51. You drive me crazy

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We managed to make it through the first show and I decided we needed to celebrate this. We all ended up in a nearby club and honestly I don’t remember much. I just woke up in the morning with a massive hangover. I stretched out in my bunk and realised Ally wasn't there. I stumbled through to the lounge area and saw her curled up under a hoodie, playing on her phone.

“Morning.” I croaked as I sat down next to her and put my arm on her legs, making her flinch.

“Hi.” She coldly replied, not looking up from her phone.

“How come you’re in here?” I questioned.

“Cause you were being a drunken knob head and I didn’t really want to be near you.” She snapped at me.

“Jesus Ally I was just having a bit of fun!” Then she looked up and shot me an evil glare.

“Yeah well there’s having a bit of fun and then there’s trying to get in fights with anyone that stood in your way.” Fights? What was she talking about fights? I would never be able to throw a punch, I’ve never even tried! Ally must have seen the confusion in my face and then she pulled up her sleeve and showed me red marks on her arms. “Dan you did this to me last night. You wouldn’t let me go because I was talking to Kyle and you thought something was going on.”

I was absolutely speechless. I had hurt the most precious person in my life. “Ally I’m sorry.” Was all I could stutter out. She remained silent and I left the room, not wanting her to see me crumble. I went downstairs to get some water but as soon as I opened the fridge the cans of lager were staring me in the face. They could make me feel better.


Even though it was only day 3 of the tour I was starting to get sick of Dan’s behaviour. He had spent the past two days drunk and I don’t want to sound like I’m no fun but it was really pissing me off.

I had barely spoken to him, instead spending more time with the other guys. That girl Jen was with us and constantly following Dan round and I knew she still had a thing for him. The worst thing was I just let her get on with her sickening flirting, it meant that Dan wasn’t around me so much.

The boys all assured me that he would ease it down soon and they had all tried to speak to him but he was having none of it. I never thought that he could irritate me as much as he was. He wasn’t being honest with me at all, he was drinking from the moment he woke up, he was smoking which he knew I didn’t like and I’m sure he was on something else too.

On the first night I was on such a high after the gig that I went out with everyone for some drinks but when Dan started acting violently it scared me. He threatened Kyle and dragged me by my wrists all the way back to the bus for speaking with another guy. He was too drunk to even notice that the guy I was apparently chatting up was his best friend.

So last night I decided to stay back and get some sleep and when Dan drunkenly stumbled in being held up by Kyle I immediately wanted to help him. But he just freaked me out, acting in a way that I had never seen him act before. Normally he was quite a funny drunk, but at the moment he was being vicious and threatening.

He clambered into the bed and started touching me all over. When I told him to stop he shouted at me. So again I ended up spending the night on the sofa, not wanting to be near him when he was being this vile. In all honesty all I wanted to do was go back to London. I had curled up in a ball crying, wondering how my relationship had turned from perfect to shit in a matter of days.

The boys had the day off today and we were in Newcastle, ready for the show tomorrow. We had all decided to have a group day of doing touristy things around the city, seeing as the majority of us hadn’t been here before. We all got ready to leave the bus and I had managed to avoid Dan all morning, but I knew that wouldn’t last for long. As I stepped off the bus I saw Dan perched on a nearby wall, clutching a bottle of water. He glanced at me and awkwardly stood up approaching me.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now