1. First meeting's

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“Ergh I look horrible, this dress is way too overdressed isn’t it?” I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a tight electric blue dress with black heels and felt like it was a bit too much for a house party that I wasn’t even that bothered about going to.

“Ally are you serious? You look amazing and it doesn’t really matter if you’re too dressy it just means all eyes will be on you!” I have to admit, Kaley is the best at making me feel good about myself, which is just one of the reason I love her to pieces. She’s my best friend and recently we’ve done the big move to London and become housemates. She got an amazing job with an advertising agency and there was no chance I was going to live 2 hours away from her so I came with her even though I’m totally skint and have no job. But anyway, we know no one in London other than her older brother Adam, whose having a house party to welcome his mate home from travelling or something, I’m not sure I wasn’t really listening to Kaley when she was telling me where we were going.

Just then the door buzzer went off and I went to open the door whilst Kaley finished doing her hair. I opened the door for Adam who literally stood there staring at me for about 5 minutes. “Ad.. Face.. Here.. Stop looking at them.” I gestured towards my chest. I guess he just wasn’t used to seeing me dressing this.. well.. slutty.

“Yeah sorry, you look really good” He smiled awkwardly staring at me with his hazel eyes. I’ve always had a bit of a crush on Adam, he’s pretty stunning, just like his sister. His tanned skin, his massive eyes, his hair, his style. Just gorgeous. Although he would literally never go for a girl like me so I’ve sort of started to get over it. “You girls nearly ready anyway? People are starting drinking and I want a drink too so hurry up!”

“Alright, alright calm down Adam, I’m ready!” Kaley came down the stairs looking stunning as usual with a purple dress on and her long brown locks in curls. “You got house keys yeah Al?” I nodded grabbing my coat with keys and phone in and we all walked out the door towards Adam’s car where I was left to go in the back seat.

We got to Adam’s flat and it was already packed. He shared it with three other guys, Rick, Toby and the one who they’ve thrown the party for who I think is called Dan. “Come and grab a drink then girls” Adam said leading me and Kaley to the kitchen and pouring us tequila shots and handing us beers as well. We did the shots and I poured another. What the hell if I’m going to be here I might as well be drunk to make myself feel a bit more confident.

“Hey girls!” Toby came over giving us both massive hugs. He was clearly smashed already it was hilarious watching him stumble over. “Hey have you met Dan yet. He’s the fourth one who we never bloody see cause he’s too cool travelling all over the world.” I then noticed the ridiculously attractive guy stood next to Toby, who was laughing at what Toby had just said.

“Yeah I’m way too busy for you losers now” He nodded towards Toby and Rick who had joined us as well and gave us both hugs, looking just as drunk as Toby. “Hi you must be Adam’s sister and friend?” Dan smiled at me and Kaley whilst brushing his hand through his hair, obviously a thing he did for comfort. He had long black hair styled messily onto the top of his head and had the brightest blue eyes and I know it sounds cheesy but they were literally piercing. He was wearing a t-shirt with a wolf on it, black jeans and converse and had a bit of stubble on his face.

“Yeah I’m Kaley and this is Ally.” Kaley grinned at him. I could tell she found him just as attractive as I did. It was that moment that I realised I was staring at Dan. Oh my god what an idiot he probably thinks I have some sort of problem I haven’t said anything yet.

"Hey yeah, I'm Ally." Hey yeah I'm Ally. Hey fucking yeah I'm fucking Ally. Really, how simple did I sound. Kaley had just introduced me and all I could do was repeat her.

Dan chuckled to himself, playing with the bracelets on his wrist. "Hey girls, how are you both?" He looked at me with those piercing eyes. Jesus Dan and your perfect eyes why are they crushing me right now?

"Yeah, all good thank you Dan. Nice to finally meet you. My brother's been talking about his mate who he misses loads" Kaley joked, poking Adam who laughed awkwardly. She then caught my eye and gave me the look that said ‘get out of here now this ones mine.’

“Right I’m gunna get myself another drink now then, see you guys in a bit.” And with that I grabbed Adam and the guys and poured another two shots each for us, downing them quickly and grabbing another beer.

“Woaaaah look at this new found confidence, wearing a beautiful dress and downing shots! I like this Ally” Adam joked and I flashed him a cheesy smile.

“Yep! Give me a few more and you might even get me dancing!” I replied, and with that Adam poured another two tequilas for us.

And he did indeed get me dancing. That’s about all I remember from the night, downing shots and dancing with everyone. I spent quite a bit of time with Adam, flirting with him ridiculously as I saw Kaley was preoccupied trying to chat Dan up to care.


Ally looked stunning tonight. We were both so smashed and I was sure tonight was gunna be the night that I could make a move. We kept on dancing pretty closely and going back to the kitchen for more shots, which she forced upon pretty much everyone else in the room as well. She was just so much fun. I never really saw her like this much but over the past few weeks now her and Kaley were in London we’ve spent more and more time together and she’s a cool girl.

I could tell she was so drunk that she wasn’t going to remember anything that happened but I was in that sort of state too. Maybe I should just get it over with now and then if it all turns out bad I can brush it off as me being drunk?

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now