52. A long night

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The talk of the past four days had been Dan and his mental state. Honestly, none of us knew how he was going to cope with going on tour again. He had just had a month off to sort out his head and I prayed to God that was enough. I had a slightly awkward conversation with Ally the other day; she obviously doesn’t know the full impact that pressure has on Dan.

He had been ridiculously drunk for the past few nights and tonight there was no difference. If anything, he was even more drunk than he had been at the previous gigs. It was as expected that he would have a drink, we all do when we’re on tour, and we all knew that was how Dan coped sometimes.

We were just over half way through the gig. It wasn’t exactly the smoothest gig we had ever done. Dan had messed up the words a few times and had completely missed the whole chorus of ‘Weight of Living,’ instead he was just laughing. His voice was off and he messed up the chords on the keyboard too. Luckily, the crowd seemed to be enjoying it, I just knew our manager wasn’t going to be happy that we had put on such a crappy show.

‘Flaws’ started and as usual Dan started putting on his hoody, ready to go into the crowd. After the first chorus I could no longer hear Dan singing. Another fuck up, what the hell is wrong with him today? He’s sung these words so many times you would have thought he would never be able to forget them, heck he wrote them!

Kyle stopped playing too, what was going on? I peered over my drum kit to see two security guards holding Dan up, carrying him above the crowd back towards the stage. It was then that I noticed he was unconscious. They passed him over to another two security guards, who were standing our side of the barrier, who then took him straight off stage.

Me, Will and Kyle looked at each other nervously. We had all stopped playing by this point and were gawping over to the side of stage where Dan had just been taken. What do we do? We needed Dan, we couldn’t exactly carry on without him. Luckily Kyle spoke up to the crowd. “Looks like we had a problem with the sound, be back in a bit!” He shouted into the mic and then ran off, me and Will close behind.

“A problem with the sound?!” I questioned Kyle.

“I panicked! You two didn’t speak up! Where has he been taken?” Kyle frantically paced up and down. No one was around. No one was there to tell us what to do. Do we go on stage again? We decided to find Dan instead.

We hurried through the corridor back into the room that we had been in before. Dan was lying on the sofa, surrounded by worried people, being fanned down and still passed out. This had happened once before, it had been a long time ago but I knew the cause of this fainting was the same as the last one.

“Has anyone called an ambulance yet?” I began to get my phone out of my pocket. No one said anything so I assumed I should. He needed his stomach pumped as soon as possible, he was clearly on a lot of drugs.


The room was filled with tension as we waited for the ambulance to arrive. Me, Kyle and Woody had been told to go back on stage and finish off the set with Ralph seeing as we only had two songs left but we just couldn’t. Kyle was crying in shock. He was shaking, not taking his eyes off of Dan’s lifeless body. None of us could function properly.

“I’ll go make an excuse.” I left the room, Woody following me. “You stay in there.” I turned round at him.

“No, we’ll do this together.” He gave me an encouraging nudge as we walked back on stage, causing the crowd to start screaming.

“I’m afraid we’ve got a problem! You might have noticed Dan not feeling his best, turns out the heat in this room hasn’t exactly made him feel well.” That was all they needed to know. “I’m so sorry for cutting it short, but thank you so much for coming out. We’ve been Bastille.” I tried to make it sound positive and that everything was alright, even though we knew it wasn’t. Me and Woody waved to the crowd and then ran back to the backstage room.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon