16. A cute phone conversation

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I went in the flat and Kaley wasn’t in so I just took myself off to my room and put my pj’s on. I felt like I lived in them, it was only half 4 but I couldn’t wait to get in bed already. I cosied up in bed with a cuppa and reached for my laptop, switching it on.

I put my iTunes on shuffle and opened up the internet, checking out facebook and twitter. No news going on today, boring. Then what song would come on but ‘Flaws’, one of Dan’s songs.

I found myself typing Bastille into youtube and watching videos of them performing live. Dan could sing amazingly. His dance moves whilst performing made me laugh out loud and he looked so nervous! He just did this weird bopping thing, I don't even know what it is. Bastilles songs were incredible though, I have to admit.

One of the suggested videos to watch was an interview and so I thought I might as well watch that too. Dan was adorable. He blabbed on and on throughout the whole interview, going completely off track during most answers and was clearly nervous, playing with his hair, shoelaces and bracelets. And that bloody watch too. Adorable, that’s the best way to describe Dan really. I've never met someone so uncool but cool at the same time. It;s weird to describe.

Just then my phone rang and I grabbed it from the side, noticing it was Dan calling, making me chuckle a bit as I picked up the phone.

“Heyyyy” I said cheerily.

“Hiiiiiiii! How are you? What’s making you giggle. Shit are you still with Adam I’m so sorry I didn’t think.”

“No, no calm down you loser. Don’t worry I’m on my own. Just, um, doing some.... Um.... Research?” Research what the fuck Ally?! What would I need to research?! My brain just frazzled when I spoke to Dan.


“Okay this is totally embarrassing but I don’t really care anymore! You’re song popped up on my iTunes so I started watching your live performances and ended up watching an interview with you and Woody alright!”

“ARGH NO!! Those things are totally embarrassing, I’m such a div in interviews and on stage, I don’t want you to see me like that awkward person! I was trying to be all cool and everything!”

“The cat’s out of the bag now Smith, you’re hilarious on stage. You look so cute looking out at the crowd, clearly bricking it! Plus you never impressed me I knew from the moment I met you how uncool you were!”

“Hilarious Al! Is it that obvious how nervous I am though? I’ve got way better I promise! I used to stand at the side of the stage, barely looking up from the keyboard and Will played centre stage.. So progress has been made!”

“Ah so now you just climb on things on the stage?”

“Keeps my mind off the crowd!”

“To be fair, I would be bricking it in front of that many people. Bastille pull in quite a crowd!”

“Yeah I’m sure they’re only ever there to see the support acts or something.”

“Oh shut it Dan, you’re amazing and you know you are!”

“Haha if that’s what you think! Anyway let’s stop talking about me performing. What’s happening tomorrow?”

“Well I don’t know, I’m sure I was meant to see someone but just can’t remember who… ”

“The best awkward performer ever, duhhh.”

“Yeah well I was going to go out with him but then I’ve got a bone to pick with him.. He told his mate about us when he said he wouldn’t!”

“Oh umm.. How the hell did you know?!”

“Kyle winked at me and I realised straight away he knew. I just don’t want to hurt anyone Dan I’m sorry.”

“Oh, if you don’t want to go out and you’ve made a decision that’s fine, Adam’s a great guy.”

“No you idiot, I still want to go out! I just wanted to keep it a bit quiet because it gets complicated when other people involve themselves into other peoples relationships.”

"Okay good.. Don’t worry about Kyle he won’t tell anyone I promise. To make up for it I want to take you somewhere fun, be ready for 11?”

“He better otherwise you’re gunna pay for it Smithy boy. Ow and giving me strict instructions! Do I get a clue where we’re going?”

“Oh really! Nope! I want it to be a surprise, it’s more fun that way!”

“Alright then Smith, I shall be ready. I’m excited already.”

“Me too! Uhhhh um. Yes the meeting’s at 11 then?”

“What the fuck why have you suddenly gone all formal?”

“So the others don’t need to be there it’s just me for the interview afterwards?”

“Dan, you’ve totally lost me what the hell?” Then I heard voices in the background and realised Adam must be there. “Bugger is Adam in the room?”

“Yes, he is available I’m sure. I will speak to you tomorrow then at the meeting?”

“God you’re such a weirdo hahaha, see you tomorrow.”

I got off the phone and remembered what I had been doing before and got back to watching Bastille performances to fill the evening. I know that’s a bit creepy but I don’t care, Dan was actually amazing.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now