched the singers arm as he played keys. He didn’t even flinch. Could he not feel me?

It went quiet when the song finished and the singer started talking to the crowd. I leant over to his mic and started shouting. No one was paying any attention to me. Why couldn’t they hear me?

I left the stage and returned back to where I was previously stood. As I approached the side of the stage I saw the most beautiful girl, dancing and singing along. She was just below average height, coming to just under my shoulders. Her hair was a dark plummy red and pushed up into a ponytail, with some loose curls left to frame her stunning face. She had on a baggy t-shirt with a tight black skirt and a denim jacket. She looked so simple but beautiful. I had to know her. I started speaking to her but she ignored me. Could she not see me too?

A new song started and the singer entered the crowd. I watched as he joined his fans, jumping along with them. But not for long. Suddenly he was being carried over the bar by security guards after passing out. Then, as he was rushed past me I realised. That man was me.



“Shall I get a doctor?”

“Make him stop.” I recognised that voice. It was her. It was Ally. My Ally. She seemed upset. I could hear that she was crying through the unstable tone in her voice. Why was she sad?

I tried to speak or open my eyes but instead I could just feel my body shaking, unable to control my movements. I tried to breathe normally but I could feel something down my throat. I began choking and then everything went black again.


I was back to standing at the side of the stage, watching as the man I believed to be me was being carried away.

The girl looked at me straight in the eye. She could see me now. “Dan, you need to wake up soon. You’re scaring us all.”

The man who had been playing bass then approached me. “Don’t let yourself spiral out of control again, you’ve got this.”

The long haired man stood up from the drums and walked towards me. “We’re all worried about you. We don’t want this to happen to you again. I don’t think we can all go through it again.”

Then finally, the other man who had been playing keys was stood opposite me. “Why have you done this again? I thought we made it clear we were here." He turned to the rest of the group. "What if he’s been doing it for ages?” The four of them all walked down the dark corridor, leaving me on my own.

“Wait…. Guys wait.” I called after them but I couldn’t move. I struggled hard to leave the spot that I was standing in with no luck. Instead I stood watching the corridor and watching the panic and mayhem set in.


Suddenly I had control over my body again and I was able to open my eyes. I looked around the room, confused as to where I was.

“Dan!” My Ally was there. She was holding my hand. Woody, Will and Kyle were here too. Then another man I didn’t recognise. He looked like a doctor. I took another look around the room and realised I was in a hospital bed.

“Mr. Smith, I’m going to remove the tube from your throat which has been allowing you to breathe. This is going to be uncomfortable for a moment.” The doctor spoke at me and I could feel the tube being ripped out of my throat. I started coughing and was sure I was going to be sick. But I could breathe properly. I took a deep breath in and savoured the moment.

“Ally.” I spoke, tears coming from my eyes.

“I’m here, Dan.” She tightened her grip on my hand.

“Why am I here?”

The doctor began speaking. “Mr. Smith you lost consciousness at around 10pm last night. You’ve had your stomach pumped due to a large amount of cocaine in your system. This is a serious matter and the police will be in shortly.” He aimed his attention towards the other people in the room. “I’m afraid you will have to leave until Mr. Smith has spoken to the police.” He ushered them out of the room.

“Dan!” Ally shouted as she was dragged away.

The tears started flowing heavily now. How did I let myself end up back here again? It was a place that I had sworn I would never return to.


Well heyyyy there! I know I don't usually do authors notes so this is a bit weird but I just wanted to say a few bits :)

Firstly - thank you SO much for all of the reads/ votes and everything. I know it's a total cliche and everyone says it but i didn't expect this to get so many reads, I thought it would just be for my own enjoyment but to know that other people actually look at this is a bit mental but awesome at the same time.

Secondly - I don't really know anything about hospitals/ drugs/ some other topics that may be coming up, so I've made a lot of the details up. I know these can be sensitive subjects to some people and I'm sorry if anyone has any knowledge on it and gets offended with me writing about it, I just hope my writing does it justice.

So yeah, that's about it so I'm gunna shut up now! Keep commenting and voting if you like it as always, and thank you again, it means a lot x

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now