24. Together

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So I just told Adam about me and Dan. He seemed kind of alright about it actually, which made me feel a bit better about the situation. I grabbed my tea and went back to Dan’s room to find him sitting in his bed, watching The Jeremy Kyle Show.

He looked up as I came in and had a questioning look upon his face, as if to say ‘did it go well or not?’ I smiled and nodded and put my tea down, joining him in the bed. He held me close and kissed me again. “I guess it was alright?”

I looked up, nodding. “Yeah it could have been worse. I told him about us seeing each other and that I wasn’t comfortable seeing you both at the same time so made a choice when I realised I didn’t have feelings for him… In way nicer words than that though!”

“So you’re only seeing me…. And I’m only seeing you….”

“What are you heading towards Smith?”

“I don’t want to be all high school or anything but does this mean we’re together?”

I blushed, looking down but I couldn’t hide the massive grin from my face. “Yeah, I guess it does.” He held my face and kissed me again.

“I know this is fast but I’m happy. And I don’t care if you think I’m a soppy git, before you say it.”

“I’m happy too.” I said, kissing him back. “I really am!”


Ally had come round last night in absolute bits, telling me that she had been forced to tell Kaley about us. I was weirdly happy, it meant that we could finally be honest and move on in our relationship.

I didn’t want to tell her, but I had just bumped into Kaley and really weirdly she asked me to go out for drinks. I obviously declined, I wasn’t going to get this thing even more complicated by leading her on too.

Ally fell asleep on my lap and I decided it would be best to sleep separately tonight, seeing as we were yet to tell Adam that we had been seeing each other. So I picked her up and carried her to my room. I lay her on my bed and then watched her for a minute or two. Was this creepy? I don’t know or care really.

I kissed her gently on the forehead and walked back towards the living room, grabbing a blanket to keep me warm.

I had a quick conversation with Adam when he came in but I couldn’t bear talking to him for long, knowing I was getting deeper in the lies.

Ally came in early in the morning too, and we spoke for a while but I really needed a few more hours sleep. As soon as she left I drifted back into a peaceful sleep.

Just before 11 I woke up and went into my room to see if Ally was up yet. She was laying down on her phone and looked up when I came in, putting her phone down and sitting up slightly. I lay down on my front on the bed and placed my head in her lap and she began playing with my hair, like I had been doing to her the previous night.

“I’m glad you’re up now.” I mumbled to her.

“Hmmmm?” She sort of asked.

“Means you can go make me a cup of tea now!” I laughed and started tickling her a bit, pushing her out of the bed jokily. She sat on the floor with a confused look on her face.

“Really, you push me on the floor and expect me to make you tea! She got up and playfully pushed me back and I nearly fell out of the bed and she started laughing, walking out of the room.

Within a few minutes she came back with an actual cup of tea. Jesus Christ that actually worked! But she had a panicked look on her face. “I’ll be back in a minute, Adam’s in the kitchen! Now or never I guess!” She nervously laughed and leant down to kiss me.

I sat up with my tea and turned the tv on, watching Jeremy Kyle.  This programme was so bad it’s painful, yet so entertaining.

When she came back I asked her how it went. Thankfully it went okay with him I think but I would have to speak with him later. And then I became a 16 year old again, getting nervous and asking a beautiful girl out.

So that was it. We were ‘official’ as kids called it. I couldn’t even hide my happiness and I didn’t care if she thought I was some sort of wet blanket, I was happy and pretty over the moon when she leant over and kissed me again.

I pulled away from her kiss. “I hate to move away from this but I think me and the guys are going out for lunch today, I promised I would spend some more time with them whilst I’m back.”

“That’s cool, I need to go back to the flat anyway and check that Kaley hasn’t actually changed the locks yet!” She joked, but I knew she was hurt from it.

I got up and walked into Toby’s room. “Still doing lunch today?” I asked him.

“Yeah of couuurse. Unless you’re too busy singing or something?!”

“Hardy ha, very funny. Na shall we go at like 12?” That gave me half an hour to get ready and do my hair. Hey, it takes quite a while to make it look this good. Everyone always asked me what products I used on my hair and I found it hilarious.

I went into Rick’s room, telling him to be ready for 12 too and then it came to Adam’s room, which I stood outside nervously for a second before knocking on the door.

I entered and he was sat on the bed, playing with his phone. He looked up at me as I came in and shut the door behind me. “You alright mate?” He started.

“Yeah, just checking lunch is still on? 12 okay?”

“Yeah perfect.” This was so awkward he obviously wanted to hit me.

“Look I’m sorry about Ally, I just ended up liking her a lot more than I should have done. It wasn’t my intention to lie to you at all or keep anything from you.”

“Na, it’s cool.. Look, she’s a stunning girl and this sort of thing was bound to happen between us sooner or later. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened more than once after all this time! Go for it with her, seriously.”

I was in shock. He was being so awesome about this, I don’t know how he was so cool but friends with me, I'm such a loser. I went over to him and gave him a little man hug. “Thanks, dude. See you in 30.” I turned around and left the room, going back to my own.

Ally was at the mirror, plaiting her hair and I walked up to her, planting a kiss on her cheek. I saw she turned bright red straight away and it made me laugh. “Just going in the shower, all right?” I said and made my way down the hall to the bathroom.

I came back into my room after my shower, with my clothes in hand and towel wrapped around my waist. Ally gave me a cheeky grin as I shut the door. “Are you trying to tempt me Smith?”

“Is it working Al?”

“Yes. Yes it is. But I won’t be tempted.. You have a lunch to go to remember?” She stood up and held her hands around me and I clutched onto her waist. “Later?” She let go, patting my chest and headed towards the door.

“Oooo you tease!” I joked, watching her blow a kiss and leave the room. She’s amazing.

Woaaaaah so I've hit 1,000 reads in less than 2 weeks! That's wicked, thank you to everyone who has read/voted/commented, you're all awesome. I'm loving writing this (you can probably tell by the frequent updates haha) so hope you're enjoying it too x

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