14. Advice from Kyle

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So I asked Ally out last night and she already had plans with Adam. Guess this thing that we have going isn’t going to be easy. I didn't want to be one of many guys in her life, especially seeing as one of the other guys was my best mate who I would be lying to.

I picked up my phone and called one of the people I could tell anything to, I needed to get things off my chest. I found Kyle’s number and told him to get round here ASAP, I had things to talk to him about. He agreed and said he would be half an hour.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a banana for breakfast and shoved the kettle on, making myself a tea and waiting for Kyle to show up.

Kyle turned up and brought muffins with him. God I love blueberry muffins, this kid knew me well. “So Danny boy, what’s up? Seemed like an emergency?”

“Ergh Kyle I need advice.. Badly!” And I filled him in on everything that had happened since I had last seen him less than 24 hours ago.

“Well, well Dan. Firstly, congrats on finally getting laid! I know it’s been a while!” I gave him an evil glare.

“Alright, alright just cause I don’t have a girlfriend back at home for me!”

“Anyway, I reckon you should just see her again and see what happens then. I mean it could be a lot worse, it’s not like you and her or Adam and her are official or anything.”

“Yeah but I’m going behind one of my best mates back. I know about him but he doesn’t know about me. Think about it if you were Adam, how would you feel?”

“I see your point. Going to point out that if you ever touch my girlfriend, I will go Jackie Chan on your ass. But then Ally isn’t his girlfriend. They had a drunken kiss, just like you and Kaley. Maybe when you see Ally, clear it up with her and say that you don’t feel comfortable not telling Adam about you and her. In all honesty mate, she seemed great and I know you’ve had fun with her, but you’ve only known her a week. Adam has been one of your best mates for nearly ten years or something now.”

He was totally right, me and Adam had been mates since uni. We were housemates and on the same course so spent all of our time together and ever since I had known him we had never fought over the same girl.

“You're right. I will talk to her about it tomorrow.”

“I know I’m right. I'm Kyle freaking Simmons when am I ever wrong?!”

"Kyle, careful, you're head is getting so big it won't fit out the door on your way out mate."

"Hardy ha, hilarious Dan."

Both mine and Kyle’s phone buzzed at the same time and we saw Woody had sent a text on our band message group.

-“Lunch today, prezzo’s at 2? I fancy decent pizza not from Dominoes! And Dan we need to discuss Friday night! You my boy were a bit of a mess! x”-

-“Haha very funny! Me and Kyle will meet you there at 2”-

-“Woody, I need to apologise for Daniel, he never puts kisses on texts xxxxxxxx”-

I looked up and laughed at that last message that Kyle had sent. “Dude, I’m just not into showing my love for you in stupid x’s on the end of texts!” We laughed and I turned the tv on, putting on Friends.


So Dan had called me round for some sort of emergency chat. I knew what this meant, blueberry muffins were in order. I knew this would cheer Dan up and plus, I hadn’t had any breakfast so this will have to do.

I got round to Dan’s and he told me about what had happened with him and Ally the previous day. I had to hand it to him, good on him for going round there! He was normally so shy and would never make the first move like that.

I always tease him because he’s the only one who doesn’t have a girlfriend. But he’s not stupid about it like some people would be. I mean normally you would hear of a lead singer in a band getting with a new fan every night but Dan was so not like that. All the girls absolutely loved him and he could get any girl in any room but he would just never put himself forward for it.

I gave him my advice and hoped that he wouldn’t get hurt by all of this. To be fair it was a messy situation and I couldn’t deal with seeing him get hurt and losing a potential girlfriend and best friend.

Woody texted and suggested lunch. God yes, that muffin didn’t exactly fill me up and I’m always in the mood for pizza. I swear on tour we had it every day. I even had a pizza sandwich once, my mind was blown!

Me and Dan killed time by watching Friends, possibly one of the greatest shows around, and left at about quarter to 2, walking to the restaurant.

On the way we saw a couple of fans who recognised us and so posed for pictures with them. It's so weird getting recognised, not that it happens that often. I don’t think I will ever get used to it. I won’t let myself get used to it cause then I won’t appreciate it as much I reckon.

We met up with Will and Woody and sat down at the table, the boys questioning Dan on what he had remembered from Friday night. I gave a little chuckle and kind of switched off, I knew what Dan was going to say anyway.

I noticed he left out the whole going round there and sleeping with her thing but I just guessed he didn’t want to tell people before he knew what was going on between them.

Me, Woody and Will ordered our food and when it got to Dan’s turn to order he just didn’t speak. I turned around to see what he was gawping at and realised that it was Ally and Adam, who had just walked into the restaurant. Cue the most awkward lunch ever.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang