61. Talking things through

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I don’t know why I don’t just man up and ask Seth out. You would have thought he would have got the hint by now, I come in this place every bloody day. Maybe he’s not interested in dating someone with this much baggage. Don’t get me wrong, I love my daughter so much, but it is stressful raising her on my own.

I had a hectic morning this morning, with Ellie being sick in the night and therefore I couldn’t take her into nursery. I had decided to go on a walk with her today and obviously ended up in the coffee shop before I went to meet my mum. Me and Seth had been flirting outrageously for weeks, even months, and I was considering finally telling him my feelings today and asking him if he wanted to go out tonight. I could do with a glass of wine and someone to talk to after my stressful morning.

Just as I was building up the confidence to ask Seth out I turned around and saw a face that I was never expecting to see again. Dan.

I wanted to run and pretend that I had never seen him. I looked down at Ellie and then back up at Dan. Shit. I took in a deep breath and approached him, a confused look plastered on his face as he stared at Ellie. I then noticed the woman stood by his side. Ally, the one who I had met yesterday. So this was his girlfriend. I couldn’t help but feel a stab of jealousy. I felt possessive over Dan, he’s the only guy that I’ve ever loved and as cheesy as it sounds I always thought we would be together forever. I also had Ellie as a constant reminder of him, meaning that I thought about him every single day.

After an awkward conversation with Dan I was lucky that I had the excuse of meeting my mum so I managed to leave, although I agreed that it was best that we meet up again to sort out some things.

I held my head high all the way down the street but as soon as I got to my mum’s front door and saw her face I burst into tears. Without saying a word she held me close, leading me indoors and letting me talk about what I was so upset about.

“It’s Dan.” I said through sobs.

“Dan?” My mum questioned with a shocked look on her face.

“Yeah, I just saw him. He saw Ellie for the first time. He never knew about her before today.”

My mums jaw dropped. I had always told her that Dan was Ellie’s father and that he never wanted to be a part of her life. My mum never knew the whole Johnny situation, I kept it from her as I was ashamed of my behaviour. She would be distraught knowing that her daughter fucked up her relationship by cheating with someone else. My mum always loved Dan and thought he was the best thing to ever happen to me and so when I told her that he had left me when finding out I was pregnant she was shocked but immediately hated him for it. Now, over 2 years later I was finally telling her the truth. I explained to her what had happened and instead of shouting at me like I expected she wrapped me in a hug and held me as I cried. I was so glad that Ellie had fallen asleep and wasn’t awake to witness me being such an emotional wreck.

I looked down at my sleeping daughter. I wasn't sure if Dan was going to ask for a paternity test to confirm that Ellie was his daughter, but just by looking at her the truth was obvious. She had thick black hair that sat messily on her head, huge blue eyes and the cheekiest smile I had seen. Her personality was Dan all over as well. Without ever even meeting the man she acted in the same way as him. In no way did she look or act like Johnny and I knew deep down who her father was.

I scrolled through my phone and wrote out a text to Dan. I had fucked up in the past but the least I could do was turn this around and allow my daughter to have a relationship with her father. They both deserved that.


I sat staring nervously at my phone. I had written out a text to Louise but I just couldn’t bring myself to press send, instead my finger just hovered above the button.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now