35. Infatuated

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I heard Ally come back home and she came straight in my room, jumping on the bed. I could tell she wanted proper details about me and Kyle.

“So, you and Kyle are just friends then?” Woah, there it was. No hello, how’re you doing?!

“Yeah, I don’t see the problem in it. Neither of us wants a relationship or exclusivity. I mean, he’s just come out of a relationship less than a week ago! We’ve had fun a few times and agreed to keep it really casual.”

“Kay, we’ve watched the films.. We know it never works like that. Someone always develops feelings and gets hurt. I just don’t want that someone to be you!”

“It won’t be, Al. I’m not going to let myself get into it that much. If I do, I’ll stop.” I was sure it would be fine, me and Kyle had a bit of fun and that was it!

I was so drunk last night though, and got my phone out to text Ally, but then realised she was probably with Dan. I felt jealous of what the two of them had with each other, if I’m honest. Firstly, jealous that they had each other, and secondly, jealous that he didn’t choose me.

So I texted the person who gave me a bit of attention and made me feel special recently, and that person was Kyle. Turned out he was drunk and wanted some attention too and so we decided to meet up.

“Okaaay, if you’re sure.” Ally finally said. “You hungry?” I was so glad she was dropping the topic, I didn’t really want to talk to her about relationships seeing as she was so loved up with Dan at the moment. “What do you fancy?” She called as she left the room.

I went to stand up, grabbing my phone and seeing that Kyle had texted me.

-“Fun night last night :) sorry I ran when Dan and Ally came in, I panicked! We’re cool, yeah? Xxxx”-

-“Yeah thanks for leaving me to explain that one haha! But yeah, course we’re cool, was a good ending to the night ;) although Ally wasn’t exactly happy I don’t think! X”-

-“Oh really, why? Xxxx”-

-“Just with our situation. But I’m good with it though and so are you, so that’s all that matters x”-

-“Good, that is all that matters. When are you next out? Xxxx”-

-“Saturday night for mine and Ally’s birthday? See you there x”-

-“Well, I will take that as an invite! See you then xxxx”-

I smiled, putting my phone in my pocket. I hoped Kyle knew this purely was just a physical thing. I didn’t want him getting any ideas. I couldn’t even think about liking him when I was so infatuated by Dan. But that was Ally’s boyfriend and I needed someone to take my mind off him.


We had more recording to do today, we were trying to get as much done as possible whilst we were here and then hopefully have most of the album done. I got to the studio and saw Jen was there too, so greeted her with a big hug. We talked for a bit, mainly trying to work out what the hell had happened the other night. The other guys got there soon after and we started recording.

I got out at about 6 and called Ally on my walk home. We agreed to meet at the cinema for a film at 7. I went back home and grabbed something to eat quickly and changed into a fresh t-shirt, putting my denim jacket over the top and then headed towards the cinema.

I walked up to the cinema and saw Ally sat on a bench outside waiting. I stood and watched her for a second. She was sat with her knees up, playing with her shoe laces with one hand and scrolling through her phone with the other. I smiled, she’s so beautiful. I’m a lucky guy.

 I walked closer and she hadn’t noticed me so I crept up next to her and shouted in her ear. She immediately jumped up, screaming loudly, putting me into a fit of laughter. “JESUS DAN, ARE YOU TRYING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK!” She shouted at me, playfully hitting my arm.

“No, but you have to admit that was funny.” I said, grabbing her into a hug and placing a soft kiss on her lips as she was frowning up at me. “You’re so cute when you’re frowning.” I teased her, earning myself another punch on the arm.

“Shut up, you dick.” She said, laughing slightly and wrapping her arms around me, burying her head into my chest.

“Oh charming!” I said, pushing her away jokily as she grabbed hold of my hand and we started walking into the cinema. We bought our tickets and went and bought some popcorn and drinks.

“Busy day today then?” She asked as we were lining up to pay.

“Yeah, just recorded some new material.”

“Ah, I bet it sounds awesome.” She beamed up at me. “How were the boys?”

“Yeah they’re good, Kyle didn’t really say anything about Kaley if you’re trying to get gossip!” I paused for a second. I don’t know why but I decided to not tell her that Jen was with us today, I didn’t want Ally to get angry at all, even though there was nothing to be angry about, I just know how girls get. “What did you get up to today?” I asked, getting off the topic.

“Nothing much, I started looking at jobs online but there’s literally nothing going at the moment. I never thought it would be this hard to get a job.”

“Don’t worry, you’ll find something soon.” I replied as I paid and we made our way to the screen and sat down to watch the film.

As the film ended, we stood up and made our way out of the cinema, when I heard a group of people calling my name. ‘Dan’s a common name, I’m sure it’s not me’ I thought, as I held Ally closer and carried on walking.

Then one girl ran up and stopped just in front of me. “Excuse me, I’m really sorry but are you Dan Smith?” She said.

I gave a week smile and sighed. “Yeah, you got me.”

“Oh my god, I can’t believe it’s you! I have tickets to see you in a few weeks and I’m so excited, I’m such a big fan. We all are.” She gushed, pointing towards the group of girls stood nearby, who then came to join us. “I hate to be annoying but could we possibly get a photo?” She asked.

“Yeah, of course.” I said, as the girl got her phone and asked Ally to take the picture.

“Thank you so much!” She said, as she gave me another hug and went to walk off. “You two make a really cute couple by the way.” She smiled and the group of girls walked off.

“That was so cute Smith! Look at all the teenagers swooning over Dan Smith!”

“Oh shut up, it’s not like that!”

“Yeah it is, they all love you! Not that I blame them, you aint bad looking I guess.” She smirked.

“Er, cringe. No, they just like the band.”

“And your faaaaace.” She teased, cackling.

“Shut up Al.” I wrapped my arm around her shoulder again and poked her slightly as she let out a yelp, making us both laugh. “So, Al, it’s your birthday in two days!”

“I know, 25, craaazy.”

“What’s your plans for Saturday then?”

“Well, Kaley’s got some big surprise for the day and then is planning a dinner I think. And a party round ours and then we might end up in town, if that sounds good? I think she’s spoken to Adam and that but invite Kyle, Will and Woody too?”

“That sounds good, I will let them know. I’ll be seeing them tomorrow at the studio anyway.”

“Ergh you have more recording, I was gunna see if you wanted to stay.” She sighed. I didn’t want Ally to be angry at me having to spend time in the studio, this was me having time off. In a weeks’ time we will be starting the tour and then I’m going to be even more busy. I know she’s coming with us, but we won’t be able to see that much of each other. And then after that we will be going around Europe and America.

I wanted to spend as much time as possible with Ally before then. I leant down and placed a kiss on her lips. “Not until 2 though.” I smirked, making her giggle.

“Well, what are we waiting for then?!” She held me closer and we carried on walking back to hers.

What would you do? (A Bastille/ Dan Smith fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now