19. More lies

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I came back from another horrible long day at work, hoping Ally had cooked us something lush for dinner. I got through the door and shouted “HOOOONEY I’M HOOOOOME!!” And swung myself onto the sofa.

A minute later and Ally still hadn’t come to greet me, what the hell? I went into the kitchen, nope not in here. Not in the bedroom or bathroom either. That was weird I didn’t realise she was going out.

I gave her a call to see where she was. We didn’t really know many people in London so it was weird that she was out. And that she never told me as well, she knows I get panicked.

She never picked up so I tried again, and texted her asking where she was too. Oh well looks like I’m making my own dinner.

I looked through the cupboards and I’m that bad at cooking that I had to settle on beans on toast, how boring. I even burnt the toast. How am I that shocking at cooking that I can’t even press a button on a toaster right?

After dinner I washed up and sat on the sofa and put on corrie. Where’s Ally she should be laughing at this with me? I took my phone out and texted her again, why not. I flicked over the channel and Harry Potter was on. Me and Ally loved laughing at this too! I texted her again informing her she was missing it!

Hours passed and it was now 11 and I still hadn’t heard anything from her. I had called her and texted her about a million times. I even tried Adam, Rick and Toby but they were all drunk and not making any sense.

I sighed, realising the next person to call was Dan, and I scrolled through my phone finding his number. Nope he didn’t pick up either. He was probably with the boys anyway. I sent him a text asking him to ring me if he heard anything from Ally, just in case.

I got so panicked I called half the people in my phone, anyone I knew around London. I even called my bloody Mother to see if Ally had called her! Then I just panicked her too. Bloody hell where are you Ally?

I tried sleeping but barely slept at all, thinking about if she was hurt or something. It soon got round to 7am and I had to get myself ready and go to work. This was gunna be a long day I could tell.


I sent a text to Kaley apologising for last night, making up a stupid excuse about running into Hannah, a girl we lived with at uni, and that I ended up going out with her and staying at hers and not looking at my phone until this morning. Just more lies to keep up with.

I then looked at Adam’s texts. Oh god they were bad.

-“Aluy I hust wnt too sauy I lik youy”-

-“Pleasde reoply”-

-“Callk me okkkk”-


Ergh really Adam, make the situation worse. I was pulling a weird face at my phone when Dan started to stir. He started tossing about a bit and mumbling ‘stop, no, stop, ouch monkeys’, with pain written all over his face. He was having a nightmare. I know I shouldn’t find this a turn on probably but it was literally so cute. Also, monkeys, what the hell?

Suddenly his eyes flashed open and he started looking around the room, focusing on me finally. “You alright there Mr? Seemed to be having a nightmare. About monkeys as well!” I put my phone to the side and snuggled back into him.

“Well that’s embarrassing, isn’t it! They were beating me up!” He said, kissing my forehead and tightening his grip on me. “Last night was amazing.”

“I know.” I said, with a massive grin beaming from my face. “Although we have an issue… Kaley went mental about me not coming home last night and must have called everyone on her phone book to find me, including her Mum and Adam. I think she was close to filing a missing person's report.”

“Oh shit, did you tell her where you are?”

“No don’t worry, I said I met up with a girl from uni and I hope she buys it. Also the rest of the guys are still here I think, so looks like I’m kind of stuck in here.” I said in a hushed tone.

“So… We’re stuck in bed until they leave the house.. What a shame.” He leant over and placed a kiss on my lips and then on my neck, making me giggle slightly, I knew exactly what he was suggesting. How the hell has he got any energy left for that after last night!

“Dan we need to be quiet or they’ll hear us!” He sighed, stopping what he was doing.

“I will go out and see what they’re up to today and try and get rid of them.” He said, sitting on the edge of his bed and reaching his boxers and grabbing a t-shirt and throwing that on too. 


I left the bedroom, closing the door behind me, and followed the voices into the kitchen, where the three boys were stood, nursing their hangovers with tea. “Good night last night then boys?” I asked.

“Yeah man, was a shame you didn’t come out. Although we barely even made it past midnight, that’s what day drinking does for you! Are you up for going for breakfast in a bit?” Adam said.

“Ah I would love to, but I have so much to sort out with the band it’s mental. You guys go ahead without me.” Not technically lying, I was meeting up with the band, just not until later on.

“So boringgggg now you’re all big and famous Dan!” Toby joked.

“I’m really sorry, I’m hardly here and then when I am back, I’m not actually here half of the time!”

“Na mate, we understand! We’re all on evening shifts again tomorrow so just promise us we can do lunch tomorrow?” Toby said.

I smiled a bit, happy that they were understanding with the amount of time I had to put into the band. Then I remembered, nope, I wasn’t putting time into the band I was putting time into sneaking behind their backs with a girl! Then I felt mega guilty yet again.

“Yeah sure, I should be able to do tomorrow lunch.”

“Alright Danny boy, we’ve gotta get dressed and go. A fry up is calling our names!” Adam shouted, and within 5 minutes they had gone, leaving me and Ally in the flat on our own.

She cautiously came out of my room and peered around the door. “Coast is clear don’t worry.” I said. She was wearing last night’s dress but still looked amazing in it. I held up my arm, ushering her to sit on the sofa with me, which she did. She lay there with her head on my chest and we sat there in silence for a few moments.

“We need to tell them don’t we?” She sighed.

“Yep.” Was all I could say, I knew she was right.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now